
Liu Xiaomeng: The Kangxi Emperor's disposition of the remnants of San Francisco

Liu Xiaomeng: The Kangxi Emperor's disposition of the remnants of San Francisco

The Kangxi Emperor's pacification of San Francisco was a major event in the history of the Qing Dynasty. Thus ending the long-term war and chaos since the clearance of customs, realizing the basic unity of Chinese mainland, and creating important conditions for the stability of social order and the comprehensive revitalization of the economy. Regarding the San Francisco incident, the academic community has studied it in depth. However, there is still room for discussion on the issue of the Kangxi Emperor's disposition of the remnants of San Francisco. The author has made use of manchu and Chinese archives such as the Qing Palace's "Internal Affairs Office Song And Sale File" and the Shengjing Internal Affairs Office's "Black Map File" to have a preliminary discussion of the remaining issues in San Francisco. Based on previous research, this paper further examines the Kangxi Emperor's disposition of the remnants of San Francisco, focusing on basic policies and disposal methods, and analyzes the multiple effects arising therefrom.

First, the basic policy

In October of the 20th year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1681), the Qing court won the Great Victory in Yunnan, and the whole province was flattened, marking the protracted "San Fan Rebellion" ending in the victory of the Qing Dynasty. The Qing court made the dismantling of the remnants of San Francisco an important measure in the aftermath. The Kangxi Emperor disposed of the remnants of San Francisco and mainly implemented the following policies.

(1) Severe punishment for the first evil, leniency and severity. Since the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the Manchu rulers have always implemented a policy of differentiating between those who resisted and combining leniency and severity. For those who are in charge, even if they are surrendered, they are rarely used, and even fabricate crimes and cut grass and roots. For ordinary subordinates, it is more lenient. The edict of the Shunzhi Emperor's ascension to the throne has the clause that "the former courtiers and their sons, those who advocate the first to surrender to shun and still make meritorious achievements, and the courtiers of the current dynasty are recorded in one piece". When the Qing army went south, the civil and military officials and military personnel in various places were instructed, and some of them took the lead in surrendering to the city and pool areas, and they were promoted one level in terms of merit and size; those who disobeyed the orders themselves were killed, and their wives were taken prisoner. Pacifying Jiangnan, he also issued an edict announcing that since the first day of June in the second year of Shunzhi, crimes committed against local officials, soldiers, civilians, and others, no matter how light or heavy, have been discovered, and have been corrected and not corrected, and they have been pardoned.

The Kangxi Emperor focused on dividing and disintegrating the enemy camp in the War of Pacifying san Francisco. At the beginning of Wu Sangui's rebellion, the Qing court announced that those who were attached to the officials who were rebellious and could repent of their previous sins would be exonerated to the original officials, and still discussed the merits. In the fifteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1676), Geng Jingzhong rebelled and surrendered, and the Qing court decreed that "all those to whom they belong should be used as usual", and in the context of the improvement of the war situation, it was repeatedly reiterated that all military officials who were Chinese thieves were "repentant of their sins and returned to righteousness, and the previous affairs were forgiven, and still graced as usual", and "those who can repent of their previous sins, or sacrifice the city, or lead the soldiers, or behead the leader of the thieves to sacrifice their heads, are exempt from their sins." To the original official, still discuss the merits." However, once the Three Domains were swept away and the country was firmly established, the Qing court began to carry out large-scale liquidation of the criminal clans and the returned civil and military officials. The Qing army recaptured Yunnan, and according to the kangxi emperor's decree, the culprit Wu Shipan was hung in the city, and the skeleton of Wu Sangui was analyzed and disseminated to the world. Ma Bao, Xia Guoxiang, Li Benshen, Wang Yongqing, and others who were the leaders of the "Reverse Thief Canal" surrendered before the battle, because of the "Never!" In front of the edict, they were severely punished, and Ma Bao and other Ling Chi were shown. At the same time, under the pretext of "plotting rebellion" under the pretext of having surrendered the letter of the Shang Domain, he was given to death, and more than a hundred people, including Brother Jie, Zhi Huang, Zhi Ying, Chang Shi Li Tianzhi, from the deputy capital, the staff leader, the zuo ling, and the school guard, were all beheaded and the family records were confiscated. He was loyal to the degraded Geng Clan and was also executed for the crime of "plotting rebellion".

The surrendered civil and military officials, such as Gao Qilong, Zhang Guozhu, Ba Yangyuan, Zheng Wang, and Li Jiye, who were subordinate to Wu Fan, all abandoned the city under the charge of "aiding rebellion and wanton evil and pressing down", and their wives and daughters were not registered as officials. Geng Fan's subordinates Liu Jinzhong, Zeng Yangsheng, Bai Xianzhong, Xu Wenyao, Wang Shiyu, Wang Zhenbang, and Jiang De, all of whom were in the city; Geng Jingzhong's sons Geng Xianzuo, Zu Hongxun, Si Dingyou, Huang Guorui, Liu Fangsun, Liao Tingyun, and other Xianfu were from the family. Wu Shi Sanyuan was the commander-in-chief of the army through The Slightly Moro, and later rebelled from the Pingliang General Wang Fuchen. The Kangxi Emperor believed that he was a subordinate of bao Yizuo (i.e., a royal household slave), and rebelled against Wang Fuchen for chaos, and issued an edict that he should be hanged and beheaded.

For the culprits, the Kangxi Emperor once did not follow the ancient emperor's edict of "the Curse of the Nine Tribes", and the actual implementation was still strict. In December of the 20th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, at a meeting of the ministers of the Parliament of the Emperor, Nine of his sons, including Wu Yingqi, who surrendered to Yunnan, immediately practiced the Fa in front of the army. The Kangxi Emperor once rejected this proposal on the grounds that "all those who surrender to the people who surrender will be exempted from death", and there has been a previous decree, and when Wu Yingqi and other sons surrender, the general is also allowed to avoid death. "If you are condemned today, not only will the general be untrustworthy, nor will he be a sign of faith." However, the chancellor of the council knew the intentions of the emperor, still held the original proposal, and finally put Wu Sangui's six grandsons, Wu Yingqi and nine other sons and nine people to the law at the same time. Waiting for it, Fang Guangyang was a pseudo-university scholar Fang Guangchen's disciple, and he immediately beheaded the public. Li Benshen, the former governor of Guizhou, rebelled and surrendered, and because of his "aiding rebellion and wanton evil", Ling Chi was executed, and his grandsons Xiangqian and Xiangkun were all beheaded, and the property of his wife and daughter was not included in the officialdom. There are many such examples, and there is no need to repeat them.

