
Fans have made a contribution? The Chinese league a Shaanxi changed coaches, Li Tie lost the election, only because the reputation is too "smelly"

Fans have made a contribution? The Chinese league a Shaanxi changed coaches, Li Tie lost the election, only because the reputation is too "smelly"

In the past few days, there has been a not very heavy news in Chinese football, but it is very worth saying that it is related to the whereabouts of Li Tie, the former head coach of the national football team: the Chinese First Division team Shaanxi Chang'an Athletic will announce a change of coach in the near future, the original foreign coaching team has left, and several local coaches have been recommended in the past, including Li Tie.

After comprehensive consideration, Shaanxi Chang'an Athletic officially announced Wang Baoshan's coaching of the team, while former national football coach Li Tie was decisively abandoned by Shaanxi Chang'an Athletic because his reputation was too "smelly" and considered that fans might not be able to accept it.

Fans have made a contribution? The Chinese league a Shaanxi changed coaches, Li Tie lost the election, only because the reputation is too "smelly"

"Xi'an Daily" reporter He Xiaolong: Shaanxi Chang'an Athletic did consider Li Tie, but because of the top 12 matches, it was worried about the emotions of the fans.

As we all know, since the defeat of the national football team in the World Preliminary Round, Li Tie has fallen into the center of the storm of public opinion because of improper remarks and illegal taking of goods. Finally, after being dug into several "shady news" by Football News, Li Tie could no longer bear the pressure and announced his voluntary resignation. After leaving the national football team, Li Tie disappeared for a long time, and no one knew what he was doing, until the recent change of coach in Chang'an Athletic, Shaanxi, the news about Li Tie was revealed again.

Fans have made a contribution? The Chinese league a Shaanxi changed coaches, Li Tie lost the election, only because the reputation is too "smelly"

In fact, with Li Tie's coaching level, it is more than enough for him to be the head coach of a Chinese First Division team, because he has led the Wuhan team (formerly Wuhan Zhuoer) to successfully overtake before and has a very rich experience. The most important task of Shaanxi Chang'an Athletic now is to rush over, of course, the old marshal Wang Baoshan is also an expert in this regard.

However, Li Tie has strong connections in Chinese football, and he can introduce the players he needs to Shaanxi Chang'an Athletic, after all, he has his own player agency, with Dong Chunyu, Tomorrow, Liu Yun and other signed players.

Fans have made a contribution? The Chinese league a Shaanxi changed coaches, Li Tie lost the election, only because the reputation is too "smelly"

However, Shaanxi Chang'an Athletic also considered this aspect and finally abandoned Li Tie, because if a head coach has his own player agency, then the relationship with the interests of the players is not clear.

When he was in the national football team, Li Tie was exposed because of the conflict with the interests of the players, and finally chose to resign. Some media disclosed that Li Tie wants to be selected for the new international football team to sign a contract with his player agency, otherwise he will not be given a chance to play. So much so that the outside world has been rumored that Wei Shihao, Guo Tianyu and other players are unwilling to sign, only to be "banned" by Li Tie.

Fans have made a contribution? The Chinese league a Shaanxi changed coaches, Li Tie lost the election, only because the reputation is too "smelly"

In summary, Li Tie's coaching ability is still there, the national team and the Chinese Super League team have been brought, not to mention a Chinese League A team; but considering that Li Tie's reputation is very bad in the fan circle, worried about causing adverse effects, so Shaanxi Chang'an Athletic finally gave up Li Tie and chose Wang Baoshan, a veteran coach from Shaanxi, in order to achieve a smooth transition.

I estimate that Li Tie should be difficult to find a new team in recent years, it is best to precipitate for a period of time, or go abroad for further study, improve and improve yourself. After the fans are completely discouraged, it may be the day when "Iron Brother" will make a comeback.

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