
The 6 billion Wenzhou boss was assassinated

author:Eraser brother

The "History of Ming" commented on Zhang Xuan, a Wenzhou native: "Just and bold, not avoiding resentment, holding a special and honest body, hating the corrupt officials ... sexual cruelty, revenge, and not protecting the good." ”

Mo Yan was even more ruthless, "There may be places on the earth where birds can't go, but there are no places on the earth where Wenzhou people can't go."

The 6 billion Wenzhou boss was assassinated

Wenzhou people, once known as the "Jews" of the East, are known for their adventurous and pragmatic, circle cooperation, and shrewdness. However, in 2009, he founded Youzu Network, started with page games, and then laid out four major business sectors of global game research and development and distribution, big data applications, IP development and operation, and pan-entertainment industry investment, Lynch, was still poisoned and assassinated.

The 6 billion Wenzhou boss was assassinated

Before diving into this issue, let's take a look at the source of this event.

It can be summarized in three stages:

1. Faith

2. Inside Story

3. Ambitious teenagers

1. Lynch's internal email open letter "Gathering for Faith and Passing on the Century-old Classics": "Dear clansmen, this is the early morning of December 20, 2014, and it is also the last day of our office at Hongqiao Headquarters No. 1. At this time, the office building is brightly lit, but it is extremely quiet, like an empty mirror of a movie, with no roles, but full of imagination. We had an exciting 3 years here. At this moment, everyone is in the circle of friends with sighs and toasts to the past, I also have a crush, but more full of expectations for the future.

 People gather because of faith, and some people with common beliefs come together to become an ethnic group, a tribe, and tribal civilization is the beginning of human civilization. Therefore, when we gathered because of the game, we named the company "Youzu" - we believe that people need to be happy, create and transmit happiness, this is our belief. At this moment of re-embarkation, I once again examine our original intention and mission."

And Xu Yao's creed is: "We legal people, that is, to fight fires, to break the situation, to have the courage to become that change maker." ”

However, ironically, the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau released a message saying that on December 17, Lin was suspected of being poisoned, and after investigation, it was found that Xu was seriously suspected. Although the announcement did not mention "Lynch", it was matched with Lynch in terms of age and identity.

The 6 billion Wenzhou boss was assassinated

Xu Yao joined Youzu Network Co., Ltd. in May 2017 as legal counsel.

Back in December 2018, Xu Yao was appointed to establish the Three-Body Universe (Shanghai) Cultural Development Co., Ltd., and carried out a series of project promotion and landing actions on how to develop the "Three-Body" IP.

From the general counsel of Fosun Group to the CEO of Three-Body Universe, whether Lynch has a "common belief" with Xu Yao is worth exploring.

What is even more strange is that in the official website of Youzu, the core management of Youzu Network Company is 5 people, and there is no Xu Yao in the list.

The actual controller of the Three-Body Universe (Shanghai) Cultural Development Company is Lynch, of which about 70% of the beneficiary shares are found, and Xu Yao is one of the directors.

Back on December 10, 2018, the three-body universe (Shanghai) cultural development company was officially established at this key time node, when only Zhao Jilong, vice president of the three-body universe and head of the international business department, and Cui Rong, the head of the three-body universe content group, were mentioned.

Xu Yao's name is missing.

Due to the above problems, the trust of Xu Yao and Lynch has been greatly reduced, and the collapse of the entrepreneurial partnership trust system is the most fatal, trust needs to be operated for a long time, and it is also the cornerstone of the company's long-term development.

The development of private enterprises is often limited by the height and vision of the founder, in the eyes of some bosses, the talent that can integrate resources is a partner, and the company's values and team beliefs are not taken into account.

To put it bluntly, the founder alone said the calculation, due to limited thinking, closed and exclusive in the organizational structure of the enterprise, insufficient investment in science and technology, and there is still a certain gap from modern corporate governance, which directly affects the innovation and development of the enterprise.

Lynch said at the annual meeting of Youzu Company in January this year: "If the past decade has been a competitive environment for the survival of the fittest, then in the next decade, there will be a new competitive law for the survival of the 'knowledgeable'." At the scene, Lynch said that the company's internal organization will be readjusted, hoping that employees will adjust their mentality to face it.

Sure enough, the original cause of poisoning according to the "China Economic Weekly" reported that it stemmed from the position adjustment, although Lynch took into account the old feelings of his colleagues, did not immediately lay off Xu Yao, but first reduced his salary to let him find another way out, but Xu Yao was still very dissatisfied, and then poisoned revenge, and the "poisoning" method was not the rumored old Pu'er, but through drugs.

2. The so-called insider trading refers to the insider information of securities transactions and the use of insider information to engage in securities trading activities by insider information and those who illegally obtain insider information.

That is to say, the capital game was played, and for a period of time, Wenzhou people left the impression that they would "fry". In the first half of this year, Youzu Network also fell into the question of insider trading among shareholders.

On May 13, Youzu Network replied to the exchange's letter of concern, saying that the company's chairman Lynch was not suspected of insider trading.

On February 28, Youzu Network released the "2019 Annual Performance Express", and it is expected that the net profit attributable to the mother in 2019 will be about 550 million yuan. Surprisingly, on April 29, Youzu Network issued an apology announcement, and the net profit attributable to the mother in 2019 was revised to 257 million yuan. The revised data decreased by 74.58% year-on-year.

