
"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

author:Writing knife II
"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

Text/Knife II

In 1983, a 16-year-old boy in a neighboring village in Qingkou Town, Ganyu County, Jiangsu Province, dropped out of school to sell pork.

In that seaside town close to Shandong, with the rough and simple folk customs unique to the north.

The teenager's heart harbored impulsiveness, shyness, innocence, and the hormones of youth that had nowhere to go.

Originally, he should have fulfilled his mission on campus and would have a better future.

But as the eldest son in the family, he can only pick up the burden of life.

Pressing pigs, receiving pig blood, selling pork, and also slipping and falling in the pigsty because of his feet, he was splashed with pig blood.

In that stinking land full of pigs running,

This teenager never imagined that the bright future would one day be linked to himself.

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

The best life he could think of was to have a stable job.

Because at that time, he was specially recruited by the meat factory because of his superb meat cutting technology, and he also won the title of "Hou Yi Knife".

That year, the 16-year-old skillfully took up the knife and broke down the pork.

At that time, people only remembered his nickname "Hou Yidao", and his real name "Hou Yong" was rarely mentioned.

It was not until the arrival of the movie "Rushing Out of the Amazon" that Hou Yong's era quietly arrived.

From a pork seller to a powerful actor, how much has Hou Yong walked to get to where he is now?

And the story behind "Hou YiDao" is what really arose?

Three marriages and two separations, and a red face, what is he pursuing?

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?


In 1967, the Hou family in Qingkou Town, Ganyu County, Jiangsu Province, gave birth to a boy, named Hou Yong, who was the first child in the family.

That year, although the Hou family's parents were happy, they were also very worried.

Because the family is not rich, I am always worried that I will not be able to raise my children to be talented.

But even so, Hou's father and mother still resisted the pressure to send their children to Ganyu Middle School, where they received education.

At that time, Hou Yong's grades were so-so, not good or bad, and he was not interested in learning, but he liked fist and foot kung fu.

He was obsessed with the popular movie "Shaolin Temple" at that time.

Hou Yong, who has a great chivalrous spirit in his heart, makes three or two friends every day to practice "martial arts".

But even so, Hou Yong did not dare to confess his heart to the girl he liked.

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

Over time, the school became the most dispensable existence in his life plan.

Because he didn't want to break out of a good road by studying.

At the age of 16, Hou Yong dropped out of school due to family difficulties.

After dropping out of school, Hou Yong began to sell pork with his relatives.

Every day in the middle of the night, he got up to help add firewood and boil water, and sometimes when he was sleepy, Hou Yong entertained himself and began to sing while working.

From time to time, he always showed off his newly learned songs to his cousin, and if he was not careful, he would fall into and get covered in blood.

In addition to selling pork, Hou Yong also worked as a small worker in sieving charcoal.

Don't look at his young age, but he can sift out 70 tons of coal with his co-workers overnight.

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

Not long after, Hou Yong went to the bakery to do the work of baking bread, because of his lack of experience, he had also been burned by an oven of several hundred degrees.

Hou Yong walked and stopped, living without less, but like a rootless duckweed, he didn't know where the future was.

And this kind of life lasted for a long time, as if his life was permanently frozen in that moment.

It was not until the emergence of the meat factory that this flesh-and-blood teenager was pulled out of the quagmire.

At that time, Hou Yong had developed a "pig killing skill", and the meat was cut quickly and accurately.

With this specialty, Hou Yong was specially summoned to the meat factory and also won the title of "Hou Yi Knife".

Because of his hardships and hard work, Hou Yong soon became a technical backbone and became the director of the workshop.

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

From selling pork to being the deputy director of the workshop, Hou Yong spent a full 4 years.

When Hou Yong finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that all the dust had settled, fate waved at him again.

In 1987, 20-year-old Hou Yong followed his high school classmates to apply for the Jiangsu Provincial Drama Academy.

Dramatically, Hou Yong, who was only an escort, was admitted, while his classmates fell off the list.

But Hou Yong, who got the notice, did not make up his mind to resign, because the establishment of a rural baby is indeed a lot of temptation.

Until a duty, Hou Yong was reprimanded by the leader,

The youthful heart and the notice in his pocket gave Hou Yong the courage to resign.

Therefore, that year, Hou Yong left the meat factory and became a student majoring in drama performance at the Jiangsu Provincial Drama Academy.

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

Re-entering the campus gate made him wake up from a big dream, as if reading was a long time ago.

But the embarrassment of poverty reminded him over and over again that he was still a stupid boy who was too poor to eat.

In school, Hou Yong, who came from a poor family, could only afford to eat vegetables and dry food for three cents.

In order to save money, Hou Yong even brought thick pancakes and fried dried fish every time he came home from vacation before he dared to return to school.

