
Beijing Haidian: Carry out the investigation of key populations with fast production and speed to resolutely block the transmission chain

author:Haidian Meltant

On January 15, a new case of indigenous COVID-19 was confirmed in Beijing. According to the activity trajectory of the confirmed case announced at the 266th press conference on the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic in Beijing, on the afternoon of January 8, the case dined at the Western MCA Beef Noodles (Yongfeng Yuejie Store). Western MCA Beef Noodles (Yongfeng Yuejie Store) is located in the northwestern Wang town area, surrounded by a large number of residents. In order to resolutely win this epidemic prevention and control battle, Northwest Wang Town took measures at the first time to immediately and efficiently carry out various prevention and control work.

According to Wan Liangtao, section chief of the Community Construction Office of Northwest Wang Town, in accordance with the requirements of the disease control department, Northwest Wang Town first sealed and controlled the western MCA beef noodles (Yongfeng Yuejie store). At the time of the closure, there were 19 staff members in the store and 1 property staff member in the building. Due to the large number of people and the lack of home isolation conditions in the place of residence, on the evening of the 15th, all 20 people were transferred to the centralized observation point in Northwest Wang Town for follow-up control. The district disease control department has sampled all the people and the environment in the store on the 16th.

After the trajectory of the confirmed cases in Haidian District was announced, Northwest Wang Town issued a notice for the first time, requiring all units to quickly carry out key population investigations, carefully map out the personnel who have intersected with the confirmed cases, and quickly carry out nucleic acid testing. Community and village workers carried out knocking operations overnight and carried out various tasks in an intense and orderly manner. At 1:00 a.m. on January 16, the first batch of key personnel have been transferred to the town nucleic acid sampling point for sampling in a closed loop.

It is understood that since the 15th, Northwest Wang Town has handled a total of more than 2,500 people involved in the risk of Haidian cases, including more than 1,900 people sent by big data and more than 600 self-reported, all of which were controlled according to the relevant policies of the community prevention and control group.

The reporter learned that due to the large number of self-reporting personnel in the early stage, in order to quickly check the possible risks and hidden dangers, two nucleic acid tests within 48 hours were carried out nearby. In accordance with the unified requirements of Haidian District, Northwest Wang Town quickly launched the nucleic acid sampling point in the Doi Fitness Activity Room, testing 257 people on the 16th, 1357 people on the 17th, and continuing to open for testing on the 18th.

Northwest Wang Town will further sort out the assessment, check the leakage and fill in the gaps, adhere to the fast system, strive to firmly grasp the initiative of epidemic prevention and control, and resolutely block the transmission chain. (Reporter Xie Chunyang)