
Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

author:Art Tourism Culture
Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

(Source: Xiaoshu library)

Hangzhou should be regarded as a city with a great relationship with bookstores. Dating back to the Time of the Southern Song Dynasty, there was already the world-famous Lin'an Bookstore, and the Royal Street of the Southern Song Dynasty at that time was the largest book market at that time. Looking further back, the story of the bookstore has entered the ups and downs, after experiencing the first wave of state-run Xinhua bookstores, the second wave of individual bookstores, and the third wave of independent bookstores, there are some people who have come here, but then quietly left.

There are still a large number of bookstores hidden in various corners of Hangzhou, strolling down the street, and it is easy to bump into one around the corner.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

(Source: Little Red Book @capreolus)

South Korean novelist Kim Yan-ho said, "When a person is in a state of wandering on the road of life, the best place to go is the bookstore; when besieged by unspeakable loneliness, the space where the soul can be soothed is also the bookstore." ”

Under the collision of the times, the bookstore is the spiritual corner that we are attached to, and for the nostalgic, it is a refuge in modern life. They are like isolated islands, divided into different styles of different spaces, but also like tower keepers with different personalities, who have witnessed a unique urban memory.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

We have compiled a guide to hangzhou bookstores for you, and some of the bookstores we have selected are particularly old, some are still young, some are more like art installations, some are out of the ordinary, and some are still stubborn. Looking for these bookstores, we turned the page on Hangzhou.

01. Xiaofeng Bookstore

What remains here are the footprints of the city

Address: No. 529 Stadium Road, West Lake District, Hangzhou

Business hours: 09:00-17:00

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Last year, due to the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Xiaofeng Bookstore had to start a long period of closure. Prior to that, the bookstore had been open in Hangzhou for 25 years.

This Xiaofeng Bookstore on Stadium Road is the oldest of the 15 branches. The first step in, the badly worn floor, there is a creak, attracting the side eyes of the people who are reading inside.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

The white floor of Xiaofeng Bookstore was once on the People's Daily

The owner, Zhu Yufang, is very accustomed to this whitened floor pulp, and people come and go continue to step in, and the footprints that are printed are the most vivid urban marks.

Founded in 1996, Xiaofeng Bookstore has seen the rise and fall of independent bookstores. In the early days, every step forward on Wulin Road was a bookstore, and after the e-commerce era swept in, this batch of independent bookstores all quietly retreated, leaving only Xiaofeng Bookstore still holding out.

When you come to Xiaofeng Bookstore, you can still see the purest appearance of the bookstore: here, everything is only related to books.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Coming here to buy books, I have the feeling of buying CDs from the record store, and the recommended book lists and handwritten recommendations selected by the bookstore staff.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Handwritten testimonials (Source: see Bookstore)

There is no Douban score, no big data calculation, and all the "guess you like" depends on the taste of the shopkeeper. Whether a book is suitable or not, you still need to carefully turn it through from beginning to end.

Here, time is still slow.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Xiaofeng Bookstore (QiaoXi Zhijie Store) (Source: Iris Xiaozhu)

02. Oyster Bookstore

"Pearls are among oysters, the most beautiful when they are found"

Address: No. 18 Haiyue Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou

Opening hours: Saturday, Sunday 12:00-20:00 Monday, Wednesday to Friday 13:00-19:00

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Oysters are small, about 20 square meters of space, and you can see the head at a glance.

Half of it is a display of books, and the other half is a reading area.

The total number of books is not much, but it is divided into categories and varieties, such as literature, art, philosophy, life, second-hand books.... Almost all categories are covered.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

"Practice being a truly free person" (Source: @Walk Non-Stop)

For people who love books, coming to oysters to buy books is very meaningful for gold panning in the sand, oyster bookstores often have precious orphans, and if you are lucky, you can buy your long-sought "pearl".

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Some old books (Source: @Oyster Bookstore)

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Woolf's Manuscript of Mrs. Dalloway (Source: @Oyster Bookstore)

If you go in the summer, pull open the stool under the table, which is the "sea viewing position" reserved by the shopkeeper. On the table are some books about the "sea", two pictures of the "sea" and some texts documenting the "sea".

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

The location of "Looking at the Sea" (Source: Hangzhou solo)

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Such a cute ingenuity, there are still many hidden in the oysters.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life
Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

In the summer, you are also welcome to enter the store "Guan Tide" (Source: @Oyster Bookstore)

Different readers are welcome to go on a treasure hunt.

03. General readers

"I'm happy to be able to disagree with the opinions of ordinary readers"

Address: Itc Guigu International Center, No. 2000, Shixin North Road, Ningwei Street, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou

Opening hours: 10:00-22:00

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

General Readers (Source: Zebra Pictorial)

The name of the shop for the average reader, the four words that the owner plucked from Woolf's book, is enough to express the position of the store for itself: everything is reduced to the book itself.

Ordinary readers only sell books.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Our understanding of bookstores has changed, and while many bookstores are trying to transform into cultural spaces, they insist on going backwards and trying to return to a purer form.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

The interior design of the average reader also follows a retro texture (picture from: @AC architectural creation)

It is worth mentioning that the owner's classification of books follows the philosopher Alain Badio's view: books should be divided into four categories, "love, science, art and politics".

