
Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?

author:A little mess of the house


In recent years, more and more celebrity marriages have appeared in the entertainment industry, either because of their sweet love stories, or because of their mutual tolerance and support after marriage, they have become an example that everyone envies. Among these celebrity marriages, there is a couple whose story is particularly eye-catching, they are Yang Zishan and Wu Zhongtian.

Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?

From an introverted girl to an actress with a successful career

Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?

Yang Zishan, because of her parents' work, has lacked the company she has been with since she was a child, resulting in her introverted personality and not very good at communicating with others. However, even so, Yang Zishan still has a hot dream of acting, and she is very talented.

Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?

When she was 19 years old, with her excellent performance and singing skills, she successfully signed a contract with a record company and officially stepped into the showbiz. Then, he participated in the variety show "Famous Teacher and High Apprentice", and won everyone's love with his talent, so he began to gradually become well-known.

Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?
Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?

Perseverance and hard work when the career is at a low point

Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?

In the days that followed, Yang Zishan also participated in some film and television works one after another, and her performance was recognized by many people. Especially during the filming of the movie "To Youth", Yang Zishan encountered a lot of difficulties, and was accused and scolded by the director in front of him almost every day.

Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?

And the one who could support and encourage her was her husband Wu Zhongtian at the time. It is precisely because of Wu Zhongtian's company and support that Yang Zishan was able to persevere, and finally successfully shaped the role, and was nominated for the film festival with her outstanding performance.

Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?
Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?

Mutual tolerance and support in marriage

Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?

In her married life, Yang Zishan also showed some of her own characteristics, such as being very hygienic and having a serious cleanliness habit. However, even so, Wu Zhongtian did not get bored by this, but was very tolerant and understanding of her, and would give her great help and support in life.

Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?

During this time, Wu Zhongtian also encountered some things, because of the plagiarism incident, he was under great pressure from public opinion, and his career was also affected to a certain extent. However, even so, Yang Zishan still did not leave him, but has always been by his side to support and encourage him.

Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?
Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?

Balance between career and family

Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?

Today's Yang Zishan not only has a good performance in her career, but also lives a happy married life with her own hard work and persistence. Under the influence of Wu Zhongtian, she also slowly learned how to tolerate and understand others, and also learned how to strike a balance between career and family.

Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?

Through her story, she has also given many people a lot of inspiration, letting everyone know that whether it is in career or life, you need to have a strong and tolerant heart in order to go further and live a happier life.

Yang Zishan became popular after leaving her master Sun Nan, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 35, and her husband was caught in a plagiarism storm and it was difficult to become popular?

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