
20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

Each age group has a corresponding pace of life, love, school, work, dating, we are all walking on the road of growth step by step. At different stages, we may have different goals, but one of our pursuits is very consistent, that is, to have a good skin. However, at this stage, do you really know how to maintain your skin?

How many people have also been powdered by Zhao Jin's wheat circle in the past few days? Under the light makeup, it seems that the big eyes of Sister Jinmai are particularly moving.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

The delicate and smooth skin texture has been captured by the high-definition camera.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

The TV series "Beginning", starring Zhao Jinmai and Bai Jingting, has only been broadcast for a few days since its premiere, and it has received a good reputation of 8.2 points on Douban. In the play, Li Shiqing, a college student played by Zhao Jinmai, and Xiao Heyun, a game architect played by Bai Jingting, "came back from the dead" after a bus explosion, and the excitement was full from the beginning of the series.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

After that, they continue to experience the time loop during the time period of the bus accident, from getting off the bus to self-help to breaking the barrier and fighting side by side, working together to prevent the explosion and find the truth behind it, the overall rhythm is like watching them play a game, you must go to see!

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

In the absence of a filter, Zhao Jinmai not only uses acting skills to circle fans, but also stands up to pickiness in appearance. The big oil and acne comedone in adolescence do not seem to intersect much with her, you can say that it is her natural skin base, but she must have made an effort, after all, in the most unstable period of hormone levels, she can still have such a stable skin condition.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

For example, a light base makeup, the right concept of skin care, and a healthy and reasonable diet are all indispensable. The way of skin care is not "more" but "right", so young Zhao Jinmai is using strength to lay the foundation, the future can be expected.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?
20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

Also known from a young age is Gisele Bündchen, who welcomed her sister to the 40 Club last month, when she could see that the years had indeed left their marks on their faces, but in terms of the smoothness and fullness of the skin, it was definitely well maintained.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

The archaeological Gisele's early Vogue cover, nearly 20 years of time can work so slowly on her, thanks to her having a correct "skin care time view".

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?
20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

Life and skin care are actually very similar, the relationship between ten years and ten years is to inherit the past and the future, the correct view of skin care is to lay the basic plate for good skin quality in the future, and take skin care as a kind of "savings insurance". Have you received and applied the right skincare knowledge in your past and current age groups? After reading this skin care "five-year college entrance examination three-year simulation", the stage acceptance can be passed steadily.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

Maintenance keywords:

Simplify, anti-inflammatory, strengthen barriers

20 years old is an age of unworldly, energetic, trying to explore, seeking experience, in this "find yourself" period, older children often feel confused about the skin condition. Although there are many voices telling you that it doesn't matter if you are young and go the wrong way, when it comes to skin care, we still recommend that you take the right path early to reduce the burden on the future.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

The pimples have just been repulsed, and adult pox has followed. In the age when the sebaceous glands are active, it also coincides with our sprint moment, coupled with many activities and gatherings, when stress, diet, and makeup habits are affecting the skin condition. In the case of stress that needs to be relieved by diet, please do the three principles of reducing oil, reducing sugar and reducing the amount of sugar, which will change hormone levels, resulting in secretion of sebaceous glands and catalyzing the growth of acne pimples.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

When it comes to skin care and makeup, young skin with stronger sebaceous glands knows how to subtract. You know, it is not that you can exchange all the effects you want on your face in exchange for good skin, not to mention that there will be a fight between ingredients, and excessive stacking of different textures may cause poor metabolism, in exchange for bad face results.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?
20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

Excessive use of base makeup products and cumbersome procedures not only have a certain risk of acne, but also may go to two extremes. Unclean removal can lead to residue and aggravate skin problems; in order to pursue "clean", the use of a variety of, multiple, overtime methods to remove makeup will often break the skin barrier, making the skin become fragile and sensitive, inflamed and red.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

For young skin at the age of 20, it is necessary to guard the health of the skin in order to lay a solid foundation for the next beauty, and checking for leaks and filling in the gaps is the first step. When the repair power is full, it is recommended that you suppress the skin inflammation, do not keep the skin in a state of repeated injuries, so that the stratum corneum becomes thinner and thinner, and overdraft the future "skin deposit".

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

Justin Bieber, 28, used to be full of acne problem skin, and with the help of the right skin care concept, he used youthful repair power to restore delicate and good skin texture.

