
Sony has updated the "Psygnosis" logo and its iconic Owl logo

Sony has updated the "Psygnosis" logo and its iconic Owl logo

Each trademark is valid for 10 years in the United States, after which the trademark owner should file a renewal application. Within 10 years of validity, an oath of use is required in the 5th year. Sony sent a Psygnosis trademark renewal on July 7, 2011, although the Psygnosis brand was abandoned in 2000 and replaced by SCE Studio Liverpool.

Sony then issued another renewal on July 7, 2021, which was accepted on December 1, and will protect the brand and trademark until 2031. Founded in 1984, Psygnosis quickly became known for its series such as Lemmings and Shadow of the Beast. ——Jialaihao Intellectual Property (

Sony has updated the "Psygnosis" logo and its iconic Owl logo

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