
Teary-eyed! A 2-year-old child begged for a hug and was cruelly refused, and netizens cried: How heavy life is!

author:What a way to understand the world

Oh, my God! Did you see that? The kid who was performing on the street was only 2 years old! was forced to juggle on the street, how many beatings and scolding had to be suffered behind his back, and after the performance, he was brutally rejected for a hug, and he was almost knocked down by the box pushed by the woman. It's cruel!

A video of the child's performance, click here to watch


She is still a baby who doesn't understand anything and needs the warm embrace of her parents! She was supposed to be a toddler under the care of her parents and enjoy a carefree childhood, but now? But he was forced to perform on the rivers and lakes, doing those high-risk actions, in order to earn that little living expenses, he may not even be able to drink milk powder!

Teary-eyed! A 2-year-old child begged for a hug and was cruelly refused, and netizens cried: How heavy life is!

Mr. Zhang, this video you posted made me feel like I was cut by a knife! That child, so young, was used as a tool to make money, his parents, their hearts were made of stone? How can you be so ruthless and let your child suffer like this!

Teary-eyed! A 2-year-old child begged for a hug and was cruelly refused, and netizens cried: How heavy life is!

Look at that scene, the shirtless man turns the child around, and there is not even a protective measure on the ground! In case of a mistake, in case of an accident, the child's life is gone! Can you bear with it? Can you have peace of mind?

Teary-eyed! A 2-year-old child begged for a hug and was cruelly refused, and netizens cried: How heavy life is!

What makes me even more heartbroken is that when the child begged for a hug, no one cared about her, and she was almost bumped! The child is so young, what she needs most is the love and care of her parents!

Teary-eyed! A 2-year-old child begged for a hug and was cruelly refused, and netizens cried: How heavy life is!

What she needs is a hug, warmth, and a sense of security! But what about her parents? Where are they? How can they be so indifferent, so ruthless! Those who are not able to raise children, please give birth to children for your own temporary happiness, this is evil! It's irresponsible for children!

This juggling baby, there is no innocence or happiness in her eyes, only numbness and despair. Whose fault is all this? Is it his parents? Or is it this society?

Teary-eyed! A 2-year-old child begged for a hug and was cruelly refused, and netizens cried: How heavy life is!

The viewers in the video, your hearts are also long, right? How can you bear to watch it? How can one remain indifferent? Still there cheering and clapping? What about your tears? What about your anger? Can't you help call the police?

Teary-eyed! A 2-year-old child begged for a hug and was cruelly refused, and netizens cried: How heavy life is!

However, what makes me even more sad is that after this video was exposed, not many people paid attention to it! Where has everyone's compassion gone? Why didn't anyone stand up for this child? Why didn't anyone help him?

Teary-eyed! A 2-year-old child begged for a hug and was cruelly refused, and netizens cried: How heavy life is!

What's wrong with this society? What's wrong with our hearts? Have we become so apathetic, so insensitive?

Teary-eyed! A 2-year-old child begged for a hug and was cruelly refused, and netizens cried: How heavy life is!

Please, look at that child! He is so pitiful, so helpless, she needs our help! We can't watch her suffer, we have to speak up for her and fight for a happy childhood for her!

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