
The little carp jumped the dragon gate, firmly aimed, and realized the dream

author:Add to the chaos

Students, tell you a story [I want to be quiet]

The little carp jumped the dragon gate, firmly aimed, and realized the dream

There was a small village, in the distance were connected green mountains, and near the foot of a mountain, there was a small river, the river was full of willows, and a few peach trees were spitting out bright red flowers. Swallows flew low like arrows over the wheat field, and suddenly flew high again. Butterflies and bees flutter through the flowers, smelling the scent of the flowers and flying in circles. A few dragonflies fell on a clump of calamus leaves by the small river, and a few small carp swam over, looking at the dragonflies on the surface of the water swimming away again.

A leading little carp called to them in the middle of the river: "Come, I have good news for you." ”

The little carp all gathered around and asked, "What good news?" ”

The leading little golden carp said, "I just tried it, and I can jump over that little bridge." ”

The little carp said in unison, "You brag." ”

The leading little carp said, "Why should I brag? Believe me or not, come and see. ”

"Good! We went and watched him jump over the bridge. ”

There is a small stone bridge, the back of which is arched, and it is an old stone bridge. The stone crevices along the bridge were covered with weeds and a small locust tree.

The leading carp posed for a jump, and he said, "Look, I'm jumping!" He leaned up, only to hear a "pop" sound, and then a "bang", and the leading little carp really jumped from this side of the bridge to the other side of the bridge.

In the distance, an old carp was heard calling to them, and it was the grandmother of the little carps: "Children! Hurry up. ”

The little carp all swam over.

Grandma Carp said solemnly, "Who told you to jump off the bridge?" How dangerous is this, what if you bump into a stone bridge and get injured? ”

The little carp all said, "No." ”

"It's too late to get hurt, so let me tell you a story!"

The little golden carp said, "Well, please Grandma tell us a story." ”

The little carp lined up in a half circle and surrounded Grandma Carp.

Grandma Carp told the story: "Listen to the older generation of carp, there is a dragon gate in the world, standing at the junction of the sea and the great river. The dragon gate was quite tall and tall, and if the carp could jump over the dragon gate from this side, it could become a big dragon, and it could swim to the sky like a cloud. Your grandfather, and your grandfather's grandfather, all went to jump through that dragon gate, and no one jumped over..."

The little golden carp asked, "Grandma, can I jump over?" ”

Grandma Carp said, "You're still young, don't jump, even if you grow up in the future, you may not be able to jump." ”

The little carp asked, "Grandma, where is that dragon gate?" ”

Grandma Carp shook her head and said, "I don't know about that." ”

The little carp shouted, they swam to the side, and everyone was talking quietly.

The leading little golden carp jumped up and said, "Oh! Are you going? I'm going to find that dragon gate, and if I can jump over it and become a big dragon, how interesting. It's boring to stay in this little river. ”

The little carp all shouted, "I'll go!" "I'm going!" "I'm going too!"

One of the smallest carps said, "I'm going too, but I'll jump over and come back." ”

The little golden carp looked at him and said dissatisfactorily, "Then don't go soon." ”

"Okay, then I'll go. Wherever you go, I will go. ”

The leading carp took this group of little brothers and swam quietly away.

They swam along this great river, swam, and swam all the way forward. The leading little carp jumped on the water again and again, always unable to find the dragon gate, they did not care, or swam forward. The little carp believe that as long as they look patiently, they will be able to find the dragon gate.

The little carp turned a few corners in the big river, and then swam forward, feeling that the surface of the big river was much wider and the water was deeper. They crossed the rapids and swam to a place where the water was gentle, exposing themselves to the surface of the water and exhaling, feeling comfortable.

At this time, the smallest carp also swam over, gasping for breath and saying, "Where to find the dragon gate?" ”

A small carp also said, "Yes, is the Dragon Gate in the south or in the north?" ”

The leading little carp said, "Didn't Grandma say that?" The dragon gate is very high and very high, it must be on it, anyway, we go upstream, we can always find the dragon gate. ”

So the little carp quickly swam forward again.

They walked through the aquatic weeds and swam forward very carefully.

The smallest little carp was careless, and its tail was entangled in the water and grass, and it could not break free.

Suddenly, someone shouted in a rough voice, "Hey! Who's coming into my woods? ”

When the little carp looked, it turned out to be a large crab, lying on a large rock in the reed grass, waving a pair of long pliers, imposing, as if it were going to fight. He was still shouting, "Run away from me!" ”

In the end, the leading little golden carp was the boldest, and he said, "We are little carp." ”

The little carp next to him also continued, "We came to find the dragon gate, and we are going to jump the dragon gate." ”

When the big crab heard that it was a dragon gate jump, he climbed down from the big rock and kept saying in his mouth: "Jump the dragon gate, wow!" Jump the dragon gate. Who told you to jump? ”

The leading little golden carp said, "We are going to jump ourselves." ”

The big crab laughed and said, "Well, you guys are really good." Then I'll do you a favor. After saying that, he opened his large pliers and cut off the water weeds that were blocking the way.