For those who committed lesser crimes among the civil and military officials who were surrendered, the Qing court originally had the practice of granting additional official posts, and later reformed the posts. Huang Jiuyu was originally a general of the Shaanxi Viceroy Wang Fuchen, and later accompanied the auxiliary minister Wu Sangui as a staff general. The great general Tu Hai led the Qing army to besiege Pingliang, and the nine domains first sneaked through Tuhai, making contributions to the Qing court's pacification of the rebellion of Wang Fuchen, and was appointed as the official guizhou. After the pacification of San Francisco, the court dismissed him from his post, and the family property was gone. The Kangxi Emperor considered him to be slightly less guilty than the "most evil and rebellious man", and that he had been dismissed from his post and was spared his life. He also exhorted: "No one who surrenders to such a thief shall be allowed to use it." "In February of the twenty-second year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1683), the Qing court planned 783 officials and envoys below the provincial government envoys, all in accordance with the Eight Laws; of which 522 were from the thief official, and the club was dismissed, including more than 100 people in Zhi County, accounting for about 1/10 of all Zhi County in the province.

In order to reflect the policy of blending leniency with severity, a certain number of titles were also awarded to individual puppet officials who surrendered first or who had special merits. The pseudo-general Guo Yi (郭義), in order to "surrender to sincerity first", the Kangxi Emperor decreed that he should be awarded the title he deserved, and he would follow the banner to the dynasty. Pseudo-general line, originally dismissed from office, organized into the coat and collar. The Kangxi Emperor believed that he and He Jinzhong, Wu Guozhu, and others first discussed the surrender of the city of Yunnan, and if they still carried out punishment and were difficult to convince the people, they should be given official posts and follow the banner to the court. The three people such as the line were awarded the title of Three Pin Officials and incorporated into the Shangsan Banner. The rest of the personnel were handed over to the Ministry of the Interior for inclusion. The line is also in charge of the White Banner Han Army.

For middle- and lower-level officials who are "rebellious," they generally open up one side and reduce their ranks and drops. Convict the guilty, send them to the frontier, or enslave them in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Kangxi Emperor believed that Chen Menglei and others, who had been the editor of the Hanlin Academy, were "a small person with a small family and had not been the leader", and decreed that they should be spared death and given the new Manchuria a slave. Chen Menglei had a bumpy life and wrote a wealthy book, and his major "Integration of Ancient and Modern Books" is a masterpiece passed down from generation to generation. In the Zu Zeqing rebellion case, Ye Cheng and six other people were originally planned to be beheaded. The Qing Emperor ordered that death be spared and that he be reduced to an official. "Entering the official" means entering the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a slave (wrapping).

Generally speaking, the Kangxi Emperor re-examined the surrendered civil and military officials after pacifying san francisco, and although he did not abide by the original promises of "not blaming the past" and "not being stingy with rewards", he basically embodied the policy of severely punishing the first evil and not giving a debt, and combining leniency with severity with coercion.

(2) Disperse everywhere and do not allow settlements. Before the war, Wu Sangui, the king of Pingxi in San Francisco, led 53 armored soldiers, with a total jurisdiction of 12,000 people and 4,000 Yuding. King Shang Kexi of Pingnan had 15 commanders under his command, and another 6,000 Green Banner soldiers. Geng Fan also has 15 collars and 7,000 people in the Green Camp. During the eight-year war, Wu, Geng Erfan, and Sun Yanling, the son-in-law of Kong Fan (Kong Youde, king of Dingnan), suffered heavy losses. In comparison, Shang Fan suffered less losses.

The war was initially decided, and among the remnants of San Francisco, the shang domain, which was not severely damaged in the war, still maintained strong strength. How to resettle the people became a difficult problem facing the Qing Dynasty's monarchs, and the people of the time said: "There were tens of thousands of people under the Pingnan Domain, and since they had the faith of the curse, their army did not belong, and the way of taking measures was different for everyone." One of the most powerful suggestions was to move the sin clan to the capital and divide it into eight banners. However, in the real implementation of this proposal, there are "four goodnesses and three difficulties". The "four virtues" are not to be discussed, but the so-called "three difficulties" are known: The first army has lived in Lingnan for 40 years, and the eldest descendants of the marriage in the Zimaitian mansion are no different from the indigenous people, and once they are driven to the land of comfort, they will migrate to the land, and it is inevitable that they will have resentment. It's hard to get along. With tens of thousands of troops, no less than tens of thousands of people, and no less than seven or eight thousand miles from Guangzhou to Beijing, the power of water and land transport boats and vehicles is not expensive, and when the time comes, it is bound to disturb the people along the way. Its difficult two also. The land of is known as Zhuangtun ( Zhuang Tun ), and the circle of land occupies the house, which is a serious illness for the people. Even if they travel a long distance and arrive in Beijing safely, tens of thousands of people are difficult to resettle. Its difficult three also. The three difficulties quoted above can be summarized as difficult to drive the remnants of San Francisco away from their homeland, difficult to relocate, and difficult to resettle in. Although this is only for shang domain, it actually reflects the difficulty of relocating and relocating the remnants of San Francisco to the north.

Based on the above difficulties, the Qing court repeatedly pondered the question of how to deal with the remnants of San Francisco and proposed various methods. Take, for example, the disposal of shono no Shinbu. Yu Guozhu had made a request to shangzhi's letter that the officers and men under the letter should be withdrawn, and the three members of his general military officer should scatter the soldiers under the standard. The minister of parliament advocated that the officers and men under the Shangzhi beacon should be divided into the three banners, and that they should be stationed in Guangdong, and that a general and deputy capital should be set up under the jurisdiction of the generals; the three general officers should be soldiers, and those who are willing to serve the soldiers should be soldiers, and those who are willing to serve the people should be ordered to serve the people. The Kangxi Emperor proposed that the officers and soldiers under the Shangzhi beacon be divided into eight banners, and another general and deputy capital should be set up to administer it, and their forces would be divided. Guangdong Province is a frontier area, and the officers and men under the second general military standard are still retained, and the newly established general has jurisdiction. The officers and men under the other commander-in-chief should be dismissed. The university scholar Mingzhu suggested: There are a total of 15 collars for officers and men under the Shangzhi beacon, and if they are divided into three banners, then each banner has 5 collars, which is a small number, and it seems that there is no need to divide the eight banners. It seems that it is also possible to divide into three flags. Finally, the Kangxi Emperor consulted Mingzhu and others to build strategies, and ordered most of the remnants of the Shang Clan to move north and join the Jingqi Han Army, with a small number staying in Guangdong and the Eight Banners garrisoned.

After repeated deliberations, the basic consensus reached by the Manchu and Han monarchs on the disposal of the remnants of San Francisco was summed up in four words, that is, "dispersed everywhere". At the end of the 20th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the Council of Ministers and Ministers dismissed 52 people, including Ma Chengyin, who had rebelled and surrendered, and were incorporated into the consul of Bao Yizuo together with Jiakou. He said: "Such evil men shall not be gathered together, and shall be dissolved... On the day when everyone arrives, they will either be given eight flags and a collar, or given to poor guards to ride, or scattered everywhere. When discussing how to place Geng's subordinates, Han University scholars Li Xia and Feng Pu also established a strategy: "It is not appropriate to disperse this generation and remain under the Yi clan." That is, to cut off its old links from both horizontal and vertical aspects. Based on this, the "reverse class" in the remnants of San Francisco, whether it is placed under the subordinate or sub-entered the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the basic principle of "dispersing everywhere" is implemented, so as to completely eliminate its hidden worries of resurgence and gathering people into chaos.

