
Wuhan police reveal the 7-day online dating scam

author:Bright Net

Recently, the police in Hanyang, Wuhan, smashed an online dating fraud gang. Gang member Wu said that according to the "script", after making friends with strange men, he began to chat online dating.

Day 1: Introduce yourself by exchanging names. Day 2: Talk about your emotional experiences. Day 3: Tell the other party that they are tired and want to go shopping to relax, implying that the other party's own consumption level is higher. Day 4: Lied that something had happened to his grandmother and wanted to return to his grandmother's home. Day 5: Cook soup for Grandma to drink, make a very rich dinner in the evening for the family to eat, and send pictures to each other. Day 6: Will tell the other person that the birthday is coming, and hope to exchange gifts with the other party. At this time, the "salesman" will first buy a cheap gift for the other party, and then pick a gift link with an inflated price in the online store to send to the other party, and the money will go directly to the gang account after the other party pays, so as to make a profit. Day 7: If the other party still has potential to tap, a new round of "talking" chat will begin.

Police tip: the internet love water is very deep, don't take it lightly! @Ping An Wuhan

Wuhan police reveal the 7-day online dating scam

Source: Hubei Release

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