
The movie "Heart of Atlantis": Why are your parents so selfish, and you still love them so much?

author:Old Blue Movie Chronicles

Bobby never saw Sally and Kairou again.

Until one day, he received an old baseball glove.

There was also a clipping of sarah's death in a car accident. Sally was one of Bobby's best friends as a child, and the other was the girl Kairou. Gerber.

After Sully's funeral, Bobby learns that Kairou has also passed away.

Bobby came to the place where he lived as a child, which was dilapidated and very different from what he remembered.

He entered the house where he lived as a child, which had long been uninhabited. He sighed at the window glass and wrote the number "11."

The movie "Heart of Atlantis": Why are your parents so selfish, and you still love them so much?

The movie "Heart of Atlantis" tells the story of what happened after Bobby Jr.'s 11th birthday.

The film is based on the novel collection of the famous horror novelist Stephen King: The Heart of Atlantis.

The main cast is: Anthony Hopkins, who plays a mysterious tenant named Ted, who has telepathic superpowers.

Actor Anton Eugene plays the little male protagonist Bobby.

On Bobby's 11th birthday, his mom gave him an adult book card as a birthday present.

He was a little disappointed that the gift he wished to receive was a bicycle.

Mom told him that the family was not rich, and your father left a lot of debts before he died, so don't think about the bicycle.

Bobby understands his mother's difficulties and quickly forgets about the birthday present, because he has two good friends who talk about everything.

The movie "Heart of Atlantis": Why are your parents so selfish, and you still love them so much?

They run and play in the woods and by the stream, play games together, chat together, and share a carton of milk together. Between the laughter and laughter, all the troubles disappeared.

On this day, Bobby's upstairs was occupied by a new tenant.

The new house, named Ted, was a polite old man with very little luggage, only a suitcase and a paper bag.

In the evening, Bobby is sullen because her mother has to work overtime and can't accompany her to her birthday dinner.

Outside the hallway, Ted was smoking, and he told Bobby that books were treasures,

The movie "Heart of Atlantis": Why are your parents so selfish, and you still love them so much?

It's strange that Ted actually knew Bobby wanted a bike.

Gradually, the two became good friends who talked about everything, like father and son, like teachers and students.

The film tells the story of what happened during bobby and Ted's time together.

Bobby wanted a bike so much that he thought his mother would give it to him on his birthday.

His mom only gave him an adult book card because it was free. Then she began to complain about Bobby's dead father, who had left nothing but bills.

Kyrou said that your mother didn't have the money to buy you a birthday present, but she had the money to buy new clothes.

Bobby argues: It's a job need.

The movie "Heart of Atlantis": Why are your parents so selfish, and you still love them so much?

Bobby's mother doesn't trust Ted, but she allows Bobby to read the newspaper to Ted because Ted is willing to pay him no small amount. That way she wouldn't have to spend money on another bike for Bobby.

When Bobby returns from Ted that night, his mom knocks on the side and asks Bobby Ted if he has behaved inappropriately. It was clear here that her mom suspected that Ted might be a pedophile pervert, because it was too suspicious to give so much money just by reading the newspaper.

That being said, her mother agreed.

Not only that, but later, in order to participate in the so-called seminar, she had to travel for two days, and she even handed Bobby to Ted's care.

At this time, she did not eliminate her prejudice against Ted, and for the sake of her own selfish desires, she was willing to give her 11-year-old son to a tenant who had only known him for a few days, and this tenant may seem to her to be a pervert who likes children.

The movie "Heart of Atlantis": Why are your parents so selfish, and you still love them so much?

Later, after she discovers that Ted knows the secret of her violation, she denounces Ted.

Bobby's mother knew that her son and Ted were very close. In a way, the relationship between the son and Ted is more like that of father and son. And, in the two days since she left, Ted has been taking good care of Bobby.

When she made that whistleblower call, she didn't think about her son's feelings at all.

After Ted is taken away by the Man in Black, Bobby's long-suppressed emotions finally explode, angrily accusing his mother of thinking only of thinking about himself. Anger peaks as Bobby throws a large amount of cash at his mother.

The movie "Heart of Atlantis": Why are your parents so selfish, and you still love them so much?
The movie "Heart of Atlantis": Why are your parents so selfish, and you still love them so much?

Although Bobby's mother seems to be a selfish ghost who only thinks about herself, Bobby still loves his mother and defends her at every turn.

But when Kyle complains that Bobby's mother only buys herself new clothes and doesn't buy gifts for Bobby, Bobby says that's what she wears at work.

On the night of his birthday, when Bobby's mother could not accompany him to dinner, Bobby only showed frustration and disappointment, and did not act angry with his mother.

Let's take a look at how their relationship is after Ted leaves, after the mother and son have a big fight?

The movie "Heart of Atlantis": Why are your parents so selfish, and you still love them so much?

The mother and son were soon reconciled, and the so-called mother and son did not have an overnight feud.

Why did they reconcile so quickly? For the vast majority of mothers and fathers in the world are like this.

They are all ordinary people with their own desires and demands. Even after parenthood, those desires and demands will not disappear.

On the one hand, they pursue their own desires, and on the other hand, they love their children, but they are only important.

In the movie, Bobby experiences his mother's love, will hide himself, and quickly forgive his mother.

Some people would say that Chinese parents are very selfless. But, is that really the case?

It is not that more and more articles point out that the so-called sacrifices and sacrifices of Chinese parents are actually to satisfy their own desires and vanity.

Looking forward to Jackie Chan, in fact, is to have a light on his face. Only if you study well, we will have face as parents. It doesn't matter if you're happy, it's important to study well.

Chinese parents constantly suppress other desires, but constantly force their children to lead to what they see as the "road to success", which is actually the pursuit of another desire. Deeper down, such parents are more selfish.

Happy childhood is always short-lived, beautiful and dreamy, like the lost continent "Atlantis", and when it grows up and becomes an adult, it will only exist in memory.