
The nimble-minded Roncodo ascending to the throne and dying in the Yongzheng Dynasty fully illustrates the great victory and virtue

Introduction: Since the subject has added restrictions, let's take the "Yongzheng Dynasty" as the basis for the elaboration to see the rise and fall of Longkodo. You don't want the arguments and history books in this article to be paraphrased, haha. In fact, Longkeduo had a lot of preparations before he ascended to the throne, such as following Kangxi and the thirteenth brother in the northwest battlefield to receive meritorious service and the sword, etc. Are all hints at Longkeduo's resume. The real Ascension of Longkeduo was still Kangxi's recommendation of the crown prince candidate Kangxi took out the Nine Gates of Viceroy and Tong Guowei exchange, which had the basis for Xiaoduozi to ascend to the throne. It was also this time that longkodo passed on the throne like Zhang Tingyu after being beaten. As for Ronkodo's death, it was also because of his desire for profit, and he actually joined forces with Hongshi and the Eight Ye Party in a vain attempt to use the opportunity of the Eight Kings to discuss the government against Yongzheng. Unfortunately, due to Hirohito's revelation and the vigilance of the Thirteenth Master, the coup was once again smashed into the dust of Roncodo.

The nimble-minded Roncodo ascending to the throne and dying in the Yongzheng Dynasty fully illustrates the great victory and virtue

Long Keduo was only a small role in the first half of the Yongzheng Dynasty when he was not deposed, and only appeared a few times when he went to the home of the sixth uncle Tong Guowei to seek official duties, and then the plot of Long Keduo, who was the head of the Li Clan Yuan, when the thirteenth master Yin Xiang was temporarily imprisoned, took care of him. Then, after the crown prince was deposed, he soared into the sky and ascended to the high position of the Nine Gate Admiral (the commander of the infantry army Yamen Dutong). He became the leader of Tong Jia's next provocation after Tong Guowei's downfall, until he participated in the Eight Kings Forced Palace Case and was imprisoned.

The nimble-minded Roncodo ascending to the throne and dying in the Yongzheng Dynasty fully illustrates the great victory and virtue

Judging from the performance of the whole drama Roncodo, the foundation is unstable and the element of speculation is obvious. Without the sixth uncle Tong Guowei's steady and steady fighting, step by step, it seems impetuous. Whether it was Yongzheng's hasty recommendation of Nuomin as the governor of Shanxi after he ascended to the throne, or the discussion in the upper study when Nian Qianyao was pacifying the northwest, Long Keduo did not behave like a well-versed minister of the upper study. The repeated hints to Tu Lichen, the head of the guards, when Tu Lichen went to Shanxi as a Chincha to withdraw the Nomin case, as the minister of the interior of the guards, have clearly demonstrated his shallowness and ignorance. And when Nian Tangyao returned to Beijing to see him in the northwest of the great victory, a sentence of "something" was easily spoken from Roncodo's mouth, and there was really no city government at all. Therefore, in the end, he was involved in the forced palace case and was imprisoned, and Roncodo was not wronged at all.

Roncodo's miserable life before his death

According to the plot, we know that Long Keduo is the son of Tong Guogang, the eldest brother of Tong Guowei, so Long Keduo calls Tong Guowei Uncle Six. After Tong Guogang died with Kangxi in the battle against Geldan in Ulanbutong, Long keduo, who had no patronage from his father, had to accompany Kangxi and the thirteen brothers to fight. Fortunately, Long Keduo also fought for anger, and after capturing the flag, he was rewarded with a sword by Kangxi.

However, the Tong Jia clan is also a large family, so the resources are limited and cannot be taken care of by everyone. Therefore, even if the royal family took care of Tong Jiashi, it would be impossible to tilt more resources to Long Keduo. Therefore, Roncodo inevitably fell ill with the vices of the stupid children and fled back from the Guanwai military camp. After returning, he hoped that Uncle Six would give him a good errand, but he was repeatedly refused. The family's expenses are not low, longkeduo can only go to the household department to borrow money, but with the fourth prince Yin Chan chasing the arrears and falling into trouble. Again, he went to the sixth uncle Tong Guowei's mansion to ask for help, and the sixth uncle only gave five hundred taels of silver, and the deficit of more than two thousand taels of silver, Long Keduo, had to pawn the sword given by Kangxi.

The nimble-minded Roncodo ascending to the throne and dying in the Yongzheng Dynasty fully illustrates the great victory and virtue

At this time, Roncodo had a grudge against Uncle Six, but there was no way to count on Uncle Six to carry him. When the crown prince was deposed, Roncodo finally got the messenger of the head of the cell of the Li Clan from the sixth uncle, and from then on became the head of the cell who beat the cannabis general all day. However, Roncodo soon had the opportunity to have a relationship with the thirteenth master, and when the thirteenth master was temporarily imprisoned, he not only took the opportunity to pull the relationship but also brought Alain in. This is all the performance of Roncodo as a slippery society, laying the foundation for his future promotion to the minister of the study.

