
FALL IN NEW ENGLAND Autumn in New England

author:Hedge yard

New England is famous for its fall colors. The leaves of trees turn beautiful shades of red, orange and yellow. Apples ripen into rosy reds. Bright orange pumpkins dot the fields.

Families have pumpkin-picking parties. Then they carve the pumpkins into Halloween jack-o'-lanterns with funny faces.

When all the jack-o'-lanterns have been put in place, everyone enjoys a snack of doughnuts and apple cider.


New England is famous for its autumn colors. The leaves turn into beautiful reds, oranges and yellows. The apples ripen in rose red. Bright orange pumpkins dot the fields.

Many families have pumpkin picking parties. They then carved pumpkins into Halloween pumpkin lights with all sorts of funny smiling faces.

When all the pumpkin lights are installed, everyone will enjoy donuts and cider.


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Questions question

What part of the United States is mentioned in the story?

Where in the United States is mentioned in the story?

What color are the pumpkins in the fields?

What color is the pumpkin in the field?

What special day is mentioned in the story?

What festival is mentioned in the story?

What do we call a pumpkin with a carved face?

What do we call a carved pumpkin smiley face?

What fruit do we get cider from?

From what fruit do we brew cider?

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Answers Answers

New England

New England

bright orange

Bright orange



a jack-o'-lantern

Pumpkin lamp



What's the word for more than one family?

What does more than one family say?

What beginning letters are repeated here:" Pumpkins are picked and put in place"?

What begins with the letter is repeated: "Pumpkin is picked and placed"

Find the opposite of "beautiful": rosy, ugly, red, funny.

Find out the antonyms of "beautiful": rose, ugly, red, joyful

Which is another name for "fall": summer, winter, autumn, spring?

Another name for "fall" is: summer, winter, autumn, spring?

Draw pictures of jack-o'-lanterns with different kinds of faces.

Draw pumpkin lights with different types of smiling faces


Many families

"p" and "a"

"p" 和 "a"





How many other Halloween decorations can you draw?

How many other Halloween decorations can you draw?

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