
Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

author:Sohu Entertainment

Sohu Entertainment Special Article (Lin Zhenxin/Text) Another batch of post-00s flowers are on the table.

Recently, Amy, who was born in 2008, Zhao Qing, who was born in 2000, Hu Lianxin, who was born in 2000, and Bao Shangen, who was born in 2002, in "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World", have all received varying degrees of attention.

Before that, Zhang Zifeng, Wen Qi, Zhao Jinmai, Liu Haocun, etc. have all made their mark on the big screen. At the same time, they have not given up on the small screen. Zhao Jinmai's ancient puppet "Spending the Year of China" has been broadcast, and Liu Haocun's "Falling in Our Love" is being filmed.

The market needs the back waves, the platform is bound to the new generation, and domestic entertainment is always "betting" on the next outlet. As more and more fresh faces break into the public eye, the "catfish effect" of the new generation also comes into play.

New faces

Since the beginning of this year, the presence of post-00s florets has been improved as a whole.

Some people "broadcast dramas effectively", some people "upgrade resources", and some people "soar in discussion".

Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

The first category is represented by Zhao Jinmai and Liu Haocun. After accumulating a certain amount of popularity, film and television works will be broadcast in 2024, and there will be gains in popularity and word-of-mouth.

Liu Haocun, who has been involved in film and television dramas, handed over his first assignment - the current puppet "Off the Rails", although the popularity is mediocre, but the reputation is good.

Zhao Jinmai's partner Zhang Linghe's ancient puppet "Du Hua Nian" is also the first time that she was born as a child star to play the heroine of the ancient puppet, and the current broadcast platform popularity has exceeded 10,000.

Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

The second category is represented by Wang Yinglu, Sun Zhenni, and Zhuang Dafei, who have a certain amount of voice after the film and television works they starred in, and their popularity and film and television resources have also been significantly improved.

Bao'er sister Wang Yinglu in "Under the Alien", just officially announced that her partner Chen Feiyu starred in the ancient puppet "Offering Fish", and ushered in Yu Shi's "Welcome to Me", while filming the first ancient puppet heroine, she also fell into the storm of "suspected drama "Under the Alien 2".

Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

Sun Zhenni went out of the circle with a line of beating workers in "Long Moon Embers", and after the series ended, she successfully entered the group "A Thousand Peach Blossoms Bloom", and was promoted from the female No. 3 to the ancient puppet heroine.

Zhuang Dafei's two movies "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" "I Don't Want to Be Friends with You" was released successively, and the female number one of the costume martial arts movie "The Legend of the Condor Heroes: The Great Hero" directed and written by Tsui Hark and starring Xiao Zhan was filmed.

The third category is represented by Xiang Hanzhi, Hu Lianxin, and Zhao Qing. Although no starring works were broadcast, and the supporting roles were mediocre, the topics around them were not inferior to other 00 flowers.

Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

Xiang Hanzhi has only one "Young Babylon" broadcast this year, and it has not yet been scored. But because her name has been associated with the two popular dramas "Splendid Stars" and "Ink Rain Clouds" male lead Wu Lei and Wang Xingyue, she was called "CP Assassin" by netizens, and she has been on the top of the hot search for "suspected romance" many times during the non-publicity period.

Hu Lianxin's "Unspeakable" and "Fox Demon Little Red Lady: Moon Red Chapter" were all broadcast this year, but she was in the fifth position in both dramas. The volume brought by the characters and works is far less than the "love brain" label that netizens labeled her.

Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

Zhao Qing has jumped from an unknown young actor to a newcomer with her own topic under the care of her boss Yu Zheng, although her performance in the play has been repeatedly scrutinized, and she only "changed her face" in "Ink Rain Clouds", but the four words "Yu Zheng is strongly supporting" means that she has no shortage of topics and controversies since then.

"00 has indeed seen more film and television resources. Probably since last year, the industry has all gathered to shoot ancient puppets, providing employment opportunities for a large number of 00 flowers. He Rong, a producer on a platform, told Sohu Entertainment.

Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

In addition to the producers, the artist publicity also discovered this change for the first time.

