
10 life advice, please receive

author:CCTV News
10 life advice, please receive
10 life advice, please receive

There are still 10 days to go before the New Year!

Of course, "Night Reading" will create some rituals for you - now, share 10 life tips! I wish you clouds and sunny weather, I wish you a peak circuit, I wish you a bright opening, and I wish you a great joy!

"Share 10 Life Tips,

Be sure to become a better version of yourself! 》


When lazy: Rise up

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In fact, if you think about it, most of us do not lack dreams, but what we lack is the rush to shine dreams into reality. There is no shortage of plans, but actions to put them into practice. There is no lack of determination, what is missing is the perseverance to carry out the determination to the end.

Zhou Guoping said that there are many things in the world, as long as you are willing to do them, it is not difficult. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and the difficulty is that everyone has a lazy heart, because they are afraid of trouble and do not open this head, and over time, they really feel that things are too difficult and they are too incompetent. So, starting with laziness and ending with cowardice, the lazy man finally became the weak.

Between "think" and "get", there is also a "do". If you think about it, but you don't do it, you won't get it in the end. Please take your own action, show your momentum, and rise up to catch up, to fight back against all the things and habits that make you more and more decadent.

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When alone: added value

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Many people's learning ability, from the moment they step out of the school, begins to slide downhill.

As everyone knows, in this era of rapid change, standing still is a regression, and excellence needs to be constantly re-proved.

Maintaining the ability to learn is a must for us throughout our lives. In this way, for others to be bored, in your time, is a value-added opportunity to constantly enrich yourself.

You know, the people who quietly reward this era have always been lifelong learners. The so-called "koi life" is just that the harder you work, the luckier you get.


On failure: Re-disk

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There is a method of learning in Go called "back-up". After each game, it is necessary to re-arrange it, analyze where it is good or bad, and re-deduce it.

No one's experience can fully guide another person's life. Only those who are constantly thinking, exploring and growing can become their own people.

I believe more and more that the three provinces of the day are not a pedantic empty phrase. Every day is like a new life, not a literary slogan.

Every time we are frustrated and frustrated, we are left with nothing but cheap remorse, let alone killing a thousand enemies and losing eight hundred, and empty hatred after a mistake.

We must review the stories of others to learn from the ability, but also from our own experiences to grow rapidly.

@Ailing Lee

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Difficult times: Persistence

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All the past is the prologue. Whether this step is right or wrong, "right" has the right harvest, and "wrong" has wrong lessons. Every time you go any further, you are bound to gain a step of experience.

Don't raise the little white flag so easily, as long as you don't forget where your heart is, you will have a day to go to your destination, no matter how far you go, no matter how embarrassed you are at this time.

Believe me: all the detours will never be in vain. Keep going, through the sandstorm, and you're no longer the same person you were.


Happy times: Enjoy

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A recent discovery: when happiness appears, many people become left and right, suffering from gains and losses, feeling that they are "unworthy" or "should not be", as if happiness is not their own thing. Therefore, we avoid happiness, and we also avoid the moments that can make you realize the loveliness of life.

On this point, Mr. Qian Zhongshu explained it wonderfully, "Take a bath, look at a flower, eat a meal, if you feel happy, not all because the bath is clean, the flowers bloom well, or the dish is in line with your taste, mainly because you have no obstacles in your heart, the relaxed soul can focus on the feelings of the flesh, to appreciate, to judge." ”

When you make a wish, you always say, "I hope I and the people I love are happy and happy." Well, when happiness does come, don't live up to it, it belongs to you or you. All you have to do is trot to meet this joy, to feel and enjoy. At least you have grasped the present moment and the present moment.

May your happiness not be diminished by growing up. May you be happy and pure.

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Sad times: Hang out

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Dramatist Lai Shengchuan said that to live is to open every moment, to feel, and to make every moment bloom like a flower. But in life, we are always tired of feeling and good at ignoring, so that many subtle beautiful moments disappear quickly in the unconscious, and it is too late to reminisce.

When you're sad, go out and let the little beauty crowd your eyes and heart. All sad, "hard is hard, but it will always pass".

If you want to watch exhibitions, watch movies, watch plays, visit museums, climb mountains, walk around the corners, visit vegetable markets... Stop-and-go, strolling around, are good choices.

There are also the most healing natural things, to kiss the cherry blossoms of early spring, to chase the naughty waves, to salvage the moon in the lake, to catch the rainbow after the rain, at that time, you will find that some frustration has long gone with the wind, and some sentimentality has long been left behind.


Confused: Reading

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Why read when you're confused?

Here is a valuable answer from the book lover "Every Day":

Imagine if my life, death, marriage and children were trapped in a small place, my ideas were simple and the same for decades, then my use of this exquisite human identity would be too low- I would get too little, and the cost of living would be too high.

How can we make the best use of living things?

Here's the most straightforward answer: reading.

To see the wider world, more bizarre laws, more interesting possibilities.

When I think that emotions are only divided into joys and sorrows, the emotional energy that erupts in the book often shocks me, and it turns out that there is love in the book but it must not be turned a thousand times, there are passing shoulders until death, some people have the evil of original sin, and there is also a divine luster.

When I thought that there were only a few ways of living and thinking, I could read a lot and understand that jagged polymorphism is the source of the world.

If a valuable book is a key, you will open a window, and sometimes a mirror. You see the world here, you see yourself.

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At the trough: Charge

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When people are at a low point, it is easy to breed a sense of "despair" and "powerlessness", as if they have entered the underground where they do not know when they can see the light of day, they cannot see their five fingers, the noise of the world has nothing to do with me, and they are helpless and hopeless in this boundless darkness.

The poet Mu Xin said that when a person comes out of sorrow and falls generously, he is an artist. When you're down to dust, take root, take everything you need to help you grow, and then wait for the right moment to break ground.

In the trough, as long as you have not given up the agreement to see the light, as long as you are willing to work hard, how to go is upward.


Annoying time: Sleep

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I have heard the saying: Forgive everything before going to bed, and wake up to be a new life.

One of the most practical ways to say goodbye to troubles is to hand yourself over to a gentle pillow and sink into infinite drowsiness after a busy day.

Instead of always struggling in exhaustion, we should learn to let go of ourselves, let go of entanglements, let all kinds of faults and regrets stop before going to bed, crush all frustrations into a long night, and sleep well for ourselves.

Wake up in the morning, refreshed and refreshed, and a new beginning! You will find that just as the sun will always rise and promise peace to the world, there is no shadow in life that cannot go out, and there is no tomorrow that cannot be reached.

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When bored: Night reading

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In the warm spring, the warblers fly and the grass grows, and there are flowers waiting for the event.

In the middle of summer, when the rain hangs on the curtain, there are ticking hearts to talk to each other.

In the cold autumn, the frost stains the forest, and there are red leaves and blankets to greet each other.

In the middle of winter, when the qiong is broken, there is snow as a flying flower.

Picking up moving fragments, absorbing the spiritual thoughts of famous artists, "Night Reading" exists, just to nurture your sexual spirit.

Whisk away the exhaustion before going to bed, replace the boring time with the full moment, read at night, and return to the blood of a person.

Then I wish you who read the night,

Tonight is a good dream, and when I wake up, I am full of it in my heart, like a new life.

Pictured 丨Visual China

What practical life advice do you have to share with you?

Let's change together wow!

Producer 丨 Zhang Tianyu Editor | Wang Ruolu

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