
A wonderful story of a little carp jumping the dragon gate and full of temptations for children

author:Anhui Chen Jialiang

Grandma Carp told the story: "Listen to the older generation of carp, there is a dragon gate in the world, standing at the junction of the sea and the great river. The dragon gate was quite tall and tall, and if the carp could jump over the dragon gate from this side, it could become a big dragon, and it could swim to the sky like a cloud. Your grandfather, and your grandfather's grandfather, all went to jump through that dragon gate, and no one jumped over..."

A wonderful story of a little carp jumping the dragon gate and full of temptations for children

Colorful fantasies are the most basic features of fairy tales. Fairy tales are based on "fantasy" on the one hand, "real" on the other, and there are wonderful stories full of temptations for children flowing in the middle, adding more colors to childhood.

A wonderful story of a little carp jumping the dragon gate and full of temptations for children

"Little Carp Jumping Dragon Gate" is a recommended book for the Ministry of Education's unified Language textbook "Happy Reading". These bibliographies incorporate extracurricular reading into the textbook system, so that children in the lower grades of primary school can read the most imaginative fairy tales, and can gradually cultivate the good habit of reading.

A wonderful story of a little carp jumping the dragon gate and full of temptations for children

Fairy tales have an invisible power that can reach the depths of the human soul. Through the truths revealed by beauty and ugliness, good and evil, it helps people to better find and understand the meaning of life.

A wonderful story of a little carp jumping the dragon gate and full of temptations for children

The Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore said: "If I had not heard fairy tales when I was a child, if I had not read One Thousand and One Nights and Robinson Crusoe, the distant riverbank and the vast fields on the other side would not have touched me so much, and the world would not have been so attractive to me." "

A wonderful story of a little carp jumping the dragon gate and full of temptations for children

The fantasy in the fairy tale seems to be unrestrained, can enter the heavens and the earth in an instant, a thousand miles at a glance, can write fairies, can write demons, can be resurrected from the dead, can live forever, and even insects, fish, birds and beasts can have human thoughts and human behavior. Its wonderful thing is that it can use the power of fantasy to make all kinds of ordinary characters and phenomena show extraordinary and strange brilliance, and open up a "fantasy world" for young readers.

A wonderful story of a little carp jumping the dragon gate and full of temptations for children

Fairy tales account for a large proportion of the current "Language" textbooks in the lower grades of primary schools, so that children can learn the truth of being human from these vivid and interesting stories and enlighten their spiritual wisdom.

A wonderful story of a little carp jumping the dragon gate and full of temptations for children

Enduring fairy tales have influenced generations of children. Even the parents of children, those adults can also find joy in fairy tales and make the heart pure. They will also be touched by these beautiful stories like children.

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