
The People's Liberation Army is paraplegic, experts say that she will not live for 5 years, she resolutely married, and now has been with her for 20 years


"Mother, I'm Xiu Tao, I'm coming to see you!" On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2012, Zhang Xiutao's mother suddenly had a large-scale cerebral infarction and was deeply unconscious, and Zhang Xiutao rushed to the hospital, no matter how she called, her mother could no longer answer her.

  In the hospital, Zhang Xiutao did not understand the belt to take care of her mother for more than 40 days, but unfortunately the sky was merciless, the mother still gave up, looking at the remains on the bed, she fell on her knees and cried bitterly, tears like rain: "Mother, your kindness, the daughter can only repay in the next life ..."

The People's Liberation Army is paraplegic, experts say that she will not live for 5 years, she resolutely married, and now has been with her for 20 years

  Zhang Xiutao's grief made everyone who saw this scene moved, but people who did not understand the truth, it is difficult to imagine, is the woman crying in front of her, for 7 years, did not go home to see her mother, is she not filial piety? Not, of course, because she was saddled with another responsibility.

  Zhang Xiutao, a native of Hebei, not only looks beautiful, gentle personality, but also has excellent academic performance, from a young age is the pride in the eyes of parents, after growing up, Zhang Xiutao was admitted to Hebei Medical University, in the eyes of parents, the future of her daughter, a bright.

  However, an internship changed Zhang Xiutao's fate.

  On August 1st Founding Day in 2002, Zhang Xiutao, who had not yet graduated, came to a military hospital in Shijiazhuang for internship, and the hospital gave her a task, that is, to take care of Zhu Guangjin, a soldier paralyzed in the lower body, and to change the potion and rinse his bladder every day for his abdominal ostomy.

  Zhu Guangjin was only 24 years old at the time, he had accidentally fallen during a military exercise, had a crushing fracture of the cervical spine, and was paraplegic below the chest, and had been lying in a hospital bed for 3 years.

  As soon as she entered the ward, Zhang Xiutao saw a haggard-looking, but very handsome soldier lying on the bed, but even though he had been paralyzed for 3 years, Zhu Guangjin still could not get out of this huge blow, and every time he finished nursing work, Zhu Guangjin would only politely say "thank you", like a puppeteer.

The People's Liberation Army is paraplegic, experts say that she will not live for 5 years, she resolutely married, and now has been with her for 20 years

  For Zhu Guangjin's cold attitude, Zhang Xiutao did not mind, but was full of pity for him, she secretly made a determination, must open Zhu Guangjin's heart knot, let him be cheerful again.

  To this end, Zhang Xiutao began to learn psychological knowledge, humbly asked for advice from experienced medical staff around her, and gradually, Zhu Guangjin's attitude towards her changed, from not saying a word at the beginning, to slowly being able to chat a few words, and then to talking about everything later, they became close friends.

  With Zhang Xiutao's friend constantly encouraging him, Zhu Guangjin not only improved his mood, his health also improved, and began to actively cooperate with the treatment, however, in March 2003, Zhu Guangjin fell silent again, the reason was not him, SARS came, as an intern Zhang Xiutao left the hospital.

  Zhu Guangjin fell into pain again, the condition deteriorated sharply, the urinary tube was often blocked, and accompanied by hematuria symptoms, the experts after consultation, came to a conclusion, Zhu Guangjin may not live for 5 years.

  Soon, the news reached Zhang Xiutao's ears, she was impatient, in July 2003, Zhang Xiutao, who graduated from the Academy of Medical Sciences, immediately rushed to the hospital to see Zhu Guangjin, because it happened to be Zhu Guangjin's birthday.

  When she saw Zhang Xiutao holding a lily into the ward, Zhu Guangjin, who has always been strong, cried like a child, and Zhang Xiutao, who also had a different emotion in her heart, knew that her feelings for Zhu Guangjin had exceeded the relationship between patients and medical care, and she fell in love with him.

  After this meeting, Zhang Xiutao did not leave, she gave up her career, rented a house opposite the hospital, and then worked in a nearby restaurant, focusing on taking care of Zhu Guangjin, every day when she came home from work, she changed her tricks and made love dishes for Zhu Guangjin.

  Soon, the time came to the end of 2003, at this time Zhu Guangjin, has been hospitalized for 4 years, he and his family, unwilling to bother with the organization, returned to their hometown of Poyang County, Jiangxi Province for treatment, the two separated again.

  After separation, the two have been communicating through letters, in just 1 year, Zhang Xiutao's hands, he saved more than 100 love letters written by Zhu Guangjin to him, every time he wrote a letter, Zhu Guangjin was reporting good news and not worrying, but his physical condition, how Zhang Xiutao would not be clear, every time she received a letter, she would hide in the bed and secretly cry.

