
Wuxia novels 10 masterpieces, martial arts fans must see, each is a classic

As the old saying goes, "cover the coffin to determine the conclusion", martial arts novels are now cool, basically can "cover the coffin conclusive".

There are often martial arts fans who leave messages in the comment area: "Brother Cat, among the thousands of martial arts novels, which martial arts novels are the most worth watching?" ”

"Brother Cat, if you give all the martial arts novels a seat, which novel will come first?"

"Brother Cat, I want to read martial arts novels, can you recommend the 10 most classic martial arts novels?"

I'm a real swimmer, an old bookworm who has been watching martial arts for 23 years. Friends who like martial arts, remember to follow me.

There will be so many martial arts fans leaving messages in my comment area, I still feel quite honored.

This shows that there are still many netizens who agree with my views on martial arts novels and feel that I, a martial arts fan, am not a vain name.

Today, I will talk to you about the "10 Great Works of Martial Arts Novels" in my mind.

That is to say, among all the martial arts novels, pick out the 10 martial arts novels that I think are the most worth reading.

Of course, this is just a "hole view" of me, an old martial arts fan. Whether you agree or disagree, you can have your own opinion, you can also leave a message in the comment area.

10th place, Wolong Sheng", "Golden Sword Eagle Plume".

For Hong Kong and Taiwan martial arts fans, Wolongsheng's name belongs to the "predecessors of the jianghu"; for mainland martial arts fans, it belongs to the "color master".

With the advent of the Internet era, and then go to see Wolongsheng's authentic novels, many readers will feel that the taste is the same as chewing wax, feel that Wolongsheng has a false name, and feel that the reason why Wolongsheng was able to become famous in that year was only "no hero at the time, making the shaft famous." ”

But I have always believed that Wolongsheng has his true talents and practical learning, and there are places that are difficult for other authors to reach.

That is WolongSheng's jianghu hegemony, which appears to be magnificent, layered, big scenes, big plots, like the sea, hitting people.

If we talk about the depth of "jianghu hegemony", Wolongsheng's novels are far inferior to Jin Yong and Gu Long, which is too simple.

However, on the coolness of the "jianghu competition", in a sense, even Jin Yong is not necessarily the opponent of Wolongsheng.

Just like this "Golden Sword Eagle Ling", the story itself is not complicated, and the routine is also very old-fashioned. However, this book has an excellent description of the multi-party forces competing for hegemony in the jianghu.

Whether it is a decent or an evil faction, all kinds of hook-and-heart performances, "you sing and I appear", and the endless jianghu struggles make the important theme of "fighting for hegemony" an important theme of martial arts become clear.

Of course, Wolongsheng's novels are often the same, constantly repeating the previous routine.

But "one trick, eat all over the sky", Wolongsheng can use the old cliché to become famous for decades, naturally there are reasons for it.

Wuxia novels 10 masterpieces, martial arts fans must see, each is a classic

9th place, Chen Qingyun's "Ghost Castle".

Chen Qingyun's novel is known as the "ghost school martial arts novel", and the famous head in the mainland directly overpowered the ancient dragon, which shows its popularity.

Looking at it now, Chen Qingyun's novels are relatively rough in text, lacking room for aftertaste, and seem to be out of line among many martial arts novels.

But I always have a point of view, martial arts novels are first popular novels, and then they can talk about the so-called "small words and big righteousness".

In other words, whether the evaluation of martial arts novels can satisfy the "popular" "fantasies" of the majority of martial arts fans is also an important factor.

Taking "Ghost Castle" as an example, Chen Qingyun's novels embody many elements of "shuangwen" that attract ordinary people, such as "adventure after encounter", "continuous fighting", "atmosphere suspense", "refreshing story", etc., are really a existence that cannot be forgotten in the history of martial arts.

Many people talk about online novels, believing that online novels are particularly influenced by Huang Yi.

In fact, from a certain point of view, online novels have also greatly absorbed the selling points of Chen Qingyun's martial arts novels, so that "Chen Qingyun" has a new life in the Internet age.

Wuxia novels 10 masterpieces, martial arts fans must see, each is a classic

8th place, Gu Long", "Absolute Double Pride".

Gu Long has created many vivid characters: Li Xunhuan, Chu Liuxiang, Lu Xiaofeng, Guo Dalu, Shen Lang...

However, Gu Long's novel has a relatively large flaw, that is, the control ability is slightly lacking, and the structure cannot achieve a round realm.

Therefore, Gu Long's martial arts novels are often novella stories that are extremely exciting, and the content of long ones is slightly boring.

The number of GuLong novels is also small because of "hidden clumsiness", and it can be counted in all of Gu Long's novels.

From this point of view, "Absolute Double Glory" is a representative work of Gu Long's long martial arts, and it is also a work that makes readers feel more satisfied.

Although there are also structural novel problems in the novel, such as the group of people who write the nameless island at the end of the novel, the overall structure of "Absolute Double Pride" can be described as a clear vein, with a beginning and an end, so that readers will not have a "bad tail" feeling after watching the ending.

Wuxia novels 10 masterpieces, martial arts fans must see, each is a classic

No. 7, Wen Ryan's "Against the Cold Water".

Nicknamed "Pit King", Wen Rui'an's novels are very good, but most of them do not have a strict ending.

Wen Ruian is a poet, so his martial arts novels are actually a bit similar to Gu Long, mainly relying on "talent" to attract readers.

Moreover, Wen Rui'an's novels often have some experimental nature, strange personal names, unique typography, and ingenious words, reflecting Wen Rui'an's agility, but also because they are too "poetic" to let readers return to the human world.

