
"Scarab beetle tells bedtime stories" Little carp jumps the dragon door

author:I am scarab
"Scarab beetle tells bedtime stories" Little carp jumps the dragon door
"Scarab beetle tells bedtime stories" Little carp jumps the dragon door

Once upon a time, in a remote valley, there was a quiet little river.

A small carp lives happily in a small river. Little crabs, shrimps, mussels and tadpoles are his best friends and they love to hide and seek.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Small shrimp hide under aquatic weeds. Ha ha! The little river mussels hid behind large rocks. Oh, where are the little tadpoles hiding? Little carp looking for it.

Mom told the little carp: "The little tadpole grew up, became a little frog, and went to the outside world." ”

The little carp was very curious, and he also wanted to look at the outside world like the little tadpole.

Dad said: "Only by swimming through the ninety-nine eighty-one rivers, swimming to the Yellow River, and jumping over the high dragon gate can you see the outside world." ”

The little carp is off! Travel, tour, tour, tour...

"Scarab beetle tells bedtime stories" Little carp jumps the dragon door

The little carp came to an underwater forest. The trees here shine with a strange light, so beautiful!

Suddenly, a branch crept closer to the little carp... Ah, danger! The little carp was startled and quickly fled!

Swim, swim, the little carp swims through twenty rivers, thirty rivers, forty rivers...

He swam through ninety-nine eighty-one rivers and finally came to the Yellow River.

The river is tinged with strong winds, and wave after wave rolls in. "Can I jump over?" The little carp was a little suspicious of himself. In the distance, the high dragon gate seemed to be in the sky.

The little carp plucked up the courage and struggled to jump and jump. Suddenly, several pieces of rubble fell from the sky, smashing the eyes of the little carp into Venus.

"Scarab beetle tells bedtime stories" Little carp jumps the dragon door

The little carp continued to jump upwards without discouragement. Whoops—a gust of wind blew him dizzy.

It's close to the Dragon Gate! Thundered! The rainstorm is coming...

In the midst of a fierce storm, a huge wave struck. The little carp made a clever move and jumped the waves. With the help of the huge waves, he struck several carp in a row and jumped high into the air!

The little carp jumped and jumped over the dragon gate!

Suddenly, he grew huge horns and claws.

He became a dragon and soared freely in the sky!

*The text part is from the "Children's Pictorial"

*The image comes from the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact to delete

"Scarab beetle tells bedtime stories" Little carp jumps the dragon door

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