It is worth noting that from November 2019 to March this year, Lynch significantly reduced his holdings of about 14.7308 million shares of Youzu Network shares, and according to Chocie data estimates, Lynch reduced his holdings by about 357 million yuan during this period.

Lynch's reduction range coincided with the release of the 2019 Annual Performance Express, and some investors complained to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, questioning Lynch's early knowledge of performance correction information for insider trading.

Subsequently, on May 6, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued a letter of concern saying that it had recently received complaints from investors questioning its controlling shareholder Lynch for insider trading by knowing the performance correction information in advance, and asked Youzu Network to make corresponding explanations.

According to the Yangtze River Business Daily, from July 2019 to June 2020, Lynch reduced his holdings in the company by 44.7992 million shares, with a total cash out of 790 million yuan. If you count the 2.725 million convertible bonds held by the "liquidation" reduction in October last year, Lynch's cumulative cash out amount is about 1.07 billion yuan.

The related party transactions between Youzu Network and related parties also directly prompted the listed company to convey benefits to the affiliates controlled by Lynch to reach more than 40 million yuan at the end of 2019 and more than 66 million yuan in June 2020.

3, the so-called ambitious teenagers, you can refer to a sentence left by Lynch: give the years civilization.

The 6 billion Wenzhou boss was assassinated

In the end, it is to find an opportunity, that is, to be able to gain insight into business opportunities, Lynch wrote in an internal email open letter "Gathering for Faith to Pass on a Century-Old Classic": "The "Transformers 4" made by Americans has a global box office of more than 6 billion yuan, and the box office in China is close to 2 billion. Our "Goddess Alliance" page game, after the domestic monthly flow exceeded 100 million, put overseas, the monthly flow can also exceed ten million US dollars, and just won the 2014 Facebook Best New Game. It has been proven many times that this simple joy, whether it is a movie or a game, is human nature, and this is the natural globalization gene, which has the magic of connecting different cultures, users and resources.

The same is true of The Three-Body Problem. We need to bring together the best resources in the world to tell this story with us. His shooting and special effects are probably one of the best teams in the world, surpassing most Hollywood blockbusters. Another example is game development, we are willing to take out the IP of "Three-Body" and provide it to the most sincere and powerful team in the world to develop the game for free. The wonderful story of "Three-Body Problem" can be a novel, a movie, an anime, or even we can ask the most emotional stand-alone game producers of that generation to do stand-alone games. We're going to make this story simpler and lighter in different ways, and then there will be more listeners. “

In an interview with a media outlet, Lynch made a lot of statements about this: "So you are afraid that before you die, you think: How did I destroy the "Three-Body Problem"? "In the past, there were various objective factors that did not do a good job of "The Three-Body Problem", and today I want to face this problem alone, and I want one person to bear this responsibility."

According to relevant reports, Xu Yao played a key role in the process of Youzu Network winning the copyright of "Three-Body": "Before Xu Yao joined Youzu Network, negotiations to acquire the full copyright of "Three-Body" had begun, but the progress was slow and it was temporarily shelved. After Xu Yao joined, he took over the acquisition of the full copyright of "Three-Body" and began a negotiation process of more than half a year. ”

In the original text of "Reminiscence of Lynch: Ambitious Teenagers", there is such a description: In Lynch's view, a truly successful global IP needs to have three characteristics: first, nationality, because good works actually have a distinct nationality; second, reflect the spirit of the times and capture the nerves of contemporary people; third, the human nature it embodies has universal commonality.

But entrepreneurship is about rhythm, in June this year, youzu network only issued an announcement that for 45 million yuan from the three-body universe to obtain a 10-year "three-body" game development authorization.

It is worth mentioning that on September 1, the three-body universe and the streaming media platform Netflix jointly announced that they have reached an agreement to jointly develop and produce the "Three-Body" English series.

On December 14, the TV drama version of "Three-Body Problem" starring Zhang Luyi, Li Xiaoran and others also announced its official completion.

Lynch is the epitome of China's founder, and the rest of the deceased also makes us sigh.

Going back to the beginning, look at the three major sources of the incident: faith, insider, and ambitious teenagers. Take a look at the American movie Kill This Irishman. Based on a true story, the film depicts how Gliein dug up the dragon-snake-mixed city of Cleveland and became a local underworld enforcer. He successfully dodged countless assassination attempts, and also brutally returned fire, eliminating all those who tried to assassinate him. The courage and boldness of Wenzhou people who dare to be the first in the world were almost people blocking killing people and Buddhas blocking the killing of Buddhas in the early days of reform and opening up.

However, now China will enter a higher level of development, that is, how to meet the growing deep needs of the people, which is the problem that future founders need to think about!

The 6 billion Wenzhou boss was assassinated

Writer Ye Yonglie said: Once I returned to Wenzhou, I didn't know the road, and when I asked for directions, those passers-by didn't understand Wenzhou dialect or know the road.

Lynch once said of the success experience: "The timing is also in place." Youzu Network was founded in 2009, and the first page game product "Thirty-Six Plans" launched that year made a good start, and was recognized by the market in a good schedule, creating a lot of income for the company in the early days. Of course, in addition to luck, being good at grasping opportunities has made Youzu Network gain something in the development of the industry. In short, this is the opportunity brought by the big times, and we have seized the opportunity. ”

From a spatial point of view, a person's struggle is important, but it is also necessary to consider the course of history.

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