Wendy, who is in charge of a certain 00 flowers, feels that 00 flowers are killed in different types and different tracks. "Obviously, 00 Hua chose a genre that highlights more acting skills and has harder drama content, such as suspense, literature, or social issues. Zhang Zifeng and Wen Qi are all like this. ”

Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

Another senior art promoter, Su Xi, believes that 00 flowers, which do not take the fan position first, are slowly standing in a position that the audience can see under the accumulation of supporting roles. "The seniors have qualifications and masterpieces in the entertainment industry, of course, they want to compete for positions when they cooperate with young artists, which is not incomprehensible. But as far as I know, many 00 flowers can actually get the heroine drama, and many of them still choose to show their faces in large-scale productions. ”

From these two points of view, it is not difficult to summarize the reasons for 00 flowers: externally, there are needs and vacancies in the market; Internally, they have ideas and can seize opportunities.

The market needs 00 flowers

So, when 95 flowers and 00 flowers compete head-to-head, who will have the advantage?

Wendy recently encountered a similar situation.

At this time, the artist Xiao A she brought is approaching a project with a good team, partnering with traffic actors and actresses. Wendy revealed that many female artists fell in love with this "good cake", including a well-known 95 flower.

Xiao A, who competed with his predecessors, was not panicked. According to the news Wendy got, both the platform and the producer are more inclined to choose Xiao A, the 00 flower.

"Because the character setting is younger, the objective fact of age is here, and it is difficult to change." Wendy told Sohu Entertainment that in this case, 95 flowers and 00 flowers look at the same book, and 00 flowers will have a more advantage in terms of age.

Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

(Picture and text are not related)

"It's not that I'm bragging, anyway, it's already eight or nine, and when the official announcement is made, netizens will say that we are going to 'soar'." Wendy said.

It seems to be just a joke in the industry, but when you look closely, it reveals a new market trend.

The pursuit of high-quality products makes the market pay more attention to content.

The video platform advocates reducing costs and increasing efficiency, starting from the upstream to improve the right to speak, in order to reduce costs as much as possible and complete the construction of high-quality content. Such a benign involution has been refined to the control of casting.

Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

"The first is the fit for the role, and the second is the budget, and the casting is mainly determined by these two aspects." Producer Aaron said.

From the perspective of character adaptability, 95 flowers, which are moving towards light maturity, are no longer the best choice for idol dramas. In addition to the 95 flowers on the head, the younger 00 flowers can better meet the needs of the market.

"The updates and iterations of the entertainment industry basically start from the early 20s, and I think that now 00 flowers are beginning to enter the public eye, and there are the most age-appropriate roles." Producer Aaron said.

Considering the salary, most of the 00 flowers are even more cost-effective.

"Many projects can't knock out double traffic, and in the case of not being able to do 'double strength', they can only be backward compatible and find a small flower that does not compete for the position." Senior industry Adam gave an example, Jenny Sun's partner Zhang Binbin starred in the second heroine of "A Thousand Peach Blossoms Bloom", which is an example.

Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

When a certain 00 flower first filmed an S-level project on the platform, he had already signed an agreement, agreeing that he must shoot a drama produced by the platform every year, and no matter how the salary rises within a certain number of years, he must maintain the quotation of the newcomer period on the platform.

"Starting from several major platforms to cultivate their own artists, there have been in-depth contracts and bindings between artists and platforms, and big IPs and good resources have fallen on the 00 flower heads that have less right to speak and are more 'listening to the platform'." Producer A Hayabusa said.

The platform takes a fancy to the potential of the new generation of artists, uses resource replacement to bind newcomers, and opens a new path of "cost reduction", which we also discussed in the article "Platform Casting "Business Economy"".

Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

In short, the mature market needs really good content, the industry tends to be rational in the process of returning to content, and the platform also opens up new interest space in the chain of production and casting business, so 00 Hua has gained more opportunities.

The "catfish" effect

So, will the rise of 00 flowers have an impact on the previous waves?

In the eyes of some, the answer is "inevitable".

