
The more beautiful the flowers, the more poisonous, these 5 kinds of "poisonous flowers", some people do not know themselves, it is recommended to understand more

author:Inspector Flower

Most of the post-80s and post-90s generations have thought about fighting swords to go to the end of the world, and all this stems from the martial arts novels or TV series I watched when I was a child.

"Yitian Slaughtering Dragon" is the martial arts drama that I have seen most when I was a child, in which Zhang Wuji's mother warned him that "the more beautiful a woman is, the more toxic".

In fact, such a rule applies not only to "looking at people", but also to plants, such as: mushrooms, the more beautiful they are, the more toxic they tend to be.

The more beautiful the flowers, the more poisonous, these 5 kinds of "poisonous flowers", some people do not know themselves, it is recommended to understand more

The 5 common flower plants introduced below are little known "poisonous flowers", and many people are deceived by their appearance and cultivate without knowing it. Of course, the reason why these plants attract people's attention is because they are poisonous but really beautiful!

The more beautiful the flowers, the more poisonous, these 5 kinds of "poisonous flowers", some people do not know themselves, it is recommended to understand more

The first | tiger thorn plum

Tiger thorn plum whole plant is poisonous, white milk is strongly toxic!

Some older mothers often say not to plant tiger thorn plums indoors, partly because the thorns on their stems are easy to explode their fingers during cooking, and partly because the consequences of accidental eating are very serious.

And the vast majority of people can't explain in detail where it is poisonous and how it is poisonous, so it is said that the older generation will not allow it to be planted in the house.

The more beautiful the flowers, the more poisonous, these 5 kinds of "poisonous flowers", some people do not know themselves, it is recommended to understand more

In fact, the wisdom of predecessors cannot be ignored! Listen to the old man early so as not to suffer losses!

Of course, the cultivation method of tiger thorn plum is very simple, and planted in the southern region where the four seasons are warm, the plant is often able to be undisturbed by seasonal changes in the open air, and it continues to bloom throughout the year, blooming with red flowers, festive and lively.

The more beautiful the flowers, the more poisonous, these 5 kinds of "poisonous flowers", some people do not know themselves, it is recommended to understand more

The second type | single stick tree

The single stick tree is poisonous, and its white milk contains highly toxic purposes to protect itself against pests.

This is a new type of succulent plant, although there are no obvious leaves, the stem is bare, fat and juicy, but it has a certain ornamental value, so the audience is not many.

The more beautiful the flowers, the more poisonous, these 5 kinds of "poisonous flowers", some people do not know themselves, it is recommended to understand more

In addition, although the single stick tree is toxic, because its meaning is "insulting", it is probably only tried by older singles.

In such a situation, as long as everyone does a good job of protection, does not let pets and other accidental ingestion, does not directly start when pruning branches and leaves, and brings protection such as rubber gloves, the poisonous white juice cannot pose a threat to our health.

The more beautiful the flowers, the more poisonous, these 5 kinds of "poisonous flowers", some people do not know themselves, it is recommended to understand more

In addition, the planting method of single stick trees is very simple, and people who do not know anything about it can refer to the maintenance methods of succulents, more sun, less watering, and the use of loose and breathable fertile weak acidic soil planting in the process of daily maintenance to prevent the occurrence of fertilizer accumulation to the greatest extent.

The more beautiful the flowers, the more poisonous, these 5 kinds of "poisonous flowers", some people do not know themselves, it is recommended to understand more

The third species | grass

The toxicity of The grass is mainly concentrated in the roots, and its toxicity varies greatly depending on the place of origin, and heating above 60 ° C can weaken the toxicity or even completely destroy it.

The more beautiful the flowers, the more poisonous, these 5 kinds of "poisonous flowers", some people do not know themselves, it is recommended to understand more

This plant is not friendly to grass and to herbivores, but the chance of harm to humans is very low, so potted plants need to be placed on window sills or balconies when planting.

If you choose to plant in the open air, you must do a good job of protection, so as not to cause unnecessary harm caused by accidental ingestion of other people's pets or nearby animals.

The more beautiful the flowers, the more poisonous, these 5 kinds of "poisonous flowers", some people do not know themselves, it is recommended to understand more

The fourth species | daffodils

There is a white, transparent mucus in the daffodil bulb, somewhat like egg white, a toxin called Lascara.

The sap of the leaves and flowers of daffodils is also poisonous, causing redness, swelling and itching after skin contact.

Therefore, during the period of planting daffodils, try to do a good job of protection, without direct contact with your hands.

The more beautiful the flowers, the more poisonous, these 5 kinds of "poisonous flowers", some people do not know themselves, it is recommended to understand more

In addition, the fragrance of daffodils has a certain toxicity, and long-term sealing placement will cause certain health problems.

Therefore, it is recommended to plant in an open environment, and can be freely selected hydroponic or soil cultivation method of planting, daffodils as a seed bulb flower plant adaptability is strong, hydroponic to do frequent water change, long-term placement in a place where scattered light is sufficient, and regular use of chlorphyllum, robust bulbs can bloom as scheduled, and even after the later transplanting into the soil to breed more small bulbs!

The more beautiful the flowers, the more poisonous, these 5 kinds of "poisonous flowers", some people do not know themselves, it is recommended to understand more

The 5th | oleander

The whole plant is poisonous, the toxicity in the juice is the highest, and poisoning will occur with a small amount of contact.

In many film and television dramas, you can see "the miscarriage of oleanders causing pregnant women".

It can be seen that this plant is very unfriendly to pregnant women and is not limited to humans, so if there are special groups of people in the home, such as infirm or pregnant women, children, etc., it is planted.

The more beautiful the flowers, the more poisonous, these 5 kinds of "poisonous flowers", some people do not know themselves, it is recommended to understand more

If the conditions are suitable, and you have a certain interest in oleander, in the process of planting, you need to pay attention to giving the plant an open space at all times, so that it is easy to breathe, emit fragrance, etc., so that the toxicity released into the air can be continuously diluted, so that it cannot really cause harm to the human body and animals.

The more beautiful the flowers, the more poisonous, these 5 kinds of "poisonous flowers", some people do not know themselves, it is recommended to understand more

In addition, oleander is very suitable for ground planting, but in the process of ground planting, it is best to "fence" alone, so as not to be eaten by animals or picked by people, after all, oleander is poisonous all over the body, and the white juice flowing out of the broken branches and leaves is the most toxic, attached to the hand, light will cause a painful and itchy feeling, if it is serious, it may be sent to the doctor for treatment!

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