I'm just afraid that Wen Ryan, the author, can't go back myself.

"Against the Cold Water" is a relatively complete novel by Wen Rui'an, and the whole plot is quite smooth to read, without too many branches, and it will not make the reader crazy.

6th place, Huang Yi's "The Legend of the Great Tang Double Dragon".

I have been joking with my friends that Huang Yi's pen name reflects two major characteristics of Huang Yi's novels, one is Huang and the other is Yi.

Compared with "In Search of Qin", "The Legend of Datang Shuanglong" is not so yellow. Compared with "The Legend of the Borderlands", "The Legend of The Great Tang Double Dragon" is not so easy.

However, "The Legend of Datang Shuanglong" has achieved the best balance between "Huang" and "Yi", without a top-heavy feeling.

"The Legend of The Tang Dynasty Double Dragon" completely breaks through the category of traditional martial arts, on the basis of Jin Yong and Liang Yusheng, so that martial arts and history have a combination of "spirit and flesh", so that martial arts novels have an unprecedented "grand scene", and the trend opens the big era of online novels.

Wuxia novels 10 masterpieces, martial arts fans must see, each is a classic

5th place, Jin Yong's "Deer DingJi".

Jin Yong himself attributed "Lu Ding Ji" to "historical novels", and some people believe that "Lu Ding Ji" belongs to "anti-martial arts novels".

In my opinion, "Deer Ding Ji" is a novel with real cool logic and logic, and it is a "martial arts novel" that has truly evolved, just like the lonely and defeated in Jin Yong's novel, which has reached the realm of "flying flowers and picking leaves, all can hurt people".

The current online novel looks much cooler than "Deer Ding", such as the protagonist himself as an emperor, immortal, proud of the top of the universe. But at the core, it has not yet surpassed "Deer Ding".

In a sense, the protagonists of tens of millions of online novels are all "Wei Xiaobao", but they do not have the same vivid image as Wei Xiaobao.

Wuxia novels 10 masterpieces, martial arts fans must see, each is a classic

4th place, Jin Yong's "Legend of the Archery Hero".

"The Legend of the Eagle Shooter" is the most famous martial arts novel and the most orthodox martial arts novel.

It is said that some "recommended books for middle school students" have selected "The Legend of the Archery Hero" into it.

The characters in "The Legend of the Archery Hero" are relatively typical, and the structure of the novel has reached the realm of uniform flesh and bone due to Jin Yong's many modifications.

If you only read a martial arts novel, I personally recommend "The Legend of the Archery Hero", and after reading the "Legend of the Archery Hero", it is enough to understand the martial arts jianghu.

Wuxia novels 10 masterpieces, martial arts fans must see, each is a classic

3rd place, Liang Yusheng's "Ping Trace Hero Video".

As mentioned earlier, Chen Qingyun's fame once suppressed Gu Long. Similarly, in the mainland of the 1980s, Liang Yusheng's fame greatly exceeded that of Gu Long.

With the passage of time, Gu Long's fame is more and more, Liang Yusheng's fame is getting less and less, and he is often complained that "Liang Yusheng's novels are not good.".

Liang Yusheng's martial arts novels are said to be new schools, but in fact, his novels continue the traditional literati "temples and rivers and lakes" set.

Therefore, Liang Yusheng's novels are often too "serious" and not interesting enough to read.

But Liang Yusheng's novels have their own meaning, and this kind of "martial arts jianghu" in the eyes of traditional literati is the only existence in the martial arts novel industry.

Therefore, Liang Yusheng commented on Jin Yong and himself, saying that Jin Yong is more Westernized, and he is more traditional, which is reasonable.

"Ping Trace Hero Video" is to portray the "Confucian Hero" in the eyes of traditional literati to near perfection, and Zhang Danfeng's image is the authentic product of "the dream of the literati and chivalrous guests throughout the ages".

Wuxia novels 10 masterpieces, martial arts fans must see, each is a classic

2nd place, Gu Long "Amorous Swordsman Ruthless Sword".

Gu Long's two most famous books, one is the Xiao Li Flying Knife and the other is the Chu Liuxiang series.

For Gulong fans, there is basically no objection to choosing the best novel of Gulong, that is, "Amorous Swordsman Ruthless Sword".

Even the gulong fans who don't like Xiao Li Flying Knife still think that "Amorous Swordsman Ruthless Sword" can best represent Gulong.

In my eyes, the same is true. Whether it is structure or characters, "Amorous Swordsman Ruthless Sword" is the peak of Gu Long.

Wuxia novels 10 masterpieces, martial arts fans must see, each is a classic

1st place, Jin Yong's "Tianlong Babu".

"Tianlong Babu" because it wrote three protagonists, so the structure gives people a loose feeling.

But when read as a whole, the reader feels not only "people", but more of a "world".

The evaluation of "no one is unjust, and all sentient beings are sins" is precisely from the perspective of the "world".

As a popular novel, a book can describe several characters, which is already very good.

The Eight Parts of the Heavenly Dragon depict a dynamic jianghu, a self-aware "world.".

From this point of view, I personally can understand Jin Yong's revision of the finale of the Eight Parts of the Heavenly Dragon, and Wang Yuyan finally left Duan Yu and returned to Murong Fu's side...

Wuxia novels 10 masterpieces, martial arts fans must see, each is a classic

Friends, which martial arts novels do you think can be ranked in the top ten? Which martial arts novel do you think impressed you the most? Welcome to leave a message.

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