
World of Legends: Remember the master-apprentice gameplay back then? What kind of equipment did the master give you?

author:Back to the world

That year, we were enthusiastic about an online game called "World of Legends". In this virtual realm, we pursue our own glory and legend. The master-apprentice system adds a unique warmth to this memory.

World of Legends: Remember the master-apprentice gameplay back then? What kind of equipment did the master give you?

I remember when I first entered the world, I longed to find a master who could guide me on the right path. On the night of my seventh level, I shouted loudly to find a teacher, and finally a fellow traveler answered my call. Not only did he teach me how to master the game, but he also gave me some of the best gear he had replaced. At that moment, I felt the warmth of "tiger wolf relatives and friends" in the rivers and lakes.

World of Legends: Remember the master-apprentice gameplay back then? What kind of equipment did the master give you?

The first thing that caught my eye was a Grim Reaper's glove produced by an official uniform. In that era when every bit was precious, this white suit was undoubtedly a hot choice among warrior players. Although its drop rate is quite impressive, and the probability of obtaining high attributes is not low, the level of attributes is divided into three, six, nine, and so on. Compared to the normal 1-2 attack power, this Reaper Gauntlet with an attack power of 5 can be described as the best of the handles. This far exceeded the mainstream configuration of 1-4 back then, and even the later Shenwu bracelets were dwarfed.

World of Legends: Remember the master-apprentice gameplay back then? What kind of equipment did the master give you?

Then there's a Tiger Tooth Necklace that, despite its mediocre magic evasion stats, has an impressive 1-6 spells. This is in line with the characteristics that Taoist professional equipment should have. Even when I got the precious Celestial Suit, I never removed it. Only when faced with the Ruyi necklace does its brilliance dim slightly.

World of Legends: Remember the master-apprentice gameplay back then? What kind of equipment did the master give you?

And the most amazing thing for me is the gold bracelet. It stands to reason that as the jewelry of the warrior profession restraint mage, ordinary gold bracelets should be abundant and ubiquitous. However, back then, a Grim Reaper Glove with an attack power of 4 was rare, not to mention a gold bracelet with an attack power of up to 6, it was simply the best god costume of the king's level, and it was none other than the big guy. Even in the later era when the Shenwu bracelet became the new top-of-the-line equipment, this gold bracelet still shines brightly.

World of Legends: Remember the master-apprentice gameplay back then? What kind of equipment did the master give you?

And the most amazing thing is the pair of cast iron rings. As a novice piece of equipment in the shop, their magic attack is as high as 5. Not only is the comprehensive attribute no worse than the Magic God Ring, but more importantly, it comes with 2 points of defense, making it the best choice for mage players to wear. When most mages are still proudly wearing 0-4 ruby rings, isn't it just icing on the cake to be equipped with such a pair of artifacts that "pretend to be pigs and eat tigers"?

World of Legends: Remember the master-apprentice gameplay back then? What kind of equipment did the master give you?

Every time I think back to the superb white equipment that Master gave me back then, I always feel a lot of emotion. Those seemingly ordinary items embody the earnest teachings and ardent expectations of countless predecessors for us. We have received their gifts as if they had been treasured, and we have gone all the way on the rivers and lakes.

World of Legends: Remember the master-apprentice gameplay back then? What kind of equipment did the master give you?

Time flies, and now I am no longer what I used to be. And these cold equipment are still like a mirror, revealing the invincible past of youth. Now, I don't have the opportunity to regain my glory in this game, but I often carry these memories of the past back to the past. Maybe one day, I will return to the game with great ambition and prove to my masters that their teachings have not been disappointed.

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