
U.S. diplomats frequently suffer from "mysterious diseases," and the results of the CIA investigation are released

author:Governor of Chang'an Street

According to NBC, The New York Times and other US media reports, a provisional investigation by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) shows that the mysterious disease known as "Havana syndrome" is unlikely to be caused by attacks by hostile forces in the United States.

The investigation noted that most of the roughly 1,000 cases reported to the U.S. government could be explained by environmental causes, undiagnosed diseases or stresses, rather than attacks by hostile forces.

U.S. diplomats frequently suffer from "mysterious diseases," and the results of the CIA investigation are released

Screenshot of NBC report

A senior CIA official said there was "no uniform explanation" for the large number of cases reported around the world, but that analysis of the cases continued and would not rule out the possibility of foreign forces involved in individual cases.

CIA Director Burns said he supported the current conclusions, but said the investigation was continuing and would provide "world-class" care to U.S. officials who developed symptoms.

U.S. diplomats frequently suffer from "mysterious diseases," and the results of the CIA investigation are released

The governor of Chang'an Avenue noted that "Havana syndrome" is a mysterious disease that has long plagued the US intelligence community and diplomats, and the White House has repeatedly said that it will thoroughly investigate the incident and suspect that it may be a "directed energy attack" launched by hostile forces such as Russia.

It is reported that this mysterious disease first appeared in 2016, a number of U.S. diplomats and intelligence personnel in Cuba appeared dizziness, tinnitus, audiovisual impairment, memory loss and other symptoms, the disease was named "Havana syndrome". Since then, new cases have continued to emerge, and U.S. officials in London, Moscow, Austria and other countries have said similar symptoms have emerged.

Just a week ago, the Wall Street Journal reported that officials of the U.S. diplomatic missions in Geneva and Paris were suspected of suffering from "Havana syndrome" and that at least one had withdrawn to the United States for treatment.

There are reports that the health problems caused by "Havana syndrome" have led to negative emotions within the US government. Some U.S. diplomats and intelligence agents are reluctant to travel to other countries.

The disease also affects foreign affairs at the top of the White House. In August last year, US Vice President Harris's visit to Vietnam was abruptly postponed due to the suspected "Havana syndrome" among the staff of the US Embassy in Vietnam.

Last October, U.S. President Joe Biden signed the Havana Act, which provides financial compensation for employees of the State Department and the CIA who suffer brain injuries.

A month later, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken appointed two officials to investigate the "Havana syndrome" incident and established an incident response team. Blinken stressed at the time that the U.S. government should thoroughly investigate the mystery and find out who was the "culprit" behind this bizarre disease.

The Wall Street Journal said that it has been 5 years since the emergence of "Havana syndrome", during which the number of sick officials has been rising through the two administrations of Trump and Biden, but so far the US government and scientists have not been able to find out the answer.

The US "Newsweek" pointed out that the most popular theory about the truth about "Havana syndrome" is that the Russian military uses secret sound waves, microwaves or infrared to carry out "directed energy" attacks on US personnel.

In this regard, the Russian side has repeatedly denied the relevant allegations. Pushkov, chairman of the Information Policy Committee of the Russian Federation Committee, has sarcastically said that perhaps the UFO carried out what the US side called a "directed energy" attack, resulting in the "Havana syndrome" of US diplomats.

UCLA professor of neurology Robert M. Robert W Baloh believes that the so-called "Havana syndrome" may be a mass psychogenic disease. For example, if a person is told to eat poisonous food, even if there is nothing wrong with the food itself, it will have a great psychological effect, like the reverse of the placebo effect.

In a report last September, the BBC noted that clarifying the truth about "Havana syndrome" has become one of the top priorities of US national security, and some officials have called it the most difficult problem in intelligence work.

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