2. Disposal methods

The Qing court disposed of the old san clan and their dependent wives and children according to their close relationship with the sin clan and the severity of their sins: either into the Beijing Banner Han Army, the Eight Banners garrison, or into the green camps in various places, or into the internal affairs government, Zhuangtun, or installed in the northeast platform and station. To sum up, there are mainly the following items.

(1) Large-scale northward migration. In November of the 20th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the "Shang Fan" was downgraded to a population of 4160 and escorted from Guangdong to the Jingshi. This is the first team, and the rest of the population is organized into multiple teams, which are gradually moved into the Beijing Division. At the same time, the population of Wu Fan also set off for the capital. According to the "Biography of Zhang Tai", the Qing army took the city of Kunming and surrendered 5,600 generals and more than 33,600 soldiers under Wu Fan. This was only the number of officers and soldiers who surrendered, and did not include the former Pingxi Royal Palace's clothed population. The Manchurian Bannerman Zeng Shou's "Discipline with the Army" records that after the Qing army entered the city, the generals and other meetings, more than 50,000 Han people in Liaodong, were planned to be organized into eight teams. Each team was escorted to the capital by flag soldiers. On the sixth day of April in the twenty-second year, a minister asked Wu Sangui's subordinates to suspend the relocation of their families, and the military department did not allow it to be carried out, and also gave an edict: "Although it is time for farming, it is impossible to break the limit!" It shows that the Qing court was worried that Wu Fan's old pawns were stranded in the south and would cause trouble, and regarded escorting him to the north as an urgent matter, even if it was a busy agricultural season, it could not be delayed. According to the Manchu archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in July of the same year, Wu Sangui led the population (u san gui i booi nirui niyalma anggala) into ten teams to arrive in Zhangjiawan, Tongzhou, the capital. The Council of Ministers of the Council of Ministers was informed, "Bringing in the people if there are craftsmen, Bai Tang'a (deacons without rank), and the officers and soldiers of Wu Sangui's clothing (booi harangga hafan cooha), all of which are found out and handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs; when the wives and children of Yi and other wives and children arrive, they will also be sent to the respective offices for handling." Before and after this, Kong Youde, the king of Dingnan, who was stationed in Guangxi and was managed by Sun Yanling, and more than 26,000 dependents of officers and soldiers were also moved to the capital in batches.

The "four parts of San Francisco", namely Wu Fan, The King of Pingxi, Shang Fan of Pingnan, and Geng Fan, king of Jingnan, that is, the so-called old department of San Fan and Kong Youde, the king of Dingnan, although there is no exact statistics on the population moving into the capital, the total number must be quite considerable. The direct consequence of this large-scale population migration was the expansion of the Eight Banners Han Army and the expansion of the population of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

(2) The establishment of garrisons. According to the regulations of the Qing court, all the officers and men of Wu Fan who surrendered to the court, regardless of whether they were old or new, were ordered to go to Beijing in batches with the triumphant army, and after identification, they were either convicted or incorporated into their subordinates; the deputy generals distributed the following people to Shandong, Henan, Huguang, Jiangxi and other provinces for installation. The green battalion soldiers under Shang Fan were assigned to the Inspector of Guangdong. In the same year, the shaanxi general Tu Haiti asked Zhao Liangyou, the general officer of Pingliang to surrender to Chengcheng, and Xie Si, the chief officer of Henan to surrender, to be replenished in the absence of the two provinces of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and the soldiers also encountered a shortage to replenish the battalion, and the military department agreed to do as requested. In December of the nineteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1680), 2,100 officers and soldiers under the letter sign of the Inspector of Guangdong, Jin Yan, were not allowed to be reconsidered. Emperor's decree, this is the elite army under the letter of Shangzhi, the Guangdong region is the most important, the rest of the officers and soldiers have been scattered everywhere, this soldier should still stay in the place. Subsequently, on the basis of the officers and men of the "Shang Fan", the Han army was re-transferred from the Beijing Banner to Guangzhou, with a total of 3,000 vests and a garrison in Guangzhou. At the same time, based on the 1,000 horse soldiers under the former Geng Jingzhong Domain, 1,026 soldiers of the Han army were transferred from the Garrison of Hangzhou to the Han Army, a total of 2,026 soldiers, and a Garrison of Fujian was set up.

(3) Incorporated into the Beijing Banner Han Army. In October of the 20th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the Emperor decreed: Now that the rebel thieves have perished, Jiang Yu has been pacified. The flag officers under Geng Jingzhong and Shang Zhixin should all be withdrawn from the Beijing Division and installed according to their measures. According to the early days of the entry, the subordinates of San Francisco imitated the eight banners system, and each had a collar: 15 collars of Kong Youde, the king of Dingnan, 11 collars of Geng Jimao (Geng Jingzhong), the king of Jingnan, 12 collars of Shang Kexi, the king of Pingnan, and 53 collars of Wu Sangui, the king of Pingxi. The Qing court pacified San Francisco and incorporated the San Francisco soldiers who had moved into the capital into the Han army, and the strength of the Han army was rapidly expanded.

In the 20th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Geng Zhaozhong and Geng Juzhong, the emperor, and others submitted that "there are many families, and it is difficult to support them", and the emperor compiled his family into 5 "Fujuri niru" (later known as The Old Zuoling) and merged them into the Zhenghuang Banner; the Fu General "Former Geng Jingzhong's subordinate general Ma Jiuyu marched to Yunnan, and the soldiers were 1,000", and transferred them to Beijing and organized into 5 Zuoling; and there was also 1 Zuoling of the Geng clan who were organized into the Beijing Banner, for a total of 11 Zuoling. As Tetsuro Mianguan pointed out: "There are actually two kinds of 'San Fan' officers and soldiers who are incorporated into the Eight Banners Han Army. One is the family-based collar (勋旧佐 collar); the other is the soldier-based zo collar, which is recognized as a gongzhong zuo collar. "The Gongzhong ZuoLing is not hereditary, and the addition of the Gongzhong Zuoling means that the Emperor's control over the Eight Banners has been strengthened.

In the 22nd year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Shang Kexi's nephews, dependents, and servants and wives were moved from Guangdong to the Beijing Division. Modeled on the practice of geng's frontal donkeys, the zhuangding of the families of Shang Zhilong and Shang Zhixiao's brothers was organized into 5 "Fu Zhu Li Zuo Collars" of "Supporting the Family Mouth", which were subordinate to the Han Army with the Yellow Banner (later changed to the Blue Banner). Among them, Shang Zhilong has jurisdiction over 3 zuolings, 1789 zhuangding people, together with nearly 10,000 people with family members; Shang zhixiao has jurisdiction over 1 zuoling, 191 zhuangding people, together with nearly 1,000 family members; Shang zhidian and Shangzhiguang have jurisdiction over 1 zuoling, 550 zhuangding people, and 2,000 people with family members. In Haicheng, the original city of Shangke, there are two additional tomb guards to undertake the sacrifice. During the same period, Shang Kexi's former Guangdong garrison ding was transferred to the Beijing Division to set up 10 auxiliary leaders. A total of 17 collars, including 15 collars in the Jingqi Han Army.

