
"Apple Kiss" detonated the hot search! Zhao Jinmai Zhang Linghe, I locked this CP

author:Xiaoxin said entertainment


Apple Love: The wonderful encounter between Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe

In an ordinary crew day, a red apple became the link between the two leading actors, Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe. Originally, it was just a shooting prop, but I never thought that it would become the beginning of a beautiful relationship. The apple seemed to have magical powers, and the two were closely linked.

"Apple Kiss" detonated the hot search! Zhao Jinmai Zhang Linghe, I locked this CP

According to the crew, a romantic scene was being filmed at the time, and apples were needed as props. Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe showed excellent acting skills in front of the camera, conveying the emotions between the characters to the fullest. However, in between shoots, the two unexpectedly discovered that the apple seemed to have unusual magical powers. Whenever they picked up the apple, their eyes would involuntarily meet, as if there was an indescribable tacit understanding flowing between the two.

"Apple Kiss" detonated the hot search! Zhao Jinmai Zhang Linghe, I locked this CP

The buzz about the poor body size: the wonderful combination of the Adam's apple and shoulder

With the broadcast of the episode "Du Hua Nian", the difference in size between Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe has become the focus of heated discussions among netizens. In the two-person blockbuster, the height difference between the two is obvious, but it is this gap that adds a bit of fun to their interaction. Some netizens ridiculed: "This body difference is simply the realistic version of the 'cutest height difference'!" Some netizens said: "The picture of the Adam's apple against the shoulder is simply unstoppable, please cooperate with another puppet!" ”

"Apple Kiss" detonated the hot search! Zhao Jinmai Zhang Linghe, I locked this CP

In the heated discussion among netizens, the CP sense of the two gradually heated up. Many fans have expressed their hope that they can work together again to bring more wonderful film and television works to everyone. However, some netizens think that the two are just good friends, and the difference in size is just a coincidence. This controversial view has also sparked more attention and discussion.

"Apple Kiss" detonated the hot search! Zhao Jinmai Zhang Linghe, I locked this CP

Funny comments from netizens: The story behind the apple kiss

In the heated discussion among netizens, a funny comment about "Apple Kiss" attracted widespread attention. Some netizens joked: "That apple must have been enchanted!" Otherwise, how could it be possible for the two leading actors to kiss so tacitly in front of the camera? Some netizens said: "If I were that apple, I would definitely cherish this rare opportunity!" ”

"Apple Kiss" detonated the hot search! Zhao Jinmai Zhang Linghe, I locked this CP

This funny comment quickly sparked heated discussions and follow-up among netizens. Some people said, "If I were that apple, I would have been too shy to hide in the corner!" Someone else said, "This apple kiss is so sweet!" It just makes me have new expectations for love! This kind of relaxed and humorous discussion atmosphere has made more people willing to participate in the topic.

"Apple Kiss" detonated the hot search! Zhao Jinmai Zhang Linghe, I locked this CP

Controversial Summary: Is it CP or Good Friend?

With the broadcast of the episode "Du Hua Nian" and the heated discussion among netizens, the relationship between Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe has become more and more confusing.

"Apple Kiss" detonated the hot search! Zhao Jinmai Zhang Linghe, I locked this CP

Their poor size and tacit interaction with each other have led many to think that they are a perfect CP pair. However, some netizens think that the two are just good friends, and this difference in size is just a coincidence.

"Apple Kiss" detonated the hot search! Zhao Jinmai Zhang Linghe, I locked this CP

This controversial view has also sparked more attention and discussion. Some people think that they should seize this opportunity to continue to collaborate and bring more wonderful works to the audience; There are also people who believe that they should maintain a good relationship and not let outside speculation affect each other's feelings. Regardless of the outcome, this love affair sparked by an apple will become an unforgettable experience in the acting careers of the two. And we look forward to more wonderful works and characters that they can bring to us.

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