Poor, shabby, these words accompanied him through the long years.

And the savings are engraved in the bones.

In the second year of studying acting, Hou Yong can already use his spare time to make money in outside the theater.

The first time, he earned a full 400 yuan, and he thought: He should have a good luxury.

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

With this huge amount of money, he returned to a famous product counter in Nanjing several times, and the pair of 128 yuan brand-name sneakers was about to stare out of the "hole".

But when it came, Hou Yong still only bought a pair of 40 yuan stalls.

This "saving" did not change even after he became a well-known actor.

In 1989, Hou Yong graduated and became an actor in the Drama Troupe.

But that was just the starting point for him to start his career as an actor.

Dragon Tao 10 years, obscure, fate does not seem to tolerate him.

But Hou Yong, who entered the society early, was accustomed to the cruelty of life, and everything in front of him seemed to have been a gift of fate.

It was not until 1993, when "Blood Case Vengeance" began filming, that Hou Yong waited for his first role.

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?


In the same year, Hou Yong married Shen Rong, a classmate of the Performance Department of Nanjing University of the Arts.

For this love, it can still be summed up in three words: not equal.

Unequal families, unequal careers, so eventually resulting in unequal marriages.

The two began to fall in love when they were in college, when Hou Yong was still a poor boy.

Shen Rong, on the other hand, grew up soaking in her parents' molasses jar, and her parents at home seemed to look down on Hou Yong, who had failed to achieve fame.

But this is not enough to affect the relationship between the two.

After graduation, Shen Rong quickly emerged in the show business circle, and won many honors such as the Feitian Award in just a few years.

At that time, Shen Rong was only one step away from the big red and purple.

At that time, Hou Yong could only be described as obscure.

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

But even if it became popular, Shen Rong still carried the original intention of identifying Hou Yong, and left the circle early and entered the marriage hall with Hou Yong, who was "not out of the blue".

At that time, the two fully believed that love could overcome everything.

After retiring from the circle, Shen Rong began to worry about everything hou Yong, using the hands that held the script to make soup, silently supporting all his decisions behind him.

Looking at Shen Rong, who had a deep affection in front of him, Hou Yong was very moved, and he also tried very hard to exchange happiness for happiness.

In order to present the perfect role, Hou Yong carefully considered each role.

A flag raiser without lines was pondered by him for a year, imitating every movement, hundreds of exercises.

He was so eager to prove himself that he just didn't know when the goddess of fate would bow her head for him.

Finally, at the last moment of the ten-year dragon set, Hou Yong waited for the opportunity.

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

In 2002, Hou Yong waited for the movie "Rushing Out of the Amazon", in order to present the most perfect character image,

Hou Yong worked very hard, and the various processes were enough to be described as "tragic".

Even the crew master said that the speed and precision of Hou Yong's actions in the movie have reached the real requirements of the "Hunter School".

So, after 4 months, Hou Yong sun shed his skin, scratched, burned, and scratched.

Standing on the podium of the Huabiao Award, Hou Yong finally waited for the highlight moment.

That night, Hou Yong won the Outstanding Actor Award at the 8th China Film Huabiao Awards and the 9th Golden Phoenix Awards of the Chinese Film Performing Arts Society.

The joy of success made him almost choke, and he said very emotionally:

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

"No matter how busy I am, I will still take time to take care of the family, do a little of my husband's obligations, and take care of my wife more, because she is my most precious",

"I thank my wife Shen Rong, without her, it would be impossible for me to have Hou Yong today."

Hou Yong knew that his wife's hard work was not easy, and Shen Rong was also very considerate of his difficulties.

The two support each other and take care of everything in life.

The days from scratch are difficult, but the two are extremely happy.

With the boom of film and television dramas and personal efforts, Hou Yong won the Outstanding Actor Award at the 24th China Television Drama Feitian Awards for his outstanding performance in the TV series "The Great Dye Factory".

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

Watching her career rise step by step, she was about to usher in the peak of her life, but Shen Rong did not wait for this moment.

Because the two have been married for many years and have not had children, this makes the elderly Hou Father very anxious.

Anxious to hold the grandson, continue the incense, come and go, the originally happy couple also resented each other.

Until the end, the marriage between the two went to break down.

After the divorce, Shen Rong became a hurt woman who "often runs out in her pajamas" in the public's mouth.

However, Hou Yong continued to make a film, not only did his career stabilize and steady, but even his girlfriend was younger than one.

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?


The second heroine after Shen Rong is Xing Yufei, born in 1981, 14 years younger than Hou Yong.

The two met because of the drama, and played father and daughter in the TV series "Highlands".

In the play, he was pulled by a friend to build a bridge, and over time, a scandal spread outside the play.

This relationship came very secretly and was not acknowledged by Hou Yong.