The nimble-minded Roncodo ascending to the throne and dying in the Yongzheng Dynasty fully illustrates the great victory and virtue

Long Keduo came to run the Nine Gate Admirals from Kangxi and Tong Guowei to exchange interests

Tong Guowei, the patriarch of the Tong Jia clan, would not take the initiative to hand over power, but the Kangxi Emperor's holy will to elect the crown prince gave Long Keduo the opportunity to be promoted. After Kangxi issued an edict that both the Jingsipin and the Erpin of other provinces could recommend candidates for the crown prince, countless people recommended the Eight Brothers yinyu as the candidates for the new crown prince. Kangxi was not satisfied with this phenomenon long ago in the process of mapping out, so he took the initiative to invite Tong Guowei, the opinion leader, to dinner, and planned to use the exchange of interests in exchange for Tong Guowei's support for Lao Ba yinyu. The condition was that Xiao Duozi served as the governor of the Nine Doors, which was a high-ranking official with high authority.

The nimble-minded Roncodo ascending to the throne and dying in the Yongzheng Dynasty fully illustrates the great victory and virtue

"Since longxingguan, you tong clan have been married and related to the I love the Xinjue Luo family. It's not easy, you say, who among your descendants can be of great use? "Roncodo, Roncodo is tough and sensitive, and he can be of great use." "Yes, after so many years of experience, let him come out on an errand." How about making him the commander of the infantry? ”

It is said that Kangxi is very sincere, but Tong Guowei is always treacherous and plans to steal chickens. Not only did he intend to continue to support The Eight Brothers, but he also wanted to eat the candy of the Nine Gate Admirals. Therefore, he contacted Roncodo overnight to explain the situation, and on the premise that he won the position of the Admiral of the Nine Doors for him, he asked Roncodo to go to the Four Brothers to burn the cold stove. In this way, Tong Jia's bets at both ends can always catch a piece (Tong Guowei himself is still burning the hot stove of the Eight Brothers). Long Keduo was also reluctant to go to Kangxi to file a complaint, which made Kangxi angry before he dismissed Tong Guowei from all his posts and went home to retire. As for the whistleblower Longkodo, Kangxi did not pursue him and let him inherit the position of Viceroy of the Nine Doors.

The nimble-minded Roncodo ascending to the throne and dying in the Yongzheng Dynasty fully illustrates the great victory and virtue

Under the pretext of rectifying the flag affairs, he participated in the Eight Masters' forced palace case, and the matter was over

Before his death, Kangxi once again summoned the Nine Gates Viceroy Long Keduo in order to ensure the smooth succession of the throne. This time, Kangxi Enwei combined: it was shown to be a killing stick, and two different sacred contents made Long Keduo sweaty with two different holy wills; and the saint who acted as a heavenly ruler was in Zhang Tingyu's hands, forcing Long Keduo to do as Kangxi commanded. In addition, Kangxi also used Longkeduo's sword to refer to people, and the touched Longkeduo was indispensable. With this set of enwei and shih- and Roncodo became a loyal Kangxi chancellor who stood side by side with Zhang Tingyu.

The nimble-minded Roncodo ascending to the throne and dying in the Yongzheng Dynasty fully illustrates the great victory and virtue

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, Long keduo naturally became a great hero and became one of the four ministers of the upper study. However, he lost points in Yongzheng in hastily recommending Nuomin to be the governor of Shanxi, so he had the idea of self-preservation while worrying about losing trust. When the Eight Masters wanted to join forces with Ronkodo to force the palace under the banner of supporting crown prince Hongshi, Ronkodo forgot that his hard-won position was unhelpfully involved. However, this time Longkeduo was destroyed by his old boss, The Thirteenth Brother Yinxiang: Yinxiang learned from Hongzhi that the Guanwai Banner Lord Wang Ye had assisted in the Fengtai camp and the Xishan Ruijian camp and felt the seriousness of the matter, so he immediately went to the Fengtai camp to seize the military power by virtue of his prestige in the army. Then the old thirteen soldiers successfully overthrew the coup d'état in the main hall, and Roncodo became a prisoner like the eight brothers.

brief summary:

In the play, Long Keduo's ascension to the throne has a certain degree of serendipity, in addition to his own family lineage, it is the exchange of positions between Kangxi and the sixth uncle Tong Guowei. In the process of changing dynasties, Long Keduo became one of the concubines who supported Yongzheng, but because he could not see the situation, he easily participated in the persecution of Yongzheng and lost the positions of the Nine Gate Admiral, the Minister of the Interior of the Guard, and the Minister of the Upper Study, and even worried about his life. On the whole, Roncodo's official emotional intelligence is insufficient, and it is certain that there are hard injuries but flaws.

I am the emperor of history, welcome your attention; if there is a flaw, the axe is right.

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