
Chapter 134: Stamp

author:Soup bonelets

Mu Xue put the Star Moon Silver Ring Furnace in his hand into the space ring, casually took out a roll of gauze and wrapped it around his arm, and walked into the side hall with the silver moon in his arms.

After lightly placing Silver Moon on the bed, he reached out his hand to give Silver Moon a pulse!

In the middle of the night, Mu Xue showed a smile on his face, and just as he withdrew his hand, Mu Xue's gaze swept over Silver Moon's red lips, and his hand suddenly froze...

Thinking that silver moon had not yet woken up, Mu Xue's fingers reached out to silver moon's lips, and when his fingers carefully touched silver moon's red lips, Mu Xue revealed a fool-like smile...

Mu Xuexin said: Silver Moon! You drank my dragon's blood and stamped it by me, then you are my person

Tut! When Fang Cai was pro-silver moon, he was in a hurry, how could he not feel it carefully!

However, Silver Moon's lips are so soft

Mu Xue, who was immersed in the memories, did not notice that Silver Moon had opened his eyes...

Yinyue looked at Mu Xue, who was smiling in front of her, felt the temperature on her lips, Mu Xue's fingers, and unconsciously blushed...

"Mu Xue... What are you doing..."

The sound of the silver moon instantly "woke up" Mu Xue...

Mu Xue hurriedly withdrew his hand and said awkwardly, "Cough, you just got injured, I... I'll see if you have a fever..."

"Try it on your lips?"?"

"Cough cough... Hmmm..."

Mu Xue, who could not find a reason, could only respond vaguely.

Silver Moon looked at Mu Xue, who was looking down at him with his head down, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Silver Moon slowly sat up and said, "Mu Xue, let me see the wound on your shoulder!"

"Ah, injury? Oho, I'm fine Silver Moon, don't look! Mu Xue said with a smile.

Silver Moon frowned, grabbing Mu Xue's arm to see for herself!

"Sizzle!" Mu Xue exhaled softly.

Silver Moon heard Mu Xue's cry of pain, did not dare to move again, looked down at Mu Xue's bulging sleeve, Silver Moon had a bad premonition in her heart...

"Mu Xue, what happened to your arm?"

"It's okay, I accidentally scratched it, I've bandaged it!" Mu Xue's face didn't matter.

"Let me see!"

"No! The silver moon that is not used is just a small injury. With that, Mu Xue was about to pull back his arm.

"Don't move! Let me see! ”

Silver Moon Sounds Up! Mu Xue didn't move for an instant...

Silver Moon gently rolled up Mu Xue's sleeves, and a blood red pierced into Silver Moon's pupils...

Silver Moon carefully removed the gauze, and as the gauze slowly opened, a series of deep wounds were revealed...

"Mu Xue! That's what you mean by a small injury! How much blood would be shed from so many wounds! Do you want to lose blood and die!! Silver Moon roared.

Looking at the angry silver moon in front of him, the corner of Mu Xue's mouth raised a curvature.

"Hey hey! Silver Moon, you are in pain! ”

"Me! I didn't! After saying that, Silver Moon took out the best gold sores medicine and gauze and began to re-bandage Mu Xue.

Silver Moon looked at the scars in front of her eyes, and her eyes flashed with pain.

Silver Moon bandaged while asking, "These wounds are all wounded by daggers!" The song is with a sword!

Mu Xue, are you hiding something from me? ”

Just after saying that, Silver Moon remembered that before losing consciousness, Mu Xue scratched himself and fed him blood...

Silver Moon bandaged hands for a meal! Slowly raised his head to look at Mu Xue.

"Mu Xue... These injuries... I...... I drank your blood..."

Mu Xue looked at the silver moon whose eyes were red, and didn't know what to say!

He could only take Silver Moon into his arms, and while patting Silver Moon's back, he comforted, "It's all right!" Silver Moon, don't you cry!

I'm a dragon, I'm not a man!

Even if you bleed a little, you can't die! ”

After Silver Moon listened, her heart felt even more uncomfortable...

Silver Moon blushed, lying on Mu Xue's shoulder, smelling the pungent smell of blood, only to remember that Mu Xue's shoulder was also injured...

After Silver Moon gently pushed Mu Xue away, she continued to bandage Mu Xue's arm without a word.

After the arm was bandaged, Silver Moon said, "Undress!"

Mu Xue subconsciously agreed, "Good!" When the hand reached the collar, Mu Xue was stunned...

"What?? take off! Undress?

this...... Silver Moon, even if you want to make a promise to each other, this time is not appropriate...

The phoenix girl is still fainting next door..." Mu Xue blushed and said with a slurred face.

Still touched by the silver moon, momentarily speechless...

After Silver Moon rudely ripped off the clothes on Mu Xue's shoulders, she applied medicine to Mu Xue's shoulders with expressionless faces...

Mu Xue looked at Silver Moon's movements, only to realize that he had misunderstood, thinking about what he had just said, eager to immediately dig a hole and drill into it...

After half a day and bandaging, Silver Moon got up and got out of bed, went to the screen, and changed into clean clothes.

When he walked out, he threw Mu Xue a bottle of Fuyuan Dan and walked outside.

Mu Xue grabbed the jade bottle, and after taking one in a hurry, hurriedly walked outside.

Mu Xue said remorsefully, "Silver Moon, I misunderstood!" Don't get angry!

Where are you going? I'll go with you!" ”

"Go see the song!"

"Okay, let's go!" After saying that, he walked with Silver Moon towards the room where Feng Qiangge sang.

The two came to the bed and looked at the unconscious Feng Qiangge, both worried.

After Yinyue gave Feng Qiangge a pulse, he sighed and said, "Qiangge Dantian is damaged, and he will have to rest for a while!"

"Huh? How could there be unabsorbed vitality liquid in Qiangge's body? Silver Moon asked incomprehensibly.

Mu Xue thought about it for a moment and then said, "It must have been given to Lady Feng by the master!"

"Mo Gongzi? He's back? Silver Moon asked.

"Nothing! The Master's Heavenly Meditation Ring and the Phoenix Girl's Earth Meditation Ring were both refined by the Master!

Between those two rings, no matter how far apart they are, the spiritual consciousness can appear in front of each other along the ring!

The master left a wisp of spiritual consciousness in the earth meditation ring, and sensing that the phoenix girl was in danger, the master's spiritual consciousness traveled thousands of miles!

ay! The master must be mentally damaged now, and he doesn't know what the situation is! ”

Silver Moon nodded after listening, and sighed in her heart: In order to pour songs, Mo Gongzi can disregard his own safety, and his spiritual consciousness has traveled thousands of miles to save The Song!

It seems that Mo Gongzi is sincere about pouring songs!

After Mu Xue looked at Feng Qiangge, he asked Yinyue, "Silver Moon, when will The Phoenix Girl wake up?"

"It should be soon!" Silver Moon replied.

Mu Xue nodded and said, "Silver Moon, you guard the Phoenix Girl, I will go to the courtyard to deal with the blood stains, and by the way wake up those unconscious maidens, guards!"

"Well, there you go! Watch out for your injuries! Silver Moon instructed.

"Nice!" Mu Xue replied with a smile. After speaking, Mu Xue walked out of the room with a spring breeze on his face.

"Mu Xue!"

"Huh? What happened to Silver Moon? Mu Xue stopped, turned to look at Silver Moon and asked.

"Go change your clothes first!" You are covered in blood, and the guards wake up and are about to be frightened by you again. ”

Mu Xue looked at his blood-stained clothes and nodded with a smile.

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