Kong Youde, the king of Dingnan, died in Guilin, Guangxi in July of the ninth year of Shunzhi, and the female Kong Sizhen regarded the lord of the county as a lord. The old ministry of Youde was taken over by Sun Trillium. Wu Sangui raised an army to rebel against the Qing, and the Kangxi Emperor appointed Yanling as a general of Fu man to guard Guangxi, and soon rebelled. Kong Sizhen advised him to do any right, and Yanling prepared to rebel against Wu and surrender to Qing. In the sixteenth year of Kangxi, he was killed by Wu Sangui. Soon, the old general Trillium led the troops to Qing, and sizhen returned to Beijing. According to the "Banner Chronicle", there were 12 Han army leaders compiled by Kong Zhuangding, including Shunzhi First Year Compilation Collar 1, Kangxi Eighteenth Year Into Jingzuo Collar 5, Twenty-one Year Into JingZuo Collar 1, Twenty-two Years into JingZuo Collar 5. Among them, the 5 zuolings who entered Beijing in the eighteenth year of Kangxi should be related to Kong Sizhen's return to Beijing. At the same time, there were also 2 zuo collars of Wu Fan's old pawns and 5 zuo collars of Shen Zhixiang, the Duke of Xushun. Shen Zhixiang was the same as San Fan and was originally a former general of Liaodong in the late Ming Dynasty. His father, Shi Kui, was the commander-in-chief of the Dongjiang Army at the end of the Ming Dynasty, and was killed in battle. In the second year of Chongde, Zhixiang descended to Qing. Emperor Taiji of the Qing Dynasty conferred the title of Commander-in-Chief. Chongde for four years, the title of ShunGong. In the first year of Shunzhi, from entering the customs, he accompanied the Pingnan general Kong Youde to conquer Huguang. Seekers, childless. His subordinates were succeeded by Shen Yongzhong, Shen Yongxing, Shen Rui, and Shen Xiongzhao. In the twenty-second year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the Ming Zheng clique, which occupied Taiwan, surrendered, and the southeast area was occupied by Haiyan Lan'an. The Qing court transferred the 5 leaders of the Shen clan back to the capital and incorporated them into the Han army, which also had the intention of strong and weak branches. As for the establishment of the Taiwan Zheng clan and other zo-collars, it is not mentioned here because it is different from the situation of the four departments of San Francisco.

The above total of 47 collars, deducting the first year of Kong Fan Shunzhi's establishment of 1 collar, Shang Fan Haicheng tomb guard 2 collars, a total of 44 collars of the Beijing Banner Han Army. Volume 13 of the "Eight Flags Tongzhi Preliminary Collection" also contains: the seventh leader of the second staff of the Han Army with the yellow flag, "originally stationed in Fujian Ding"; the fourth staff leader of the first leader, "is the twenty-second year of Kangxi, the garrison of Guangdong Fujian people Ding is organized as a collar, and is assigned to this banner". The relationship between the two lords is unknown, but it should be related to the Shang and Geng clans. There are a total of 46 collars. According to the "Eight Banners Tongzhi Preliminary Collection" volume 13-16 "Flag Branch Zhi", a total of 270 collars of the Eight Banners Han Army, deducting the 5 collars compiled by Kangxi after 25 years, it can be seen that there should be 265 Collars of the Han Army at that time. That is to say, the newly formed Zuo Ling (or Zhuang Ding) of the Four Divisions of San Fan (Wu, Shang, Geng, and Kong Fan Yubu) and the Shen Zhixiang Department of the Duke of Xushun accounted for about 17% of the Eight Banners Han Army's Zuo Ling in the same period. In this way, the Qing court completely disintegrated the Han army that had been independent of the Eight Banners Han Army since the beginning of the Qing Dynasty. While eliminating the forces of local separatism, through the expansion of the Beijing Banner Han Army, the purpose of strengthening the strong and weak branches and consolidating the central government was achieved. Killing two birds with one stone is a very clever strategic measure.

(4) Resettlement stations and stations. Sa Ying'e's "Jilin Outer Chronicle" contains: The station dangchi sent a messenger to report to the station, called "station Ding"; the border platform should be checked on the side, and the zha hao messenger was set up, called "Tai Ding". The border platform is mainly located on the edge of the wicker, which belongs to the generals of Shengjing and Jilin, and the willow is inserted as the border, and the trenches are dug outside, with the purpose of dividing the boundaries between the interior and mongolia and preventing the displaced people from going out to the border to steal ginseng. At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Tsarist forces invaded the Heilongjiang River Basin. The Qing court pacified San Francisco, the country became increasingly stable, and began to plan against the Russian invasion. On the basis of the old post road in the northeast, the Qing court built the Jilin Wula (present-day Jilin City) to Yaohun (Heilongjiang North Old Huncheng) post road (North and South Yidao, commonly known as the Big Station Road), with 10 stations and 50 postmen each. The old pawns of San Francisco were transferred to the post station to charge the station, that is, the archival documents stated: "The rebels of Wu Sangui, Geng Jingzhong, Sun Yanling and other subordinate rebels, although exiled to the Shengjing area, were incorporated into the station. "The anti-clan family mouth is filled with Kanto people, and after several years, they are sent to all the heads and stations." Only in the border terrace and post station of The Phoenix City in Eastern Liaoning Province, 16 surnames such as Wu, Li, Zhang, and Wang were placed under Wu Fan. In the direction of Jilin and Heilongjiang, two stations of Maoxing and Gulu were added to the flag after Guoerluo. The San Francisco pawns, who served as station guards, moved in with more than 200 of their dependents. According to the author's field investigation, the main people who were transferred to Maoxing and other places during the Kangxi Period were the "Wu Fan" clan and the "Shang Fan" clan. Among them, the descendants of the fourth brother of Shang Zhixin (the master of the branch genealogy) have a branch tree. According to the Genealogy of the Shang Clan, Zhijie served as the deputy governor under Shang Zhixin, and "in the nineteenth year of the Kangxi Gengshen Year (19th year) he was martyred by the affairs of The Long Shi Li Tianzhi and others." After his death, his dependents were relocated to Maoxing to serve as station masters. Zhaoxing County Museum Now Collection Station Ding Yang family legend "Great Zhou" three years in May "the whole world recruited the Terracotta Grand Marshal (press, that is, Wu Sangui)" to grant Yang the famous "garrison" Zafu. The Fengtian Tongzhi quotes the Suizhong Zhi as saying: "The three bannermen of the border platform, the post station, and the net household were the descendants of the Three Domains in the early Qing Dynasty, and at that time, 848 households were transferred from Yunnan, and the border platform was guarded and trenched, and the station passed on the documents, and the net households hunted the cattle and pheasants." "The number of people installed in the northeast terrace and station in the remnants of San Francisco is unknown, but the scope is quite wide, and the number of people is relatively large, which is undoubtedly righteous. Kangxi's "Great Qing Huidian" volume 100 "Bingbu Twenty" contains 65 stations outside Guanwai, of which 24 stations are under the jurisdiction of General Fengtian (later renamed General Shengjing), 22 stations are under the jurisdiction of Ningguta (General Jilin), and 19 stations are under the jurisdiction of General Heilongjiang. The canon is an engraving of the Kangxi Dynasty within the twenty-nine years, and it also shows that in the short period of seven or eight years when the old pawns of San Francisco were transferred, the construction of post stations in the northeast frontier has made great progress.