Su Xi told Sohu Entertainment that the most affected are the "midstream flowers". "A lot of 90 flowers have not been able to come out, and they can't carry the banner, but there are a lot of 00 flowers, they have won movie awards, their acting skills have been recognized, and it is not difficult to continue on the small screen."

Another basis is the "table" situation of domestic entertainment in recent years.

Keke, a senior in the industry, believes that judging from the 'table' phenomenon in the past two years, many 00 flowers want to go further, and they don't necessarily have to rely on the main to carry the big hit drama, as long as the supporting roles are brilliant enough, they can also successfully "eat and share the cake on the table". "One of the criteria for serving on the table is the degree of discussion in the bloody rain, and controversy can show that someone is concerned."

Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

But in the eyes of more industry insiders, the internal influence of 00 flowers is only to act as a "catfish".

"At present, the pattern of 00 flowers is still scattered, and most of the small flowers on the head are rooted in movies, and the exposure of the works and the discussion of the fan circle are low; Although Xiaohua has more film and television resources during the rising period, she is basically the second female protagonist of the male protagonist, and the attribute of the tool man is too strong. Keke said.

Indeed, the starting point of the head 00 flowers is quite high, although they quickly gained popularity and achieved the effect of "building tall buildings from the ground", but because of their studies, age and exposure, their follow-up growth lines are not complete.

Taking Wen Qi as an example, "Blood Guanyin" and "Carnival" helped her win the Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actress and was nominated for Best Actress, and her acting skills on the big screen were highly praised.

Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

After moving to the small screen, the broadcast effect of "Tiankeng Falconry" with Wang Junkai was not amazing, the urban-themed "Life Home" was mediocre, and the two sci-fi suspense dramas "Fatal Wish" and "Bionic World" were both complained about, the former scored 4.0 points on Douban, and the latter passed the passing line under the play of director Chen Zhengdao and got 6.3 points.

From this point of view, Wen Qi's "growth line" is relatively vague.

After relying on the role of the big screen, in film and television dramas that are closer to the public, her existence is more like an "acting guarantee" for traffic-starring dramas.

Wen Qi, who is blessed by awards, has a good reputation in the circle, but there is a lack of out-of-the-circle works at the public level, and none of the works can help her attract fans and embark on the road of traffic.

Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

There is neither public recognition nor loyal fans, which is a problem that the vast majority of 00 flowers are facing.

Of course, their young age means that they have more room and opportunities for trial and error, and everything is future-proof.

Wen Qi, who took the initiative to "ask for a job" on Weibo night, is still favored by many people.

This year, Liu Haocun and Wen Qi officially announced their new film "The Girl Who Wants to Fly". Although there is only a simple synopsis of the story, the temperament and interaction of the two new generation Xiaohua have made this project attract the attention of many netizens.

Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

If a new growth path can be excavated through this work, Wen Qi can also get a greater bonus.

It is worth noting that when discussing 00 flowers, many producers mentioned the "pattern".

Internal entertainment is accustomed to dividing generations by age, and there is a comparison between generations of flowers, and there are echelons in each generation of flowers, and there is no escape from the "contrast" horizontally and vertically.

In the 00 flowers, Zhang Zifeng and Zhao Jinmai have a high degree of nationality, Wen Qi has awards, but they can't be distinguished, and the other 00 flowers lack recognition and memory points, and they have not reached the moment of real ranking.

Zhao Jinmai's "Spending the Year of China" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and 00 flowers began to "serve on the table"

The range is larger, and there is still smoke between the 85 flowers, almost "buried" the starlight of the non-head 90 flowers. 95 flowers began to fight in the rankings, making efforts in film and television, business, and fashion, and secretly competed. As for 00 flowers, they have not been familiar to the public so quickly.

"What will be the future development of 00 flowers, I think we have to return to the intergenerational view." In the opinion of producer A Falcon, at least one generation can be talked about before the next generation can be discussed.

"I personally think that even 85 flowers are still in a stage of grabbing positions, and the situation of 95 flowers is not very clear, and 00 flowers can only be used as reserves."

In any case, the listing of 00 flowers also reflects the new trend of industry development: "role adaptation" is more convincing than "traffic".

*Names of interviewees have been changed

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