After the basic moisturizing is done, only 1 kind of essence with anti-inflammatory and accelerated metabolic effect can be added to the skin care program, salicylic acid, niacinamide, zinc, etc. are all good choices. Daily also need to do a good job of sun protection, the texture of the product is also as light as possible as a priority.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

If it is a young skin that is dry to the point of peeling and fine lines, it is recommended to add ceramides, squalane, hyaluronic acid, glycerin and other ingredients to the moisturizing work to help increase the moisture content of the interstitial cells and prevent the loss of water on the skin. This is also to strengthen the barrier, when aging comes, the skin also has a certain good foundation.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

Loss of grain, structure, collagen

At the beginning of entering 3, many people have turned on anxiety mode from work life to skin state, but anxiety will not make efficiency progress, calm down the mentality, find the crux of the problem, such as facing the enemy can also pass the level. From the age of 30, it seems that "anti-aging" has become a maintenance mantra, and as we age, aging is bound to come, and how to deal with it must start from the core.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

If you are 20 years old enough to be targeted and self-disciplined, you don't have to worry too much about aging at the beginning of 30 years old, because most of the damage to the skin at this time is caused by external factors, so the foundation is solid enough in the early stage, the prevention work is in place, you only need to continue to consolidate the 20-year-old, and then add new anti-aging work to fight.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

At this stage, sunscreen regardless of season is no longer just for skin color, but also for anti-aging. In addition to the use of sunscreen and sunscreen, if you need to be exposed to the outdoor sun for a long time, wear a sunhat or an umbrella, you can start from the scalp to prevent the invasion of external aging, reduce fine lines, pigmentation, or structural aging caused by facial relaxation.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

From the age of 35, free radicals began to play a role, the quality of the skin's connective tissue plummeted, resulting in deeper lines and sagging of the skin began to occur, various structural patterns gradually revealed, eye bags, nasolabial lines are the most intuitive aging disaster areas for people over 35 years old. Therefore, you can gradually add ascorbic acid, vitamin C and other ingredients from the beginning of 30 years old to help the skin brighten and firm, and will also strengthen protection and resist free radicals.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

The skin around the eyes is also the most obvious area of aging in this age group, and the secrets of age will be revealed here. Due to the less developed sebaceous glands in the skin around the eyes, coupled with photodamage, free radicals and collagen loss, the skin around the eyes will lose its elasticity, gradually thin and sag, and may become a structural eye bag over time.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

Therefore, in addition to paying attention to fine lines, the skin barrier around the eyes should also be built from the beginning of 30 years old, you can try to gradually advance from the oily eye cream with good moisturizing effect to vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, peptides, vitamin A alcohol and other ingredients with anti-aging effect.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

Dry, healthy, bone management

If the first 40 years have been "consumed", then from now on we will have to step on the emergency brakes. From the age of 40, the functions of the body will gradually decline in a very emotional way, both externally and internally, and from now on, health problems are your top priority.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?
20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

External maintenance also requires internal cultivation, the previous eating habits at this stage believe that the results have been reflected, a balanced diet is not only to maintain life and health, the performance on the skin may be moisture content, barrier condition and even radiance.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

In the aging performance, "support" is also a big key that is easy to ignore. We all know that bone density will decrease after aging, and height will have a certain "water lock", especially in women after childbirth, calcium loss is particularly common.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

In addition to daily calcium supplementation, muscle training also has a positive impact on health and appearance, good muscle quality can protect bones and reduce the risk of injury, while exercise will also allow people to secrete a variety of beneficial hormones to fill the skin.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

In addition, some studies have pointed out that facial aging is related to the loss of facial bones and loss of support. Therefore, on the basis of daily calcium supplementation, we can also expose the skin to the sun at the right time and synthesize vitamin D by ourselves, so as to strengthen the bones.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

In the later stages of 40 years, women will also usher in a particularly huge hormonal transition, and lipids such as free fatty acids, cholesterol and ceramides, which are very precious to the skin, will begin to reduce their synthesis. In addition to the care of the facial skin, the lips and eye area are also areas that need to be strengthened and moisturized. Daily supplementation with estrogen-rich meals is also a big trick for maintaining the body + skin.

20+, 30+, 40+, what is the difference between skincare regimens at different ages?

At every age, we just need to follow the science, establish the right concept of skin care, no matter which step we take, we can calmly cope with it, from small beauty to old age.

Edit: Verance

Fine Arts: Roland

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