In the Qing system, all station officials were flag holders. Each station has 1 station officer, and there is a pen and post type and a reminder. Above each station, there is a general station official on each road. The large station has 25 to 50 Zhuang Ding, and the small station has 10 to 15 Zhuang Ding. In the twenty-ninth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, he chose the post of outstanding Zhuang Ding to wear armor under his banner. The Western Qing Dynasty "Heilongjiang Waiji" volume 3 said: "Wu Shanggeng San Fan old households, standing on the most, so there is no case of advancement, should not be enslaved to support themselves." Although these stations are subordinate to the garrison generals, their status is lower than that of the garrison Han army, and they are a group with a special identity among the northeast flag people.

(5) Sent to Shengjing, Jilin and Ningguta for installation. As mentioned above, the Qing court spared the death of the children of the rebellious thieves, and generally sent them to the northeast frontier, or as slaves or as zhuang dings and cattle. If the Punishment Department asks, Tan Tianlun, the son of Tan Hong, and 9 other people will be beheaded. The Kangxi Emperor believed that the children of the rebellious thieves should be shown the fa according to the law, but among them, there were those who were committing evil deeds and deeds, and there were also those who were involved in ignorance, and if they ignored the law, they still felt compassionate, and ordered Tan Tianlun to correct the fa, Chen Pu and 8 other people to be spared death and allocated to the newlyweds who had moved to Shengjing as slaves.

Some of the criminal courtiers and criminals were initially incorporated into the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be led by the Three Banners and under the leadership of the leader, but the Qing court believed that such a disposition was not enough to cover their guilt, and immediately changed to escorting them to the outside, wearing armor or acting as zhuangding. For example, Yang Laijia, a former general under Xu Tingbizuo and Liu Yan, a former commander-in-chief under Li Wanchunzuo, were all members of Sula (idle) who had not given money and food; wang Jizheng, the former secretary of the Taibu Temple under Tao Maiguan, and Huang Zhengqing, the former deputy general of Changsha Province under the fifty-eighth guan, were all included in the guan for the crime of rebellion. According to the decree of the Qing Emperor, such people should not stay in this place (referring to the Beijing Division), and ordered them to be sent to Shengjing and handed over to the place to be collared and other armor. Soon after Liu Yan and others arrived in Shengjing, Shengjing baoyi and the collar were ordered to be dispatched by the army together with his wife, his wife, his wife, and his wife, and sent to Jilin Wula to serve as a honey picker. Accompanied by Wang Jizheng, Yang Laijia, Huang Zhengqing and other 3 households. There were also geng xianzuo (who had been executed), the concubines of Geng Xianzuo (who had been executed) under the leadership of the Yellow Banner Buddha Baozuo, the concubines Chen Shi, the third son, and the domestic servants, etc., and the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent soldiers to escort Shengjing and deliver them to Bao Yizuo to escort the three officials, who then sent soldiers to escort the animals to Ula and hand them over to the governor Mandar Khan. Such women have no ability to earn a living on their own, and should be allocated to poor soldiers as slaves, or forcibly rationed to poor people as wives.

Since the Shunzhi period, the Qing court has sent people to install people outside the Guan. The place of departure was first Shengjing and Shangyang Fort, which were relatively close, and then gradually turned to the more distant and harsh cold places of Jilin Ula, Xibei, Ningguta and other places. In the eighteenth year of Shunzhi (1661), it was ordered that in the case of rebellion, people should be exiled to Ningguta. In the eighteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1679), it was agreed that all military crimes and the avoidance of death and exile would be placed in the Ula region. After the Qing court pacified San Francisco, it sent a batch of felons who were exempted from death and reduced to Jilin Ula and Ningguta to serve as zhuangding (cattle) or as slaves. In the twenty-fourth year of the Kangxi Dynasty alone (1685), there were six groups of Han San Fan sent to fight the Ula, and 665 mouths. In April, 254 women and girls were sent by the Ministry of Punishment to Ulladin, 9 escaped and 6 died on the way.

Zhuang Ding Yang Fengbao and others, originally under the leadership of Kong Youdezuo, the king of Dingnan. The Qing dynasty household department, with King Kong as having no heirs, forcibly organized 161 people under his command into the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Because they lived in Shengjing, they handed over to Shengjing to handle it. The latter did not investigate the reason and organized it into 7 zhuang as slaves. Yang Fengbao and others strongly demanded that the official zhuang be allocated and the status of qiding be restored. Over the past few years, many complaints have been made, and two times he has entered Beijing to file invalid accusations, which is a last resort, which is to incite Zhuang Ding to strike. The Qing Court's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Shengjing Sanzuo's trial of the case was delayed for nine years. In the first month of the thirty-fifth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1696), Shengjing Bao Yizuo was ordered to send officers and soldiers to arrest Yang Fengbao and other four people, including 18 of his dependents, and sent them to beat the animal Ula as an animal.

Fighting the animals is a bitter cold place, and the conditions are far more difficult than in Shengjing. In the twenty-first year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1682), Xuan Ye toured the east to Ula, saw that the local atmosphere was severe, and it was difficult to send people to be unaccustomed to water and soil, and it was difficult to survive, and he had decreed that the prisoners who would be exempted from death and other prisoners should still be sent to Shangyang Fort to be installed, except for the criminals who should be exiled in the rebellion case, which should include the Han people of San Francisco.

Since the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Ninguta has been a place to send people. On September 20, 2011, the Ministry of Punishment of Kangxi deliberated that Inspector Han Shiqi did not severely sentence Li Tang and wanted to put him to death. However, Li Tang beat a drum and made false accusations, and planned to migrate for 3,000 miles. The Kangxi Emperor believed that Li Tang "had previously offered advice from a thief and thought of himself as a great Confucian." Seeing that the thief was destroyed, Fang Lai surrendered, and did not save the courtiers' festival for a while", ordered to enter the flag and migrate to Ningguta. The pseudo-general Zhen Chengde was escorted to Beijing for hanging. The Kangxi Emperor considered him to be the chief evil man, and he was spared death and reduced to slavery. He also decreed: Zhen Chengde should not stay here, but send Ninguta and Ula to the place of extreme suffering. For example, Wang Jizheng, Yang Laijia, and so on, have been dispatched one by one. Chen Hongming, the former governor of Guangxi, rebelled and was dismissed from his post. The Kangxi Emperor believed that he was "deeply responsible for the favor of the country, subject to the false position of a thief, and also had the qi and Wu Sangui, and his feelings were abhorrent, and he should be righteous!" Gu Cong spared death, exiled ningguta, and entered the government without family property." In addition to the rebellion of San Francisco, the Officials of the Eight Banners missed the military plane and were held accountable afterwards, and there were also cases of exile in Ninguta. Although they are the same offenders who are exempt from death and others, they are different from the crime of dismissal, their status in the shu and their actual situation.

