
Spain's "Helvar": The Spanish Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce held an event to help the Beijing Winter Olympics

author:Overseas network

Source: China News Network Client

According to Spain's "Ouhua Newspaper" on January 19, the world-renowned 2022 Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing from February 4 to 20. At 18:00 on January 17, the Spanish Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce successfully hosted the "Cheering for the Beijing Winter Olympics" propaganda activity in Barcelona.

Jin Hao, president of the Spanish Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce, first delivered a speech in which he expressed the joy of Spanish overseas Chinese businessmen in holding a sports event in China, and looked forward to the Winter Olympics to deepen the friendship between the Chinese and Spanish peoples and promote exchanges between the two countries in the fields of economy, trade, sports and culture.

Josep Sánchez Llibre, President of the Association for the Promotion of Industry and Commerce of Catalonia, and Carlos Prieto Gómez, Deputy Representative of the Spanish Government in Barcelona, delivered speeches one after another, expressing the good wishes of the Catalan business community and the Spanish government for the success of the Beijing Winter Olympics and their bright prospects for the future.

Mónica Bosch, president of the Canadian Sports Federation and former Winter Olympic athlete, introduced in her speech that the Canadian Sports Federation is actively promoting the joint bid of the Barcelona-Pyrenees region to host the 2030 Winter Olympics, and she looks forward to Barcelona becoming the second double Olympic city, and specially wishes Catalan athletes to achieve good results in the Beijing Winter Olympics and leave good memories.

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