
Willing to let the liquor industry overturn the car again: invite Yang Kasa to endorse "Puxin wine" and provoke male and female antagonisms?

author:Third and first interactive classroom

On January 12, Shede Liquor Invited Yang Kasa as a guest of the show "Shede Wisdom Figures" jointly created with Phoenix Network. However, since the marketing plan to invite Yang Kasa as a guest came out, most of the shareholders in the liquor industry began to be indignant, causing an uproar on the Internet.

Until January 17, the stock price of Shede Liquor fell from 210 yuan / share to 191.87 yuan / share, a decline of about 8.63%, and the market value evaporated by 5.26 billion yuan!

Willing to let the liquor industry overturn the car again: invite Yang Kasa to endorse "Puxin wine" and provoke male and female antagonisms?

Why is that?

It turned out that the reason why most netizens boycotted Yang Kasa was that Yang Kasa had not published a statement that men were "both ordinary and confident" (hereinafter referred to as "Puxin Men") on a public occasion, which made many shareholders think that Yang Kasa actively provoked the topic of confrontation between men and women in talk shows, and joked that Shede wine had become "Puxin wine". What's more, there are also direct screens in the live broadcast room of the shedding liquor industry: Yang Kasa endorsement, dogs do not drink and other types of speech.

Willing to let the liquor industry overturn the car again: invite Yang Kasa to endorse "Puxin wine" and provoke male and female antagonisms?

Willing to officially describe Yang Kasa as follows: "In the spotlight, stand-up comedian Yang Kasa is bold and sharp, and is a well-deserved queen of hot terriers." Behind the stage, she is also like ordinary post-90s girls, yearning for love and beauty, pursuing freedom in life... Let's get close to Yang Kasa together, understand the soft and powerful her behind the comedy stage, and see how she is firm in herself and accepts herself between life trade-offs. But on the 14th, the comments section of the microblog could not be displayed because of "filtering inappropriate remarks".

There are many similar cases of boycotting Yang Kasa, such as Heilan Home in February last year, Yang Kasa for its platform talk show and on the e-commerce line Yang Kasa wearing brand clothes Pictures were "fiercely rebounded" by netizens, have said that wearing Heilan Home clothes will make themselves directly associated with "Puxin Man", saying that if Heilan Home asks Yang Kasa to act as a spokesperson, it will not buy the brand products.

But it is very interesting that most of the customers who buy Heilan Home are displayed as female consumers, which means that men usually do not buy their own clothes but are purchased by women in the family, but this does not prevent male netizens from believing that this advertisement is filmed for men.

Willing to let the liquor industry overturn the car again: invite Yang Kasa to endorse "Puxin wine" and provoke male and female antagonisms?

Coincidentally, Intel also tried to use Yang Kasa as a spokesperson in March last year, in just four days, the Intel spokesperson is Yang Kasa The matter has been fermented uncontrollably on the Internet, about Yang Kasa said in the promotional video: "Intel's vision is too high, higher than my vision of picking objects" How powerful is this sentence?

Just look at the #Intel Yang Kasa # topic reading volume soared nearly 200 million in a short period of time, the number of discussions reached 65,000, coupled with the topic instantly topped the weibo hot search results can be understood.

Willing to let the liquor industry overturn the car again: invite Yang Kasa to endorse "Puxin wine" and provoke male and female antagonisms?

Gender equality is a sensitive topic in itself, and with the help of the speed of the Internet, the gender confrontation on the Internet seems to be very fierce, and even has a tendency to intensify. Especially for brands that use a certain gender as the mainstream user, marketing in today's environment is simply walking on thin ice. Although the global marketing industry is reflecting on this theme, there are still brands that have stepped on the topic of "gender opposition".

In recent years, there have been new words such as "feminism" on the Internet, and we will explore it together in china with daily gas.

Feminism (Feminism), also known as feminism and feminism, refers to the social theory and political movement created and launched to end sexism, sexual exploitation, sexual discrimination and sexual oppression, and promote sexual class equality, in addition to the criticism of social relations, it also focuses on the analysis of gender inequality and the promotion of the rights, interests and issues of the sexual underclass.

Willing to let the liquor industry overturn the car again: invite Yang Kasa to endorse "Puxin wine" and provoke male and female antagonisms?

In my opinion, the so-called feminism does not refer to the opposition between men and women or the inferiority of women to men, but more to reflect the openness and inclusiveness of a society. With the development of the economy, people's spiritual needs have also reached the height of adapting to the economy, and thus, there has also been a corresponding ideological and cultural collision.

Like the previous hit movie "My Sister", it also aroused a discussion among netizens, the content of the movie is that the sister's parents who are preparing for graduate school died unexpectedly, but left her with a brother who is in kindergarten without any emotional foundation. In the movie, all the relatives and friends around are persecuting the sister to raise her brother, although the sister has tried to resist in the early stages, constantly looking for an adoptive family for her brother, but in the end it still cuts the shackles of blood kinship, and the sister chooses to have a younger brother in her future and raise her brother to grow up.

Willing to let the liquor industry overturn the car again: invite Yang Kasa to endorse "Puxin wine" and provoke male and female antagonisms?

Many netizens expressed great dissatisfaction with this ending in the play, believing that this is a kind of existence of "helping brothers and demons", which is not in line with the current idea of equality between men and women. But in my opinion, the tough female image of the sister in the play who strives hard for her studies and does not easily bow to fate is exactly the feminist spirit that we emphasize today.

The main story of the film is to promote the story with the protagonist's aunt and the protagonist's two generations of female figures: the traditional women of the mother's generation represented by the aunt are the pure "brother-in-law demons", emphasizing the world training of "the eldest sister as the mother", believing that the sister safely supports the younger brother An Ziheng's unshirkable responsibility, which is a natural responsibility; and the protagonist's sub-generation of women represented by Enron is the feminist image that is generally accepted by everyone today, not believing that they have the responsibility of taking care of their younger siblings, but more emphasizing independence and the right to pursue freedom.

In fact, the rebellious comments about feminism or "female boxers" on the Internet have also brought us parents new thinking: Is there something wrong with our education? Are we not giving our children a certain sense of security?

In many second-child families, the extreme behavior or rebellious behavior they commit is actually due to the invisibility and lack of love of their parents. I believe that feminism is not a measure of the social status of men and women, but more represents the acceptance and openness of society, rather than who respects and who is inferior.

Allowing more ideological possibilities is what we want to see in today's society, isn't it?

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