The little carp thanked the big crab and swam forward again.

The little carp were swimming, when they suddenly heard a whining sound, they swam to the surface of the water and thought it was a big strange fish. The little golden carp saw something else, and he cried out happily, "Ah! Gantry! Look at the Dragon Gate! ”

In fact, it is a long iron bridge, spanning the foggy river in the distance.

The little carp were so happy that they shouted and jumped, and they used this tall iron bridge as a dragon gate to jump. Later, I found that I could swim under the bridge, so I hurriedly swam to the side of the iron bridge. They were guessing if it was a dragon gate, and the train was coming across the bridge with white smoke, and they thought it was the big dragon, and they were so frightened that they quickly hid under the water.

When the train was far away, the little carp showed their heads, guessing that it must be a dragon, and quickly left the place.

The little carp swam vigorously, swam behind a haystack of rapids, encountered a large fish, and swam down with a group of fish dolls. The big fish saw them and said, "Hey! Little one, you can't go up there, the water will wash you away, go back! ”

The little carp said, "We jumped through the dragon gate." ”

As if in disbelief, the big fish shook his head and said, "Hey! Jumping the dragon door? Don't dream. With that, he swam away with the fish doll.

The little carp jumped the dragon gate, firmly aimed, and realized the dream

In a big river, the water is deeper. The leading carp gathered enough strength and jumped up, he saw something new in front of him, wanted to see clearly, and jumped again, he quickly returned to the water and said to his partners:

"I tell you, I saw the Dragon Gate!"

"Ah! High or not? ”


The rest of the little carp asked and jumped up to see it. They were shouting in the water, and each little carp said that he had really seen the dragon gate. The dragon gate was like a bridge, but there was not a single bridge hole, high, oblique, all piled up of large stones, and like a hillside. Such a tall dragon gate, except for jumping up, no one can swim over. There were also many red flags planted on it, and the wind on the river was blowing. They believe that this is the real dragon gate. So who can jump over?

The little golden carp wanted to try it, and he said to his friends, "I'll jump over first, and you guys will follow one by one." With that, he swam forward quickly, and when he swam to the dragon gate, he really jumped up. This time, it jumped quite high, but it was still many feet away from the dragon gate. The little golden carp tried a few more times, but it didn't work. Later, when the little golden carp jumped again, he gave a wave a slap and bounced very high, and he found a way from here. So a small carp rushed over, jumped into the air, and fell again, and another small carp jumped up, and the wave bounced the little carp that was about to fall high and bounced to the side of the dragon gate. One by one, the little golden carp bounced off the waves.

On the other side of the dragon gate, the water surface is calm. The little carp all floated to the surface of the water and saw that the two shores were neatly as smooth as if they had been cut with a knife; there were willow and peach trees planted on the shore, one by one, pink peach blossoms and turquoise willow leaves sandwiched together, how bright! The little carp floated on the surface of the water, spitting out blisters, they really liked the place, and on the shore they could see beautiful houses and red flags fluttering in the wind, and the little carp thought that this place was more beautiful than the scene in the story told by grandma.

Suddenly the water lit up, and in the distance there was a bright light, like daytime. The little carp looked very strange, thinking that these were the stars, and suspected that they were in the sky. They began to argue. At this time, a swallow flew in and said in amazement, "Ah! It turned out to be a class of small carp, how did you get here? ”

The little carp said, "We jumped over." Some said, "We flew over." ”

They asked the swallow if it was a star. Swallow smiled and said, "That's the legendary Night Pearl." ”

The little carp said, "Ha! There are so many night pearls! ”

The swallows told them to look into the distance, more like a sky full of stars.

The swallows were about to fly home, and the little carp said, "How can you fly at night?" Can you see the road? ”

The swallow said, "With the Night Pearl, will you still not see the road?" ”

The leading little golden carp remembered and said, "Aunt Yan, can you help us carry a letter to Grandma?" ”

Swallow asked, it turned out that they and she lived in the same village. The little golden carp said, "Please tell our grandmother that we will skip the dragon gate." ”

Another little carp said, "It's so nice here, tell Grandma to come here." ”

Swallow nodded and said, "Well, I'll get it for you." However, this place is not called Longmen, it is called Longmen Reservoir. ”

The little carp said, "It's all the same, this is the best place anyway." ”

The swallow said goodbye and flew home in the bright twilight. The little carp beckoned to bid her farewell. The swallows flew very fast, and it didn't take much effort to fly out of sight.

The little carp all thought this: Grandma, and Mom and Dad, when they heard that they were all here, they would definitely move their families over soon, and they could live here for the rest of their lives.

This story tells us that as long as we insist on our dreams, are not afraid of difficulties, and continue to work hard, we will definitely be able to succeed [Teeth]

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