But Hou Yong's denial could not block the mouths of the yo-yo crowd and the "insiders" after all.

Three years after the two broke up, Xing Yufei's agent, Han Mingyu, confirmed:

"They did fall in love with each other, and this is something that many people in the entertainment industry know."

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?
"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

The rumors are getting hotter and hotter, and Xing Yufei, who is irresistible, comes forward to respond, admitting the fact that the two were once in love, and denying that he is Xiao San.

However, when asked why she broke up, she replied hastily: "Personality is not compatible." ”

And this relationship that did not blossom was really not enough to make Hou Yong bother.

Because after Xing Yufei, Hou Yong's eyes were fixed on Pan Yuchen, who was 11 years younger than him.

At that time, the two also had an affair because of the drama, but they vigorously denied the rumors of love.

Even if they have been photographed intimately many times, the two still strictly guard the handle and resolutely shut up to the end.

It wasn't until the appearance of a photograph that everything was confirmed.

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

In 2011, a photo floated across the web.

Above the photo, a couple held a thank-you wedding banquet at a five-star hotel in Donggang, Liaoning Province.

And this couple is Hou Yong and Pan Yuchen.

Seeing that the rumors had become the truth, Hou Yong simply and generously admitted.

Soon after the marriage, Hou Yong and Pan Yuchen had a daughter, which made Hou Yong, who had passed middle age, very happy.

Not only was he smiling on the set, but he took out his mobile phone to admire his daughter's photos.

He will often accompany his wife and daughter to go shopping, and the happy scene of a family of three is enough to make people move.

He thought that happiness was close at hand.

But just two years later, their marriage was lit up with a red light.

At the end of 2013, Pan Yuchen appeared at the press conference of the TV series "Women Enter the City".

As the lead actor, Pan Yuchen was surrounded by reporters, many of whom had interviews with Hou Yong.

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

But she was unusual, and did not reply to a word about Hou Yong's interview.

When the reporter asked Hou Yong: "Is he a romantic person in private?" ”

Pan Yuchen, who was slightly excited, directly refused: "I don't want to talk about him!" ”,

At the same time, Pan Yuchen said very cleverly: "I enjoy being single, and it is my daughter who gives me the courage to face life." ”

The indifferent attitude and confused answers will confirm the rumors of the marriage between the two people one by one.

Even if Hou Yong came forward to explain: this is just a small fight between husband and wife,

But in the end, the paper wrapped could not hold the fire, and the popularity of the two was scattered, and they had to go to the end.

When the fourth term arrived, Hou Yong's side became Wang Rui, a fan in his 20s.

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

At that time, Hou Yong had just broken the curse of the 4-year low tide period, and he also became popular again because of "In the Name of the People".

"A wall, a bed", Hou Yong vividly interpreted the ugly face of "petty officials and huge greed".

As a result, an old drama hat was put on his head by the audience.

And he finally entered a new world of feelings.

In 2017, Hou Yong and Wang Rui, an outsider, entered the marriage hall.

The other party has a high appearance, a small age, a good family, and the most important thing is that he prefers to watch Hou Yong's plays, and is his number one fan.

But at the beginning of this relationship, Hou Yong did not change his normal state, still biting and not letting go.

It was not until the two men paced the red carpet in suits and wedding dresses that this "year-old love" was made public.

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

After marrying Wang Rui, Hou Yong, who is in his 50s, seems to have a spirit, and the two have been photographed by the media more than once.

Not only that, as early as March last year, Hou Yong and Wang Rui appeared in the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital, which can't help but guess that the relationship between the two has blossomed.

But Hou Yong, who has always been strict-mouthed, did not respond to various speculations, but was busy scattering branches and leaves in his career.

However, he had not yet waited for Hou Yong's good news, but he was the first to wait for the news that he was suspected of drunk driving.

A few days ago, Hou Yong and his friends were partying to change cups and drink a few cups.

But when the group left happily, Hou Yong drove away alone.

As a result, a wave of "Hou Yong drunk driving" news came and spread throughout the network.

"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

But waited and waited until Hou Yong replied: "Prohibit online violent traffic fraud and other activities" response.

True or false, can't help but make the viewer confused.

"Old drama bones overturning" has been seen frequently, but this is a scene that the audience does not want to see after all.

From the poor and sour life of selling pork to the luxurious quality of the double material film emperor, Hou Yong's life has ups and downs and is full of excitement.

More than 20 years of hard work is also very difficult, and now I am happy and happy.

However, three marriages, two divorces and a red face, is it the clichéd money that becomes bad, or does it be because he wants his son to pass on the generations?

All this will have to be proven by time.

After reading it, remember to pay attention to @文刀贰 Image source network intrusion and deletion

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"Director Zhao" Hou Yong's perfect life, Mei Kai three degrees of him, finally got his wish?

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