
Pinxuan Boutique | "Our Spiritual Corner"

author:Qingdao Zhongke Xiangyun big data

Now, literary and artistic youth seems to have become a pejorative description, and everyone has learned to laugh at themselves, saying that they are two goods, fat houses, foodies, and comics, and have learned to hide their inner vulnerability and sensitivity.

Pinxuan Boutique | "Our Spiritual Corner"

However, this promotional video of Douban has a good grasp of the potential psychology of the Douban audience, which makes people shoot the case after watching it. At the same time, this promotional film is also the first GoPro camera first-view shooting + post-film reproduction of the production method, surreal interpretation of people's stories at different life stages, it looks very substitutionary.

Pinxuan Boutique | "Our Spiritual Corner"

The trailer opens with a person in a mental hospital (only mental illness requires two hands to be tied). The line that goes along: Sometimes, I embrace the world with open hands.

Pinxuan Boutique | "Our Spiritual Corner"

But he didn't embrace the world, he was bound by psychotic clothes, and his hands were always holding himself.

Pinxuan Boutique | "Our Spiritual Corner"

At the beach, which represents childhood, he saw a group of small children around a campfire, and they saw that his eyes were strange. The next two details, his feet were dragged and put into different containers.

Pinxuan Boutique | "Our Spiritual Corner"

Therefore, the clothes of mental illness have always represented the bondage in reality. After encountering love, fly into the spaceship (hinting away from reality) with your own knife, cut the psychotic suit (break free of yourself) and enter the window of the opening cabin (spiritual corner) again is a distant earth.

The bondage is broken free by oneself, implying that only in this corner is the limbs stretched and the man is at ease.

Pinxuan Boutique | "Our Spiritual Corner"

The last monologue at the beginning rings out again: Except for a little secret, I am just an extremely ordinary person. But the whole commercial doesn't say what this little secret is.

Pinxuan Boutique | "Our Spiritual Corner"

It was not until the end of the disclosure of the Douban Logo that everyone understood what this little secret was. It turned out that Douban was the secret base. The idea of Douban is wonderful, truly combining art and reality.

Pinxuan Boutique | "Our Spiritual Corner"

The soundtrack, editing, accurate copywriting, strong literary atmosphere and interpretation of the main slogan "Our Spiritual Corner" show that Douban really knows what its audience is, and also understands its value in the audience group, putting the network, spirit, reality, with this way of literary and artistic film, integration, and transmission of information to you.

Pinxuan Boutique | "Our Spiritual Corner"

Douban knows very well that we are not unsympathetic, but we just can't find a place to let go of our hearts, and Douban is the softest place in the hearts of these literary and artistic young people. As Douban netizens commented: We are willing to be brainwashed by literature and art because we are our own believers.