The People's Liberation Army is paraplegic, experts say that she will not live for 5 years, she resolutely married, and now has been with her for 20 years

  In November 2004, she did not receive a letter from Zhu Guangjin for a long time, which made Zhang Xiutao restless, so she called Zhu Guangjin's family, and from the words that the Zhu family wanted to say and stopped, Zhang Xiutao felt bad, and she said to Zhu Guangjin's mother: "Auntie, tell Guangjin, these days I will go to Poyang Lake and let him wait for me." ”。

  Hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiutao immediately quit her job and went to Poyang County, thousands of miles away, when she saw Zhu Guangjin, Zhang Xiutao could no longer suppress the thoughts in her heart, and in his ear, she whispered the words in her heart: "Brother, with me, I have you, life and death will never be separated!" ”。

  Zhang Xiutao, who came to Zhu Guangjin's side, once again gave Zhu Guangjin the motivation to live, in order to make Zhu Guangjin recover as soon as possible, Zhang Xiutao worshiped the old Chinese medicine doctor as a teacher and began to nibble on professional books, and because of this, Zhang Xiutao actually passed the qualification certificate of practicing physicians.

  Zhu Guangjin's body, also under Zhang Xiutao's massage twice a day, gradually improved.

  During this period, Zhang Xiutao's efforts, unimaginable, first of all, her hands, because of the long time for Zhu Guangjin massage, her finger joints, became swollen, deformed, more difficult, the weight of only 90 pounds, the need to move 150 pounds of Zhu Guangjin between the bed and the wheelchair.

  At first, because of the poor mastery of skills, the two often fell, bumping their noses and blue faces, once, late at night, Zhang Xiutao hugged Zhu Guang into bed, and accidentally fell to the ground, Zhu Guangjin's body pressed on her left arm, directly crushing her fracture.

The People's Liberation Army is paraplegic, experts say that she will not live for 5 years, she resolutely married, and now has been with her for 20 years

  Even so, Zhang Xiutao did not bother Zhu Guangjin's family, she spent more than an hour, and the difficult Zhu Guangjin got into bed.

  With this lesson, Zhang Xiutao began to exercise physical fitness, for which she also bought a puller and insisted on exercising every day...

  Because Zhu Guangjin is injured in the central nervous system, unable to urinate normally, can only excrete urine through the abdominal cystostomy, sometimes the activity is not careful, the bladder mucosa will be damaged, resulting in inflammation and bleeding, leakage of urine, in order to make her husband more comfortable, every night, Zhang Xiutao will carefully turn him over three or four times.

  For Zhang Xiutao's efforts, Zhu Guangjin was heartbroken, he believed that he could not selfishly occupy all of Zhang Xiutao's time, so he encouraged her to go out to work, and in 2005, Zhang Xiutao entered a private hospital.

  Soon, the time came to 2009, at this time Zhang Xiutao, has taken care of Zhu Guangjin for 7 years, during this period, Zhang Xiutao has proposed countless times to marry Zhu Guangjin, but zhu Guangjin has refused, the reason is very simple, he treats every day as the last day of his life, how can he deprive Zhang Xiutao of his happiness?

  But Zhang Xiutao did not think so, she identified Zhu Guangjin, even if Zhu Guangjin's life, as long as one day, Zhang Xiutao is willing to become his bride.

  Because of this, one day in 2009, Zhang Xiutao was rarely angry with Zhu Guangjin, and she yelled at Zhu Guangjin: "If we don't get a marriage license, we are not a legal couple..."

The People's Liberation Army is paraplegic, experts say that she will not live for 5 years, she resolutely married, and now has been with her for 20 years

  It is also because of this anger that Zhu Guangjin realized that his "refusal" was a cruel thing for Zhang Xiutao, and on New Year's Day in 2009, the two entered the marriage hall, and the villagers who learned the good news spontaneously came to bless them.

  In 2011, Zhu Guangjin and Zhang Xiutao had a love crystallization, and the birth of daughter Zhu Chenyu also shone a ray of hope into this small family full of suffering.

  Immediately after, it was the death of Zhang Xiutao's mother, from the end of 2004 to Poyang County, afraid that her parents opposed her and Zhu Guangjin, Zhang Xiutao did not dare to go home for 7 years, failed to fulfill filial piety around her mother, and also became the pain of Zhang Xiutao's life.

  Fortunately, under the meticulous care of Zhang Xiutao, Zhu Guangjin's physical condition was better than a day, and in 2013, the hospital removed the catheter for Zhu Guangxiu, which made Zhu Guangxiu a lot more relaxed and also made Zhang Xiutao full of smiles.

  From this time on, she began to help her husband practice going to bed and standing, and with Zhang Xiutao's encouragement, Zhu Guangjin also learned to type with five strokes and use a smartphone.

  In 2014, the movie "Peach Love" based on Zhang Xiutao and Zhu Guangjin was released, and once it was broadcast, it caused a great sensation.

  In 2015, Zhang Xiutao went to Beijing to attend the military and civilian New Year tea party, and was also received by the general secretary, and wished her family a better and better.

The People's Liberation Army is paraplegic, experts say that she will not live for 5 years, she resolutely married, and now has been with her for 20 years

  Today, Zhang Xiutao and Zhu Guangjin have gone through 20 Spring and Autumn together (since 2002), and experts predict that he will not live for 5 years, which has been broken again and again.

  I have to say that the power of love is really great.

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