"These are the four paths we humanity have taken to the truth. Each of these four paths will sublimate us to a higher scale of destiny. ”

04. Ulysses

"Every day is a small-scale death"

Address: No. 237 Zixia Street, West Lake District, Hangzhou

Opening hours: 10:00-20:00

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

The door of the bookstore reads "2020 will burn after reading" (Source: carrot occasionally -chi)

Ulysses only sells the book Ulysses.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Ulysses (Source: Zebra Pictorial)

Every copy of Ulysses in the store is coded and numbered, and the owner expects to finish it in two years, and when the book is finished, the store will no longer be open.

Ulysses is closer to a contemporary art installation among all the independent bookstores, where everything is experimental and avant-garde.

Other books in the bookstore can be flipped through at will, they are not classified, only according to the owner's preferences.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Books without classification (Source: Zebra Pictorial)

There's no internet available here, just come here and just read a book.

After 8 p.m., it becomes a tavern.

All designs are arranged according to clear personal preferences. It is also interesting that the owner wrote in a bookmark, saying: "On resisting loneliness, books and wine are on a par."

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

(Source: Zhi Xiaoyin)

05. Shen Ji Antique Bookstore

We sell all about the past

Address: Hangzhou Stadium Road No. 402 Tianchao Garden on the first floor (the entrance is on the left side of the civil aviation ticket office)

Opening hours: 08:00-14:00

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

As the name suggests, Shen Ji Antique Bookstore only sells second-hand books. Closed Monday through Thursday, opens at 8:00 a.m. and closes at 14:00 p.m.

It is said that it is a bookstore, but it is actually just a garage under the owner's deep flat plate, all kinds of old books and old books, full of them, from the floor directly to the ceiling.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life
Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

The price of each book ranges from one dollar to ten thousand yuan.

Ancient books from the Qianlong period of the Kangxi Dynasty, zhou zuoren and lin yutang essays that have been out of print, complete sets of comic strips, ancient local chronicles...

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

All the precious, past, historical traces are well placed here in the form of books.

06. Nanshan Bookstore

"I saw your smile and smelled the lotus fragrance of the pond"

Address: No. 210 Nanshan Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou

Business hours: 09:30-20:00

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Nanshan Bookstore (Source: @Ninsai Bunsa)

The Nanshan Bookstore was hidden under a small green brick building, and when he pushed open the door, he immediately realized that there was no hole in the sky. Wood framed windows, green walls. A clear glass bottle with two crisp green bamboo sticks inserted on it.

The bookstore is divided into two floors by a ramping staircase, and the wooden staircase creaks and makes people can't help but slow down so as not to disturb the cleanliness of the place.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Meow ~ (Source: Poached Egg Jun)

Nanshan Bookstore is based on the China Academy of Art, specializing in various types of ancient art books, portraits, and posters.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life
Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Nanshan Bookstore has a large number of art books (Source: Poached Egg Jun)

In addition to these, the bookstore designs all kinds of small things, it is also worth buying, a simple notebook, but also designed chic and moving.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

"I saw your smile and smelled the fragrance of lotus" (Source: Poached Egg Jun)

07. Tsuruya Bookstore

"Lifestyle Advocate"

Address: Hangzhou Xihu District Tianmushan Road No. 398 TianmuLi Building 2-4

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Tsuruya Bookstore (Hangzhou Tianmuli Store) (Source: @Flow Injury-eleven)

There are many labels on Tsutaya Bookstore: the most beautiful design in the world, Takeshi Kitano's favorite, Japan's phenomenon legendary bookstore.... As a result, before the official opening of the Tsuruya Bookstore in Hangzhou, it has become an Internet celebrity punch card.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Tsuruya Bookstore (Source: Saigon)

Putting that aside, Tsutaya Bookstore fits all of our current understanding of bookstores.

It's a complex space: reading rooms, cafes, cultural and creative goods, photography venues. The space that undertakes different functions is stitched together here, creating a cultural hybrid that makes it easy to forget its original function.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Tsutaya Bookstore has a huge and complex space design (Source: @Flow Injury-eleven)

In Japan, Tsutaya Shoten's fame comes from the books themselves. In this regard, Hangzhou's Tsubasa Bookstore is not inferior.

Tsutaya Bookstore specializes in aesthetics books, including photography, art, fine arts, humanities, tourism, life, design, architecture, and decoration. What is rare is that there are also a large number of original documents here, and the designer's work can be bought directly.

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life
Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

Books in Tsutaya Bookstore (Source: @Ryu-eleven)

Tsutaya Bookstore considers itself a "lifestyle advocate," and no matter what you think about life, you can come here and find the answers you want.

According to an incomplete statistic, there are more than 110 bookstores in hangzhou alone. In addition to the above 7 bookstores, there are many bookstores worth visiting.

We specially attach a list for you, you can pick a sunny day, take advantage of the mood, invite three or two friends, and have a good look together:

Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life
Hangzhou Bookstore Guide | This is our spiritual corner, a refuge in modern life

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Editor| Poached Egg King

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