
Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?

author:Farmers who love flowers and plants

With the improvement of living standards, people like to maintain some flowers and plants at home, so that we can decorate our home more beautifully, but also can cultivate self-cultivation and cultivate sentiments, but to be honest, some flowers and plants are beautiful, but they are toxic, we must be careful when we maintain these flowers and plants, especially if there are children at home, we must avoid maintenance.

1. Oleander

We have all seen oleander, this flower blossom is more gorgeous, giving people a bright feeling, but this flower has a very strong toxicity, people use oleander branches to soak in water, can be made into insecticide, you can imagine how toxic it is, if humans mistakenly eat, or swallow the liquid in the branches, it can be said to be fatal, we maintain flowers and grass, not only for good looks, but also for health, there are children at home, or there are pets that bite and chew, we must be cautious about maintaining oleander.

Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?
Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?

2. Dripping Guanyin

Dripping guanyin, is a large green plant, the leaves are wide and green and shiny, very beautiful, planted at home can give us a bright feeling, placed in the living room can purify the air, improve the indoor air humidity, but the dripping guanyin is also toxic, if the contact with the leaves seep out of contact with these liquids, it may lead to swelling or numbness of the contact site, if eaten by mistake, it can even be fatal.

But it is these toxicity, dripping Guanyin can be developed into medicine, its extract has a good effect on abdominal pain, cholera, hernia, etc., but also can treat tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, tracheitis and other diseases, but to be honest, flowers and herbs with this is the doctor's business, we ordinary people are best not to use it, there are children at home or be careful.

Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?
Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?

3. Tiger thorn plum

Many friends like tiger thorn plum, because this small flower skin is really easy to raise, drought-resistant and easy to flower, if the temperature is suitable, pay attention to the use of phosphorus and potassium more compound fertilizer, appropriate amount of watering, more sun, it will even flower continuously throughout the year, I myself like tiger thorn plum, placed at home, you can look at the flowers for a long time, but this guy is a little afraid of cold, winter to pay attention to keep warm, if there is no child at home, raising potted tiger thorn plum is still a good choice.

Why do you say that there are children in the family who should avoid the maintenance of tiger thorn plums? One of the reasons is that it has a lot of needles on it, and it is also toxic, if it is broken or trimmed, it will flow out of the white juice, if it is stained on the broken skin, it will cause redness and swelling, stained into the eyes, to clean up in time, otherwise there is a risk of blindness.

Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?
Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?

4. Daffodils

Near the Spring Festival, people like to place a pot of daffodils at home, it will open before and after the Spring Festival, its leaves are verdant, soaked in water, you can open out the beautiful petals, it can be said that the fairy is fluttering, its appreciation value is very high, but also deeply loved and favored by people.

But the daffodil floral fragrance is too strong, some people are more sensitive to its floral fragrance, easy to appear uncomfortable, and its flowers and stems inside, there is a toxin called Latin, contact will make the skin allergic, if eaten by mistake, it may cause abdominal pain and vomiting, in many newspapers there are children who eat it as garlic seedlings, so we must be cautious about planting.

Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?
Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?

5. Yushu

Once done a survey, one of the most popular green plants is the jade tree, its leaves are crystal fat and lush, the branches are also relatively vigorous, hardy and dry, the most suitable for lazy people to plant, planted jade trees at home, if the growth period is placed outdoors, see the light ventilation, appropriate attention to the use of some rotten organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer, after a few years can become an old pile, some friends of the jade tree also opened out of the plain white flowers, it looks beautiful and auspicious.

However, the jade tree is also poisonous, we will see its oozing sap when pruning, it will make us allergic, if you eat it by mistake, it is more harmful, so it is recommended that you maintain the jade tree to avoid contact with the sap, there are children at home, be sure to put the jade tree on a high place.

Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?
Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?

6. Tulips

A friend especially like tulips, planted at home with various colors of tulips, to the spring tulips open, is really a beautiful landscape, its floral fragrance is also very charming, but this friend in the tulip flowering soon, hair loss a lot, she is very surprised, go to consult the doctor, the doctor said that tulip itself is a poisonous plant, the flower is containing toxic alkali, if long-term contact will be prone to hair loss phenomenon.

