
Seeing the most incomprehensible news, there are rural elderly people, the family conditions are not good, the son and daughter-in-law are also tight, originally there was already a little granddaughter, but they think that only the granddaughter did not


Seeing the most incomprehensible news, there are rural elderly people, the family conditions are not good, the son and daughter-in-law are also living tightly, originally there was already a little granddaughter, but they think that only the granddaughter has no grandson on the incense, many times urged the son who works in the city to have a second child, the result of the son and daughter-in-law feel the pressure to live and die. The old couple was anxious, lying that the family's old house was going to be demolished, the demolition fee was about 1 million, as long as the son gave birth to a second child, they would also help to take the child. For this reason, he also pretended to go to the county town to see the new house many times, the son and daughter-in-law believed it to be true, and really wanted a second child, as he wished to be a boy, when he was about to give birth, his father and mother disappeared, how could not be contacted, and later learned that he ran to the south to rent a house for the winter. The son called and asked about the demolition of the neighbors in his hometown, and the neighbors couldn't look at it, and it was not good to deceive him, saying that there was no such thing at all. He called his father and mother, and his father said that it was not right for us to lie to you, but you have no consequences, do not lie to you, where will you have a son? Hope you understand.

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