
"Nolan Royal" actor Michael Kane announces retirement as a writer

"Nolan Royal" actor Michael Kane announces retirement as a writer

Michael Kane, an 88-year-old British actor, announced his retirement from show business, and "Best Sellers," released in Canada on September 17, will be his last film.

"Nolan Royal" actor Michael Kane announces retirement as a writer

Best Salesperson movie poster

"Best Salesperson" tells the story of an ambitious young editor (Praza) and a writer (Kane) who embark on a wild book-selling journey to save a boutique publishing house. In the film, Kane plays a writer who, coincidentally, became a writer in his life and published several books. As an actor, he had to get up at half past six in the morning to go to the studio; and as a writer, he didn't need to get out of bed to start writing.

"Nolan Royal" actor Michael Kane announces retirement as a writer

The Dark Knight (2008) on set

In an interview with the BBC, Kane explained the reasons for retirement, which included physical (spinal problems affect walking) and other factors. In fact, he hasn't worked for two years because no one sincerely invited him or a script he wanted to make, and most scripts don't have an 88-year-old actor (There's not exactly scripts pouring out with a leading man that's 88).

"Nolan Royal" actor Michael Kane announces retirement as a writer

Sister Hannah (1986) Kane, 53

Sir Michael Kane is well known to Chinese audiences as Nolan's "royal actor", and he has starred in Nolan's "Deadly Magic", Batman trilogy, "Inception", "Interstellar" and "Creed". But in fact, before Nolan, he was already a well-known British film star, and his representative works include "Teaching Rita" (1983), "Hannah Sisters" (1986), "Cider House Law" (1999) and other films. In 2000, Queen Elizabeth II knighted him. Sir Kane won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor twice, and was awarded the European Film Awards (EFA) Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015.

"Nolan Royal" actor Michael Kane announces retirement as a writer
"Nolan Royal" actor Michael Kane announces retirement as a writer

Michael Kane's interview statement

(Editor: Ricka)

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