
Green Camp "blood flowing into a river" is he? Huang Weizhe was involved in the "netizen storm"

author:Chinese graticule
Green Camp "blood flowing into a river" is he? Huang Weizhe was involved in the "netizen storm"

Mayor of Tainan Huang Weizhe (center). (Photo by Zhongshi News Network /Cao Tingting)

Tainan Mayor Huang Weizhe was innuendo last year as a student movement netizen, although it was solemnly denied at the time, and also reported to the police for the false rumor; a weekly magazine on the island broke out today (19th) that the transfer meeting last year successively interviewed a number of people, and the interview list also included Huang Weizhe. In this regard, Huang did not deny that the instructor had approached him, but he stressed that "he did not agree to be a netizen, and there was no way to know how the instructor reported upwards", and said that he was only a freshman and sophomore in college at that time, and he did not know how these contents could become information for the intelligence organs. For this matter, Huang Weizhe responded solemnly on the social platform, "I have not been a netizen, nor have I cooperated with the actions of authoritarian agents, and the transformation of justice is so prudent, any false attack that maliciously uses this operation will be entrusted to the lawyer to tell."

"Promoting transfers" continues to burn because of the storm of netizens set off by the opening of political archives, and mirror weekly reports today that the "promotion of transfers" last year has interviewed a number of people, including Chang Huang Weizhe, and the relevant archives record that Huang Weizhe was targeted by instructors in his freshman year and asked for community dynamics. Until the third year, and the relevant units give 1,000 or 2,000 yuan (NT$) each time in the name of lunch fees, the "promotion transfer" still retains these documents. However, Huang was "not impressed" with the signature receipts.

However, in response to this matter, Huang Weizhe also responded in an interview with Mirror Weekly that a lot of the information of the community is public, and they all have it, and the instructor will ask "Who are the people in your society, such as the Daxin Society or the Daisho Association?" He said that he did not know, because he was not a core character, nor was he a person on the table, but the people in the community knew that it was true; if he contacted the instructor, he was considered a netizen, "For me, this is relatively heavy!" ”

In fact, the news about this matter spread yesterday, and Zhu Xueheng, the god of the house, announced in a live network broadcast yesterday (18th) that the weekly magazine would report on the mayor of a certain county in The Green Camp on the 19th, because it had spread all over the city, which showed that the transformation justice was used to do the inner-party struggle; and guo Zhengliang, a former "green committee", questioned why the "promotion of transfer" data would leak out. He has friends who are "promoting transfers", and the information cannot be photocopied and copied.

In addition, in fact, in November last year, PTT circulated "Netizen Storm 1: Can't only I see, DPP do you want to say clearly who is A143?" The innuendo of Huang Weizhe is an "A143" netizen, when Huang has publicly stated that "I am not an A143", and has called the police and taken legal action against the false rumor.

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