
The happy old age of Ling Yuan's hundred-year-old hero

author:Pocket New Lingyuan

On February 18, 2021 (the seventh day of the first lunar month), Fu Xiandong, chairman of the Lingyuan Caring Volunteer Association, led a team of three people carrying rice flour oil and other items to drive to Sanjia Village, Wafangdian Town, to visit Huang Ge, a hundred-year-old veteran who participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. This is the second time since September 3, 2016, that volunteers have walked into his home.

The happy old age of Ling Yuan's hundred-year-old hero
The happy old age of Ling Yuan's hundred-year-old hero
The happy old age of Ling Yuan's hundred-year-old hero

Veteran Huang Ge was born in 1921, he is already a hundred years old, volunteers come to visit, and the old man is happy like a child. Because the back of the ear, can not hear the words, everyone asks anything is laughing, amiable, approachable.

The happy old age of Ling Yuan's hundred-year-old hero

The elderly have a better mental state. Several commemorative medals of more than 70 years and old photographs of wearing military uniforms that have been yellowed are the glory and heirlooms of the old man.

The happy old age of Ling Yuan's hundred-year-old hero
The happy old age of Ling Yuan's hundred-year-old hero
The happy old age of Ling Yuan's hundred-year-old hero

From the old man's dictation, it is known that he joined the army in 1949 and was in the fifth company of the second battalion of the 405th regiment of the 135th Division. He participated in the suppression of bandits in Guangxi and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

After the outbreak of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Huang Ge entered the Korean War with a large army. Enemy planes are constantly bombing on the battlefield. When the battle was at its most brutal, Huang Ge and his comrades-in-arms held out on the position for 7 days and 7 nights without closing their eyes. At that time, the fallen volunteer soldiers were buried on the spot. Ordinary North Koreans often go to the graves of volunteer martyrs to pay their respects. People like me who can survive are destined to be great. During my time in Korea, one of my arms was scratched by the skin of an enemy shell. The old man said as he rolled up his sleeves for everyone to see.

Although some scenes have been forgotten by the old man, on the old man's discharge certificate, there are the following records: 2 small merits; 1 material commendation; 1 battalion commendation; demobilization on April 20, 1955.

Nowadays, the old man of Huang Ge is with his son and lives happily in his old age.

The happy old age of Ling Yuan's hundred-year-old hero
The happy old age of Ling Yuan's hundred-year-old hero

"The old man has a good mentality, on weekdays, we eat what he eats, never picky eaters, nor do we engage in special." On the other hand, my father loved to work all his life, whether it was in the house or outside the courtyard, as long as he could reach out to do whatever work he could. Take chopping wood, and chop wood with an axe on your knees. Don't look at the centenarian, but he has a lot of strength to pick up an axe and chop wood! Huang Baolin, a 60-year-old son, introduced.

Huang Baolin's wife, Hua Cuizhen, was waiting for her daughter-in-law Yuezi in Shenyang, and when she heard on the phone that someone had come to visit the old man, she was very touched and said her heartfelt words through the mobile phone video. "Our daughter-in-law doesn't look at the provincial city, it's good for our grandfather." At the New Year last year, he said that he would kowtow to his grandfather and grandfather. My grandfather saw his granddaughter-in-law come to pay him a New Year's greeting, and he couldn't close his mouth happily. The granddaughter-in-law also put her arms around her grandfather's neck and put her face on it. The daughter-in-law did not dislike her grandfather at all, and also took the initiative to put vegetables into the old man's bowl. People often say that it is not a family that does not enter a door, it can be said that our family has done a better job than the other in terms of filial piety and respect for the elderly. ”

Huang Baolin said: "From the city to the town, leaders at all levels in the village often come to visit the old man at my house. Ma Minglu, the first secretary of our village, is a middle-level leader of the Lingyuan City Public Security Bureau, and he and other comrades-in-arms often bring rice flour oil and clothes to comfort my grandfather. Because of the care of leaders at all levels, coupled with the fact that the old man usually has a particularly good mentality, the old man is still so healthy until he is a hundred years old. ”

Less than a year later, when the volunteers brought him to his house three times, the old man's physical condition was much worse than before. He was able to chop firewood on the seventh day of the first lunar month last year, but now he is bedridden.

According to the old man's son, not long ago, when the old man was packing up his things on the kang, he accidentally fell to the ground, resulting in a fracture of the leg, fortunately, the fracture site has been connected, and after being discharged from the hospital, it is in the recovery stage.

On January 13 this year, according to the requirements of the "Tribute to the Veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" project with the Shenzhen Longyue Charity Foundation, volunteers carried rice flour oil to comfort the elderly in Huangge, but also completed the information collection and other related matters for the elderly.

In accordance with the requirements of the "Tribute to the Veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" project, the first step is to report the collected information to the Shenzhen partners, and the second step, after the Shenzhen Longyue Charity Foundation submits for approval, the 1200 yuan tribute fund and 500 yuan of tribute materials are called before it can be sent to the hands of the veterans.

Considering the special situation of the elderly in Huangge, the leadership of the Lingyuan City Caring Volunteer Association immediately made a decision: first, the association would personally fund and advance, and send money and goods to the hands of the elderly in advance.

So, on January 16, three volunteers came to the home of the old man of HuangGe again with rice flour oil and 1200 yuan of tribute money. When the volunteers, on behalf of the Lingyuan City Charity Volunteer Association and the Shenzhen Longyue Charity Foundation, handed the warm tribute gold to the 101-year-old man's hand, the old man had tears in his eyes, tightly held the volunteer's hand and did not want to spread it...

The happy old age of Ling Yuan's hundred-year-old hero

"Veterans don't have much time left for us! Next, we must continue to race against time, and finish the interview with Ling Yuan's veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea as soon as possible, so that they can get the care and warmth of the social love organization in time! This is the consensus reached by several managers of the Lingyuan Caring Volunteer Association!

At present, the tribute to veterans is still continuing!

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