(6) Incorporation into the administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the official village. The Kangxi Emperor incorporated a large number of "sinners" into the internal affairs bureau and official estates, which had a profound impact on its scale and structure. The Guan Ling is the grass-roots organization of the Three Banners of the Ministry of internal affairs, also known as the Three Banners of the Clothing, and its officials are also called booi da: "The servants who hold the offerings within." Whatever is done in the palace, listen to his subordinates. "The Ministry of internal affairs initially set up 20 stewards in the Three Banners. In the thirty-fourth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1695), it was increased to 30 pipe collars. According to the author's investigation of the three archives of the "Internal Affairs Office", among the 30 officials in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, at least 23 of them have the families of "criminal lords" and "criminal ministers". However, there are many such records seen later, which proves that the rest of the jurisdictions also have the family of the "sinner clan". The people under the management included a large number of craftsmen, Botang'a, and women, who engaged in various labor services in various places such as the various offices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Capital and the Three Tombs of Shengjing. The main body of the Official Zhuang (Huangzhuang) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was Zhuang Ding, who engaged in agricultural production under the management of Zhuang tou and undertook many laborers. Regarding the general situation of the Han people of San Francisco being incorporated into the internal affairs department and the official village, and reduced to the royal family, the author has written a special article, and I will not repeat it here. Here, only a little supplement is given to the situation of the San Francisco Han people in various places.

1. From the Daling River to Shengjing area. Judging from the records of the archives, the remnants of San Francisco were sent to the northeast, and the largest number of people were allocated to shengjing guanzhuang. Twenty-one years before the Kangxi Dynasty, from Shanhaiguan to Dalinghe, there were successive official villages, but there was no official zhuang between Dalinghe and Shengjing. In the same year, it was decided that san francisco would have no population, from The Daling River to Shengjing, and set up 60 villages. Among them, 4 zhuangs west of Quang Ninh are under the management of the Accounting Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of The Capital City, and 56 villages east of Quang Ninh are under the management of Shengjing Bao yi Zuoling. In the autumn of the same year, officials from the Ministry of Household Dispatch and the Accounting Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with the Shengjing Household Department and bao YiZuo, conducted on-the-spot investigations and investigations of the establishment of zhuangzhuang, including the establishment of the official zhuang in the newly reclaimed land; the zhuangtou was selected and awarded in the old zhuang nobody or in the old zhuang; each zhuang was compiled with 15 dings, for a total of 900 dings; and each zhuang was 10 cattle, a total of 600 cattle.

The newly established official Zhuang Zhuangding was transferred from the Han people of San Francisco in the capital. In the 22nd year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that "for the crime, a total of 34 households and 219 mouths of san franciscan families who were assigned to the Shengjing grain farm as zhuangding were allocated, scattered in 11 grain farms. Among them, the Shang family has the largest number of people, 190 people in 30 households, 7 people in 1 household in Geng Fan, 17 people in 2 households in Wu Fan, and 5 people in 1 household in Batulu. These Zhuang Ding were only part, but not all, of the families of Zhuang Tun's "Sin Clan". The migration from the capital to Shengjing was a long way away, and about half of them were women, so it was not completed until the following summer. Because the conditions in the early days of weaving were extremely harsh, some zhuang dings and women either fled or died. Some Zhuangtou complained to Shengjing Zuo ling Chen: "Appoint us as Zhuangtou, and give 25 pairs of Ding wives to us to take to the city of Beijing, and arrive home in June (according to Shengjing)." They had not cultivated the land for a year, so they fled and died. There are 13 dings, which is not enough for one person. Seeing that the period of rent is approaching, how to pay the owner's rent? "This situation is quite common in the new compilations.

A small number of Zhuang Ding clans were transferred by the local population of Shengjing. For example, Zu Zeqing, a general of the Han army who had already corrected the French, was originally the commander-in-chief of Gao Leilian in Guangdong, and later defected to Wu Fan. After being captured by the Qing army, he was sent to the capital by his son Zu Liang and executed by Ling Chi. The sons of the family were not official. In Shengjing and other places, there are 99 men and women of the old genus of Zuze Qing, and 115 mounds of land. The Ministry of Internal Affairs was accurate, and 1 grain farm was set up, with 15 zhuangding people, and 120 yuan of good land were replenished. The excess Zhuang Ding allocated 23 old villages. Another example is the aforementioned 161 people in the old department of Kong Youde, which was compiled as 7 Zhuang. From the twenty-first year of the Kangxi Dynasty to the thirty-three years, in just a few decades, the number of official villages in Shengjing increased to 89, and the number of official villages in Dalinghe increased to 160. This was the heyday of Guanwai Guanzhuang.

2. Outside Shanhaiguan, Xifengkou, Gubeikou. Since the establishment of the Daling River to Shengjing, most of the official villages have been unable to produce normally, the newly reclaimed land is difficult to cultivate, and a large number of official cattle have collapsed. The main body of the Han people in San Francisco were southerners, most of them were not good at farming, and they did not adapt to the harsh local environment, and some Ding women either died or fled, which aggravated the crisis of the economy of Guanzhuang. On the sixth day of February in the twenty-fifth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1686), the meeting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Soldiers, and the Li Fan Yuan said: "Those who are born without family property and enter the government have no houses, and there are many renters. If this generation is set up and resettled, it will be difficult for those who are appointed as edso to serve diligently and make a living locally. If yi and others go to live outside Shanhaiguan, Xifengkou, and Gubeikou after checking, do not accept official endowments, and try their best to make a living, they can not only raise and grow, but also have a place for these Han people to live. The general manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs immediately reported that there was no artemisia land suitable for cultivation from Quang Ninh to Shanhaiguan, and if the wicker edge was expanded from the ninth gate of Shanhaiguan to the northeast to Hongluo Mountain, and the three mountains were divided into the border, more than 9750 yuan of artemisia land could be encircled, and more than 14,100 yuan of water wasteland could be encircled. These places were originally nomadic lands in Mongolia and were not cultivated. General Fengtian was ordered to expand the wicker edge accordingly. In May, the Ministry of Punishment sent 37 old subordinate Ding women, such as Shang Zhixin, Wu Sangui, and Wu Shipan to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Among them, 15 families, including Prince Shangzhixin, were sent to live in Sanshan and other places outside Shanhaiguan; the other population was either given to the household department or incorporated into the guanling and Zhuangtun.

Liu Xiaomeng: The Kangxi Emperor's disposition of the remnants of San Francisco

In May of the 25th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the newspaper was sent to Wu Sangui's former subordinates Liu De, Li Youming, Wu Bing, Zhou Shisui, Xu Yiyun, etc., as well as 78 families of his wife and widow brothers, Ding Servants, and so on, which were separately organized into the Varda Guan Ling by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or sent to Gubeikou and Shanhaiguan to "join the clan" with their families who were already in the local area.

