
The public cheers! After the sexual harassment of the elderly in the subway, the police participated in the investigation, and the security was questioned

author:Basketball Rain Brother

"The old man swept the girl's legs with a stick and forced her subway seat" - this shocking news has recently swept the Internet. The 65-year-old man Zhang not only chased after a thin girl to give up his seat, but what was even more outrageous was that he used a cane to sweep back and forth between the girl's legs, and his behavior was extremely inferior!

The public cheers! After the sexual harassment of the elderly in the subway, the police participated in the investigation, and the security was questioned

What is even more shocking is that when this scene happened, the subway security guards standing on the side did not stop it in time, but echoed the old man's opinion: "There is nothing wrong with asking to give up your seat." Oh my God, has the world come to this point? In the face of such excesses, each of us can no longer be silent and must stand up bravely!

The public cheers! After the sexual harassment of the elderly in the subway, the police participated in the investigation, and the security was questioned

In this news, Mr. Zhang simply interpreted "old but not respectful" to the extreme.

He ignored the girl's physical condition, chased after her and forced her to give up her seat, and even swept the girl's legs with a cane.

The reason why such elderly people appear repeatedly is rooted in the "idea of old age privilege" that is ingrained in the minds of some people. They believe that when they are old, they should enjoy all kinds of privileges, and others must accommodate them unconditionally.

The public cheers! After the sexual harassment of the elderly in the subway, the police participated in the investigation, and the security was questioned

As everyone knows, respecting the old and loving the young is a two-way street, and the elderly should convince people with virtue and use noble conduct to influence the younger generations, instead of relying on age to be domineering and do whatever they want!

The lack of responsibility on the part of onlookers and law enforcers to uphold justice is also alarming.

In the face of such an excessive behavior of the old man, no one from the surrounding passengers and security guards stepped forward to stop it, which has to be embarrassing. The indifferent faces who are wise and self-conscious and have nothing to do with themselves vividly interpret what it means to "do bad people and bad things, and good people do good things".

As the saying goes, "the courage to take responsibility comes from the heart, and kindness and integrity require courage", we advocate "righteousness and courage", but how many people really practice it?

The public cheers! After the sexual harassment of the elderly in the subway, the police participated in the investigation, and the security was questioned

When others are in danger, can we stand up and dare to say "no" to evil deeds? This is an important yardstick for testing the degree of civilization and the bottom line of morality in a society. After all, a society that is indifferent, casual, and lacks a sense of justice cannot produce a strong centripetal force and cohesion!

In addition, the lack of responsibility and inaction of some staff members has also sounded the alarm for the society.

In this incident, the subway security personnel not only did not stop the bad behavior of the elderly, but also helped and abused the elderly, which is really despicable.

Think about it, shouldn't they, as the "guardian saints" of maintaining public order, stand up and stop the situation from deteriorating in time? Can they meddle when they "shouldn't" and turn a deaf ear when they "should"?

The public cheers! After the sexual harassment of the elderly in the subway, the police participated in the investigation, and the security was questioned

It is true that having public power means greater responsibility. Some people seem to have lost a clear understanding of their own role and positioning, and have used public power as a bargaining chip for personal gain and prestige, completely deviating from the purpose of serving the people. If such chaos is not reversed in time, it will only further erode social fairness and justice!

Finally, there is still a lot of potential for society as a whole to practice "protecting the weak".

Let's ask, does that defenseless girl deserve to be bullied by the old man? We are all calling for caring for the elderly, but in the face of the misbehavior of the elderly, should we also dare to say "no"?

The care of the weak should not only be lip service, but also need to be implemented through practical actions. Otherwise, no matter how beautiful the slogan is, it will be just a dead letter. Protecting the weak is not only a gesture, but also a heavy social responsibility!

The public cheers! After the sexual harassment of the elderly in the subway, the police participated in the investigation, and the security was questioned

In the face of such a despicable act of bullying, each of us should ask ourselves: If your relatives and friends were to suffer such an evil act, would you choose to turn a blind eye? Will you be brave enough to stand up and do justice, or will you walk away? The ancients said: "The old and the old, the young and the young." "Isn't it our responsibility to protect kindness, stay away from indifference, you and I work together to achieve justice, and warm the world with courage and responsibility?

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