
Total investment of 1.824 billion yuan The first batch of key projects in Fugu County in 2022 will resume work

author:Nine factions view the world

On January 19, the first batch of 8 key projects in Fugu County in 2022 began to resume work, with a total investment of 1.824 billion yuan and an annual planned investment of 1.459 billion yuan.

The projects that Fugu County started to resume work this time involve many fields such as energy and chemical industry, transformation and upgrading, infrastructure, rural revitalization, and social and people's livelihood. Among them, the new projects include the Fugu County Civil Airport (Experimental Section Project) Loess Sedimentation Geological Exploration Project, the Miaogoumen Power Plant Unit Intelligent Transformation Project, the Wastewater Treatment Demonstration Project, and the Metal Magnesium Technical Transformation Project, with a total investment of 1.22 billion yuan and an annual planned investment of 1.22 billion yuan; the continuing construction projects are Qinjin Coal Mine Project, Erdaogou Coal Mine Project, Xinfushan Relocation Agricultural Industrial Park Project, and Infectious Disease Building Renovation Project, with a total investment of 604 million yuan and an annual planned investment of 239 million yuan. These large-scale investment projects, high scale and high quality, good comprehensive benefits, and long-term benefits will effectively stimulate investment demand, promote steady economic growth, and provide a strong guarantee for striving to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Fugu.

(Reporters Wu Jie and Hu Shaopeng)

【Source: Yulin Daily】

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