In March of the 26th year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1687), the Bingbu and Punishment Departments successively sent Zhang Fang, the uncle of Zhang Wenjin, who had been incorporated into Cao Yin (tsoo in), to be sent to Install Ma Zuohua's brother Ma Afforestation outside Shanhaiguan, to Wang Zichang, the fifth brother of Wang Zichang, Wang Zichang's uncle Wang Huaxian, Guo Yongmao's brother Guo Yongzhi, and Ma Xinde's brother Ma Junde, including his wife and widow Ding's wife and slave concubine, and a total of 52 families, which were placed in Zhuangtun ("He") where his relatives were located. At the same time, wu Jing, a pseudo-general soldier, and 11 other people, including pseudo generals, pseudo guerrillas, pseudo-capital divisions, pseudo garrisons, and idle (white bodies), were also installed outside Shanhaiguan and Gubeikou.

In February of the twenty-seventh year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1688), the Bingbu and the Punishment Department successively sent Wang Yu, the nephew of Wang Hongqi, to the outside of Gubeikou to install Wang Hongqi's nephew, Liu Shihong, the brother of Liu Yingdi, a merchant who was incorporated into the territory of Feiyang Guzuo, and so on, so that they could be combined with their respective uncles and brothers. Sent to Wu Sangui's household under Wang Dabin and 12 other people, the wife of the dead criminal Li Qunwan. The Eighty Banners of the Eighty Commandments, the former commander Ofoma Qi, came forward to send wu jintai to the huxia imperial front, and the Yunnan army brought Wu Shiying to Peng Guozhu under the household, and previously sent to the wife of Li Shiji under Shen Shangdahu, and the sons of Mai Qifeng and GanSheng under the Shangzhi Xinhu, and were organized into the Guan Ling or Zhuang Tun respectively. Judging from the follow-up reports, the Han people who were not registered in the above-mentioned areas and who entered the officialdom did not accept the bad endowment as originally discussed, so that they were scattered for a living, but were routinely incorporated into Zhuangtun. In the area of Sanshan, outside Shanhaiguan alone, the Ministry of Internal Affairs set up 30 new villages for the Han Chinese in San Francisco.

In July of the same year, the Military Department and the Punishment Department sent Liu Shizhong, the brother of Liu Shizhen, and 2 of his household slaves Zhuang Ding, outside gubeikou, to be incorporated into Yang Lu'er, the grandson of Yang Yongzu, the governor of Sange, and Zhang Zhiping, the brother of Zhang Shengxiao, who was in charge of Mu qi, and ordered them to "join the clan" with their respective ancestors and brothers; they also sent 7 Ding women, including Miao Guoxi, a subordinate of Wu Sangui, to Zhuangtun; and Liu Shi'er, the wife of Wang Xiyang, who rebelled against Wang Xi, was stored in the guanling and gave Ula a wifeless animal.

3. Xuanfu, Gu'an, Gyeonggi Lugou Bridge, etc. In the 25th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Geng Jingzhong, the king of Jingnan, was established in the land of Xuanfu, 10 villages. Including the grassland in Xuanfu City, the housing bases such as various yamen and temple halls, each ding is given 6 yuan. The remaining 7 acres of 47 acres of land are collected silver 69 two 9 money 4 cents, grain 2 stones 1 bucket more. Kong Youde, the king of Dingnan, was in Xuanfu Right Guard Land for 630 yuan, and Sun Yanchang, who had previously been from Sun Yanchang, was 25 yuan in Disili, and was organized into 4 villages, each with 15 dings and 8 cattle; Zhu Village in Gu'an County had 90 plots of land, and set up 1 banzhuang (bean straw village), weaving 7 dings and 4 cattle; Guangning Wailu bridge Huangzhuang, Sanjiao Temple, Sorghum Village and other places had 52 yuan and 5 acres of land, and collected rent grain every year.

4. Cangzhou. In the twenty-fifth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the original Shangzhi Letter Bao Yi Ye Fuxing, who had been incorporated into the Zen Cloth Pipe Collar, petitioned that he had 300 yuan of land in Cangzhou, and 30 stones of Cangshi were requisitioned a year, equivalent to more than 60 taels of silver, and there were more than 10 Zhuangding. If he is given the title of the head of the Nayin Village, he is willing not to be subjected to arable land, cattle breeds, fodder, strong ding, and rations, and he will pay 200 taels of silver every year. The Ministry of the Interior is in accordance with the rules, and as usual, it is exempt from a one-year mission. Shang Fan is originally from Hengshui, not far from Cangzhou. The land ding niu carried by Ye Fuxing may be the old genus of Shang Domain. And he proposed himself as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, similar to the nature of the early Qing Dynasty.

The above, according to the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is a brief summary of the situation in which the Han Chinese of San Francisco were incorporated into various official villages (mainly referring to grain farms in this case). The following points need to be added.

1. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will compile the San Francisco Han people into villages, focusing on Shanhaiguan, Gubeikou, Xifengkou and shengjing. At that time, there were 422 villages outside Gubeikou, Xifengkou, and Shanhaiguan. Other places, such as Zhili and Kisuke, also have many official villages. Exactly how many San Fan Han people were installed in the official villages in various places, and their specific distribution, still need to be excavated by more historical materials.

2. In the first year of Shunzhi (1644), the Qing army entered the customs, and a large number of Shengjing Zhuang Ding accompanied the march, and the guanzhuang outside the Guan was once reduced. Shengzu succeeded to the throne, and there were 27 official villages in the Shengjing area. Kangxi's Shengjing Tongzhi records 169 places in Guanzhuang, 81 places east of the Liao River, shengjing internal affairs office division; 89 places west of the Liao river, the division of the internal affairs office of the beijing division. This official village should refer to the grain farm. It is also recorded that there are 3 Yanzhuang, 11 Indigo Villages, and 46 Cotton Villages, all of which are the secretaries of the Shengjing Interior Ministry. The Kangxi Shengjing Tongzhi chronicle, which ends in the twenty-third year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1684), reflects the rapid increase in the number of officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after the remnants of San Francisco were sent to the northeast. According to the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, between the 20th and 40th years of the Kangxi Dynasty, the number of Shengjing official villages increased from 25 to 91. In the past 20 years, the number of official villages has increased by nearly 4 times, mainly as a result of the incorporation of the Han chinese in San Francisco.

3. Most of the new villages were collectively organized by the Han people of San Francisco, as mentioned above, 1 zhuang set up by the rebel general Zu Ze Qingding, 7 zhuangs compiled by Kong Youdeding, 10 zhuangs compiled by Geng Jingzhongding, and 1 zhuang compiled by Shangzhi Xinding. There are also some new villages, which are made up of different sources of San Francisco wives and a number of old Villages. In Xinzhuang, some old Manchurian nobles who had been liquidated, such as Batulu Gong Aobai and others, were also installed. Guanzhuang was organized and produced by Zhuangtou, who paid heavy burdens to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and undertook many laborers. As royal coats, their supreme lord was the "Manchurian" emperor.

3. Historical influence

The Kangxi Emperor took a variety of ways to dispose of the remnants of San Francisco, and while completely eliminating the hidden dangers of the remnants of San Francisco, he also achieved a number of strategic goals.

