
Jin Jianxi is embarrassed again: competing with the first lady of Cambodia, the clear soup is inferior to the jewels

author:Love music Xingtai 0Y8
Jin Jianxi is embarrassed again: competing with the first lady of Cambodia, the clear soup is inferior to the jewels

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South Korea's first lady "overturned" again: where did she lose to the wife of the Cambodian prime minister?

South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol's wife Kim Jian-hee, has always been known for "dare to wear", "dare to do", and has also contributed a lot of "topics" on the international stage

Jin Jianxi is embarrassed again: competing with the first lady of Cambodia, the clear soup is inferior to the jewels

Many netizens ridiculed that Jin Jianxi was kicked to the "iron plate", you must know that in the past, whether it was in fashion or "science and technology", Jin Jianxi was almost able to win in the "comparison of beauty" with the first ladies of other countries, but this time, why did he "stumble"? Could it be that Mrs. Venlani's rank is really so high that it can overshadow the always high-profile Jin Jianxi?

Age and temperament competition: Can "frozen age" overcome the precipitation of time?

Let's take a look at the basic situation of the two first ladies first, Kim Jianxi is 50 years old, 10 years younger than Mrs. Wen Lani, in terms of age, Kim Jianxi has an advantage, Kim Jianxi has always been known for his exquisite makeup and decent dressing, and is even nicknamed "walking medical beauty advertisement" by the Korean people

Jin Jianxi is embarrassed again: competing with the first lady of Cambodia, the clear soup is inferior to the jewels

On the other hand, Mrs. Venlani, although she was born in a famous family, is already 60 years old, and her face can hardly hide the traces of time, plus she is committed to public welfare all year round, often going deep into remote areas to provide medical services for poor people, which has added a bit of vicissitudes

It stands to reason that in the "appearance" section, Jin Jianxi should be a sure winner, judging from the photos on the scene, although Mrs. Wenlani is older, she has an elegant temperament, and her gestures show everyone's demeanor, but it sets off Jin Jianxi's "small game"

Clothing styling PK: who is better against minimalist style and luxury style?

In addition to the difference in age and temperament, the dress style of the two first ladies has also become a hot topic among netizens

Jin Jianxi is embarrassed again: competing with the first lady of Cambodia, the clear soup is inferior to the jewels

In contrast, Mrs. Venlani chose traditional costumes with Cambodian national characteristics, paired with gorgeous jewelry, which looked graceful and luxurious

Some netizens commented that although Jin Jianxi's "frigid" minimalist style is advanced, it inevitably seems a little "monotonous" on this occasion that needs to show the country's image, lacking some affinity and appeal, while Mrs. Moonani's "luxury style" can better reflect Cambodia's cultural heritage and national characteristics, and is also more in line with her identity as the wife of the prime minister of a country

Internal competition: Keen on "face engineering" to do public welfare

As we all know, Kim Jianxi has been deeply involved in various negative news since Yoon Suk-yeol came to power, from academic fraud to family members suspected of financial crimes, which can be described as scandal-ridden, although she tried to save her image by frequently attending public events, but was criticized by netizens as "show" and "face project"

Jin Jianxi is embarrassed again: competing with the first lady of Cambodia, the clear soup is inferior to the jewels

Mrs. Venlani is different, she has been enthusiastic about public welfare for many years, has made outstanding contributions in education, medical care and other fields, and is deeply loved by the Cambodian people

Therefore, the reason why Jin Jianxi "lost" to Mrs. Wenlani this time was not because of the gap in appearance or clothing, but because of his inner cultivation and temperament

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