
The DPP and the Green Camp forcibly suppressed Taiwan's pro-unification organizations, and the crime was added to the crime. The "Taiwan People's Communist Party," a reunification organization on the island of Taiwan, recently launched the "Tianhou Temple" in Tainanli, Xinying District, Tainan City

author:Only to talk about the two sides of the strait

The DPP and the Green Camp forcibly suppressed Taiwan's pro-unification organizations, and the crime was added to the crime.

The "Taiwan People's Communist Party," a reunification organization on the island of Taiwan, recently hung a five-star red flag at the "Tianhou Temple" in Tainan-ri, Xinying District, Tainan City. However, this move was suppressed by the Dpp and "Taiwan independence" forces. The Tainan Municipal Government today mobilized a lot of police forces to forcibly demolish the building with the five-star red flag. Huang Weizhe, mayor of Tainan City, even issued a document that "Taiwan's dignity cannot be infringed." The Tainan Municipal Public Works Bureau carried out the compulsory demolition today (19th) under the supervision of 120 police officers, and the entire demolition took about 1 hour.

Taiwan People's Communist Party Premier Lim Tak-wan today mobilized a number of supporters to protest and express their demands for suppression by the DPP authorities. The public at the scene also expressed strong dissatisfaction. Lin Dewang also predicted that it would be built again in the future.

The DPP and the Green Camp forcibly suppressed Taiwan's pro-unification organizations, and the crime was added to the crime. The "Taiwan People's Communist Party," a reunification organization on the island of Taiwan, recently launched the "Tianhou Temple" in Tainanli, Xinying District, Tainan City
The DPP and the Green Camp forcibly suppressed Taiwan's pro-unification organizations, and the crime was added to the crime. The "Taiwan People's Communist Party," a reunification organization on the island of Taiwan, recently launched the "Tianhou Temple" in Tainanli, Xinying District, Tainan City
The DPP and the Green Camp forcibly suppressed Taiwan's pro-unification organizations, and the crime was added to the crime. The "Taiwan People's Communist Party," a reunification organization on the island of Taiwan, recently launched the "Tianhou Temple" in Tainanli, Xinying District, Tainan City
The DPP and the Green Camp forcibly suppressed Taiwan's pro-unification organizations, and the crime was added to the crime. The "Taiwan People's Communist Party," a reunification organization on the island of Taiwan, recently launched the "Tianhou Temple" in Tainanli, Xinying District, Tainan City
The DPP and the Green Camp forcibly suppressed Taiwan's pro-unification organizations, and the crime was added to the crime. The "Taiwan People's Communist Party," a reunification organization on the island of Taiwan, recently launched the "Tianhou Temple" in Tainanli, Xinying District, Tainan City

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