(1) Strengthened the military defense of northern and southern Xinjiang and built an overall layout of the Eight Banners garrison. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the Eight Banners Army was mainly stationed in the capital and Kifu area. In the interior of the Central Plains, although Taiyuan, Dezhou, Xi'an, Jiangning, Jingkou, Hangzhou and other places have eight banners stationed, the army is often mobilized, and no stability system has been formed. With the reunification of the whole country, the San Francisco forces that were originally on one side were completely cut off, and the military organization was uniform. In the nineteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the Qing court took advantage of some of the old pawns of Shang Fan and Geng Fan, and transferred some Han soldiers to form the garrison of Guangzhou and Fuzhou. It has become an important military force to deter the southeast coast. In March of the twenty-second year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1683), the Qing court held a meeting of Jingzhou, Jiangning, Xi'an and other places to garrison military affairs. The Kangxi Emperor said: "The officers and men of Jiangning and Xi'an were drawn from each other, and the road was far away, which was afraid of disturbing the station and causing difficulties between the soldiers and the people. The university scholar Mingzhu suggested: "In the middle of Jingzhou, the officers and men of Jiangning and Xi'an should be transferred to 1,000 officers and men each stationed in Jingzhou." It is now sent from the capital to the officers and men of Jingzhou, and should be allocated a thousand to Jiangning and another thousand to Xi'an. In this way, the road is suitable and the soldiers and civilians will not be disturbed. "While the Qing court set up the Eight Banners garrison in Jingzhou, it also strengthened the garrisons of Xi'an and Jiangning on the left and right flanks. As a result, the layout of the Eight Flags garrison in the whole country was gradually constructed.

(ii) Created conditions for the victory of the Sino-Russian Battle of Yaksa. At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Tsarist forces invaded the Heilongjiang River Basin. The Qing court pacified San Francisco, the country became increasingly stable, and the Qing court began to plan to counter the Russian invasion. In the 22nd year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1683), in order to strengthen the northeast border defense, the Qing court ordered the general Bahai to garrison Yaohun and the deputy capital Sabusu to garrison Huma. At the same time, new stations were added to the old post road, and with the transfer of the old department of San Francisco, the construction of post stations in the northeast region has been greatly developed. In May of the twenty-fourth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1685), the Battle of Yaksa between China and Russia was won. The planning and extension of the post road provided a strong communication and logistical support for the war against Russia.

(3) Promote the development and construction of the northeast region. The remnants of San Francisco were relocated to the northeast and incorporated into Guanzhuang with the largest population. According to the 60 Zhuang newly compiled by the Kangxi Dynasty in the 22nd year of Guanwai, there are 15 people per Village, plus women and children, that is, it is estimated at 4 people (couples and 2 children) per Ding, which is about 3600 mouths. There are also the people who sent the animal Ula to serve as cattle, the population who were enslaved in Ninguta, and the two Shang clan tomb guards in Haicheng. San Francisco Zhuangding transferred a large number of post roads and post stations, and gradually formed a group of "people on the station". During the Yongzheng period, maoxing was continued to Hulan Yidao (southeast Yidao, commonly known as Landao), making the yilu trunk road more perfect. In modern times, settlements have gradually formed around the station. In present-day Zhaoxing County, which is located at the junction of Yilu Road, there were six stations. Over the past few hundred years, the descendants of "station people" have continued to multiply, and so far there have been more than 100,000, accounting for about 1/3 of the county's population. This fully shows that the Qing Dynasty post roads and stations were developed in the northeast frontier, especially in the history of the rise of towns.

Liu Xiaomeng: The Kangxi Emperor's disposition of the remnants of San Francisco

Generally speaking, during the Kangxi Dynasty, the monarchs and ministers were high-minded and strategic, disposing of the remnants of San Francisco in many ways, and effectively turning negative factors into positive factors, which was an important strategic measure for the Qing Dynasty's rule to move from chaos to great rule. The Qing court had different ways of disposing of the remnants of San Francisco, and the fate of the latter was not consistent. In the seventh year of Qianlong (1742), the Qianlong Emperor specifically mentioned in the famous Han army flag edict that there was a "subordination under the San Fan household" in the Han army. He also decreed that, in addition to the "people who entered the customs from the dragon" in the early Qing Dynasty, including those who were "incorporated under the San Francisco households", he such as those who "surrendered to the flag after the dingding", those who "entered the flag for crimes", those who were clothed by the princes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the recruited gunners, the successors with different surnames, and those who followed their mothers and relatives, "if they wish to change to their original hometown, they are allowed to be incorporated into the baojia with the people of the place." Subsequently, all the Han army leaders stationed in Guangzhou, half of the Han army leaders stationed in Fuzhou, and a part of the Beijing Banner Han army leaders all returned to the people under this edict.

From the ninth year of Qianlong (1744) to the thirteenth and fourteenth year, in view of the stagnation of the economy of Guanzhuang, the internal affairs office dominated by the lordship system, the Qing court decided to release tens of thousands of mouths inside and outside the mouth, including the San Fan Han people in guanzhuang and their descendants. The Zhuang Ding who still remained in Guanzhuang were mainly the sons of Zhuang Leaders and people with the same surname. Economically, they can take over official land, plant or rent it out, and politically they can donate meritorious names and take the exam to become officials. This shows that his status has risen, which is different from the previous wrapping (slave). In the 21st, 27th, and 36th years of Qianlong, the Qing court successively wrapped the Han people belonging to the Upper Three Banners and the Lower Five Banners of the Internal Affairs Office, as well as a separate file and an account holder and other times handed out the flags to the people. Through the above channels, the Han people of the Ministry of Internal Affairs wrapped up their clothes and returned to the same place, broke away from the flag and returned to the people. The few coats left in the Ministry of the Interior have also improved their status. This is not only the result of the increasing decline of the Manchurian lordship economy, but also reflects the major adjustment of Manchu-Han relations in Qing Dynasty society.

A bibliography of this article is attached

1. Liu Xiaomeng, "The Kangxi Emperor's Disposition of the Remnants of San Francisco," Social Science Series, No. 5, 2021.

2. LIU Xiaomeng. The Kangxi Emperor's Disposition of the Remnants of San Francisco[J].Social Science Series, 2021(05):172-183.

Liu Xiaomeng was born in Beijing in 1952. Doctor of History, Researcher and Doctoral Supervisor of the Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He is currently a distinguished professor of the College of University Education and Integration of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a part-time professor (researcher) or an external academic committee member of the Research Center for Historical Theory of the Chinese Academy of History, the Research Base of "Casting a Solid Sense of the Chinese National Community" of Peking University, the Manchu Literature Research Center of the Institute of Qing History of Chinese Min Min University, the Institute of Chinese Frontier Ethnic History of the Central University for Nationalities, and the Research Center for The History of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Society and Culture of Capital Normal University; Representative works: "The Development of the Manchus from Tribe to Country", "The History of the Aixin Jueluo Family", "The Banner Society of Beijing in the Qing Dynasty", "The Collection of Manchu History in the Qing Dynasty", "Investigation of the Relics of the Qing Dynasty", "The History of China's Zhiqing - The Great Tide", "The Oral History of China's Zhiqing" (China Social Sciences Press Edition).

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