In addition, if we smell the floral fragrance of tulips for a long time, it is not good for the brain of the human body, and there will be a feeling of dizziness and swelling, which can lead to human poisoning when serious. Therefore, we should also be cautious when we love flowers.

Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?
Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?

7. Yew

Yew is a beautiful green plant, its branches and leaves are evergreen, and the branches are more vigorous, some friends also make it into a beautiful bonsai, yew to a certain age will produce red and colorful fruits, very tempting, planted at home is very charming and beautiful.

Yew can also extract paclitaxel, paclitaxel can treat cancer, it is precisely because of this, some friends will use the yew fruit, or yew bark to soak wine to drink, do not know that it is a three-point poison of medicine, without the guidance of a doctor, taking it indiscriminately not only does not cure the disease, but also damages our health, so we must know that the yew is poisonous, do not take it indiscriminately. (Even if the dose is small, if it is taken for a long time, the poisoning of people's bone marrow and other organs cannot be ignored, so it is okay not to use yew to make tea and wine.) )

Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?
Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?

8.Higan flower

The other side of the flower is gorgeous, and the flowers and leaves never meet, known as the flower of the netherworld, although the planting is a bit unlucky, but because of the beautiful mystery, there are still friends who choose to start, put aside the superstitious point of view, we from the health point of view, the other side of the flower, we should also be cautious.

The reason is that although the flowers on the other side are beautiful, the rhizomes are poisonous, and the bulbs contain alkaloid Licklin poison, once we eat it by mistake, it may lead to poisoning, light vomiting, diarrhea, heavy may cause central nervous system paralysis, life-threatening.

Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?
Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?

9. Golden marbles

Golden marbles is the dark horse of the bonsai market, in recent years, it is hot, its leaves are evergreen, the fruits are red, plus the branches are dark and vigorous, if it is properly trimmed, it is more charming and beautiful, people like golden marbles, if it is a beautiful shape of gold marbles, the price is also not cheap, but I suggest friends, if there are children at home, try to pay attention to the placement.

The reason is that the fruit of the golden marbles is too charming, too red, children are easy to resist the temptation to take, do not know that the fruits of the golden marbles have a little poison, after taking, will lead to abdominal pain or diarrhea.

Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?
Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?

10. Calla lilies

Calla lily, also known as ci mushroom flower, calla lily has a tuber-like stem, the leaves are verdant, its flowers have a high appreciation value, its flowers bloom, the shape is like a horseshoe, and the flowering period is relatively long, so it is deeply loved by people.

However, we need to pay attention to the fact that the whole plant of calla lily is poisonous, including its tubers, flowers, and its plants contain a large number of herbal calcium crystals and alkaloids, which can cause poisoning symptoms if eaten by mistake.

Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?
Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?

10. Mimosa

When I was a child, I liked mimosa very much, its leaves are very fun, every time you touch its leaves, its leaves will automatically shrink, like a girl, without teasing has been shy, although this grass is fun, but it is also poisonous, its branches and leaves contain a substance called mimosa alkali, this substance, harmful to the human body.

If we have long-term contact with it, it will make our eyebrows become sparse, and serious hair loss will occur, and the children in the family are so naughty, so it is recommended that there are small children at home, try not to raise mimosa.

Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?
Inventory of beautiful appearance, but poisonous flowers and plants, do you know how many?


There are many poisonous flowers and plants, such as mandala, mandala flower type is unique, has a high ornamental value, this flower is more mysterious, its main ingredients can be hallucinogenic, its seeds can even poison people, the rest of the poisonous also winter coral, night incense, etc., so we must be careful to maintain flowers and plants, try to raise some healthy and beautiful flowers, such as Junzi orchid atmosphere is beautiful, such as peony flowers national posture tianxiang, such as cloud bamboo can be sterilized and disinfected.

Today for the poisonous flowers and plants to share here, I hope you can like, if there is improper, please friends criticize and correct, thank you.

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