
Repeatedly, is Hollywood no longer magical? The great god pointed out the key years ago

author:Storyteller Zhou Zhuo

Twenty years ago, the "Matrix" trilogy received numerous reviews and was rated as a must-see movie by major platforms.

Twenty years later, the sequel "The Matrix 4: Matrix Reboot" has been badly reviewed both in Western countries and in China.

Repeatedly, is Hollywood no longer magical? The great god pointed out the key years ago

In the Douban score as low as 5.7, while in the United States, IDB even got a low score of 4 points.

And these years of dog-tailed Sable's Hollywood blockbusters are far more than just an IP of The Matrix.

"Fast and Furious 9" 5.2 points, do not talk about logic at all, driving a car can go to space plot has been spit by netizens around the world.

Repeatedly, is Hollywood no longer magical? The great god pointed out the key years ago

With a score of 5.5 in Men in Black 4: Global Pursuit, the two gods of war in Asgard are reduced to childish partners who play with treasure.

Repeatedly, is Hollywood no longer magical? The great god pointed out the key years ago

The Star Wars 789 trilogy was a collective low score, triggering a fierce protest from the older generation of Star Wars fans in western countries who believed in Star Wars.

Repeatedly, is Hollywood no longer magical? The great god pointed out the key years ago

These films all have a common feature, their predecessors many years ago are rare classics in the history of cinema, and the sequels of these two years are rotten to the bone, as if Hollywood lost its magic overnight.

But it's not just Hollywood itself that's losing its magic.

Marx famously said that the economic base determines the superstructure. The ideology of various attributes of culture, art, philosophy and so on in the upper echelons depends on the development of material productive forces.

Repeatedly, is Hollywood no longer magical? The great god pointed out the key years ago

In the era of classic IPs such as The Matrix and Star Wars, it was the era when the United States defeated the Soviet Union in the Cold War and became the only superpower in the world. As the economic, cultural, political and military center of the world, it is only natural to create these classic films and export their values to the world.

For example, when the first Star Wars came out, the United States just landed on the moon before the Soviet Union, spacecraft landed on Mars, and even sent spacecraft outside the solar system, NASA painted a beautiful blueprint for space colonies to the world, and Star Wars came into being in Hollywood in this environment, naturally becoming a generation of classics.

Repeatedly, is Hollywood no longer magical? The great god pointed out the key years ago

When the Matrix came out, it was also the era when the United States built the Internet to the world, and the virtual network world built in the movie was exactly what people in the real world feared that the Internet would become. Therefore, the philosophical ideas it contains are exactly the philosophical ideas that human beings need to think about in that era.

Repeatedly, is Hollywood no longer magical? The great god pointed out the key years ago

Over the years, on the one hand, with the rise of China and the reluctance of Europe to be a little brother (in the past, it was more because of fear of the Soviet Union), the influence of the United States itself has gradually declined; on the other hand, due to the mess in the epidemic, the world's worship of American culture has also been greatly reduced.

In this case, Hollywood's culture no longer has world-class dominance, and it becomes a natural thing.

Because the whole of the United States no longer has world-class dominance.

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