
33-year-old Jing Tian finally changed her hairstyle! Set off the bangs to send a high-grade atmosphere, vacuum wearing a suit can not be recognized

Affecting the fashion aesthetics is not only the clothing, wearing so simple, like makeup and hair, with the development of the trend is also played a good role, modern women in order to increase the attractiveness of the style, in this piece is also spent a lot of thought, especially those who suddenly change the style of women, the change is very large.

33-year-old Jing Tian finally changed her hairstyle! Set off the bangs to send a high-grade atmosphere, vacuum wearing a suit can not be recognized

Jing Tian, the post-85 actress, debuted at the peak, these years have also left a deep impression on us, but compared to in the play, the scenery outside the play can be amazing, but the salty and sweet dress is very likeable, but in recent years, the style of Jing Tian is also changing, the past is generally gentle girlish, it seems full of high-level fan, very queen aura.

33-year-old Jing Tian finally changed her hairstyle! Set off the bangs to send a high-grade atmosphere, vacuum wearing a suit can not be recognized

Tips: Double-breasted coat coat that highlights temperament and charm

Coats in the winter belongs to a very ordinary single product, so the upper body rate is very high, but want to put this basic single product out of a good fashion effect, the choice of style can not be too sloppy, if it is an age woman, the color is as rich as possible, but the coat belongs to show the temperament of the clothing, should not be too complicated, generally is the use of buttons to decorate it.

This new drama, Jing Tian, because of the role, also put on a long-lost coat, you can see the khaki coat worn on this post-85 woman, it looks particularly eye-catching, compared to the previous gentle and sweet appearance, this time the goddess looks very temperamental.

33-year-old Jing Tian finally changed her hairstyle! Set off the bangs to send a high-grade atmosphere, vacuum wearing a suit can not be recognized
33-year-old Jing Tian finally changed her hairstyle! Set off the bangs to send a high-grade atmosphere, vacuum wearing a suit can not be recognized

Dressing tips: Suit underwear to increase femininity

It has always been recommended that women in the face of winter coats, the inner layer should choose thin and other styles, such as knitwear, sweaters, which are less difficult to control, but this does not mean that the temperament of the clothing such as suits can not be matched, in contrast, the suit is simple and clean, may increase the sense of heaviness, but when the coat is faded, the suit from the inside to the single wear is immediately different.

Indeed, in the selection of the inner layer, Jing Tian also chose the traditional basic suit to put inside, faded the coat jacket of Jing Tian, under the background of the suit, the whole person is full of temperament, not at all because of the simplicity of the clothing, thus losing the charm of the shape, on the contrary, the exquisite sense brought by the simple style is very good.

33-year-old Jing Tian finally changed her hairstyle! Set off the bangs to send a high-grade atmosphere, vacuum wearing a suit can not be recognized

Dressing tips: vacuum dressing, getting rid of monotony to increase sexy fan

Suits, a basic item, are most likely to appear a single dull sign, so when modern women face suits, they will choose a more recognizable style, such as adding elements to the body, or being confident enough in their own figure, choosing vacuum dressing, extending the neck line, and increasing female charm.

Jing Tian this time is from the gentle wind out of the effect of mature women, wearing a white basic style, directly choose vacuum dress, that whitening skin type plus this swan neck and career line, it looks particularly eye-catching, too feminine.

33-year-old Jing Tian finally changed her hairstyle! Set off the bangs to send a high-grade atmosphere, vacuum wearing a suit can not be recognized
33-year-old Jing Tian finally changed her hairstyle! Set off the bangs to send a high-grade atmosphere, vacuum wearing a suit can not be recognized

Dressing trivia: lift the bangs to tie the hair, like a changed person beautiful can not recognize

Makeup and hair is a magic weapon for women's concave modeling, although it can not change the style, but it can set off a person's temperament and increase the spirit, but the choice of makeup and hair is rich, and it must be combined with the style of clothing, so as to better concave a good shape.

After watching Jing Tiantian's gentle dress, he suddenly lifted the bangs, the shape of the hair, really almost unrecognizable, the whole person has changed, becoming domineering, the queen fan is full, very good-looking.

QS: What are the hairstyle decorations of Jingtian?

Select Tips: Ball Head

33-year-old Jing Tian finally changed her hairstyle! Set off the bangs to send a high-grade atmosphere, vacuum wearing a suit can not be recognized

Pill head is definitely the most common hairstyle decoration in recent years, regardless of age, almost can be perfectly integrated, the most important thing is a good age reduction effect, which is very suitable for the tender and concave style, and there will be no flaws. Jing Tian's black and white princess dress, Gaoza pill head is very good-looking, high-grade with a little sweet Fan, not so monotonous.

Choose Tips: Ponytail

33-year-old Jing Tian finally changed her hairstyle! Set off the bangs to send a high-grade atmosphere, vacuum wearing a suit can not be recognized

Ponytail is indeed tacky, but also one of the highest hairstyles for women, but the ponytail can be much simpler in combing this piece, unlike other hairstyles that take an hour and a half to tie, and even combine clothes, ponytails can not only be integrated in daily life, even in the face of large-scale activities can not be faulted. Jing Tian chose ponytail, with off-the-shoulder skirt, high-end atmosphere, very feminine charm.

Select Tips: Partial curls

33-year-old Jing Tian finally changed her hairstyle! Set off the bangs to send a high-grade atmosphere, vacuum wearing a suit can not be recognized

In modern hairstyles, women in the abandonment of age-reducing girlish style, more inclined to micro-curl hairstyle, hair permed into curly hair, combing is convenient, but also with a full sense of fashion, for women concave style has become more relaxed, of course, like the sweeter, like Jing Tian, partial micro-curl, girlish style is not reduced at all.

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