
Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece

author:It's a big mouth

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Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece

Text: Heaven is a big mouth

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Wei Dongyi, a genius boy who won the math competition, was affectionately named "Wei Shen" by people.

Speaking of Wei Dongyi, the first thing that comes to many people's minds is his image that is always unkempt and informal. He doesn't seem to care about the trivial things in life, he eats and dresses at will, and his interpersonal relationships are so simple that they are almost blank.

Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece
Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece

This can't help but make people wonder: is such a life state for such a talented young man really the ideal he is pursuing?

This "god" who stands at the pinnacle of mathematics does not live in an unblemished ivory tower. He is very popular, but he is also tightly entangled by the troubles of life. Feelings and life are like two naughty little beasts, scratching at his heart from time to time.

In an atmosphere of divergent opinions and speculation, Wei Dongyi's cousin took her two children to visit Peking University during the summer vacation, which blew away some of the fog surrounding Wei Dongyi and gave us a chance to peek into his unknown side.

Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece

This reunion inadvertently exposed the details of Wei Dongyi's life. In the eyes of his cousin, he was wearing that slightly shabby clothes and carrying a backpack that seemed to have gone through vicissitudes, like a simple walker who came from the depths of time.

And at the table, in the face of a dazzling array of delicacies, he is only fond of vegetables and fruits, and has no interest in the tender and juicy meat, which makes people feel pity.

Who would have thought that Wei Dongyi was a staunch vegetarian. During the meal with his cousin, the table full of meat dishes did not interest him in the slightest, he just gently picked up the vegetarian dishes, and even washed the peppers off the dishes with water.

Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece

The cousin revealed to netizens afterwards that Wei Dongyi has always been like this, usually eating only vegetarian dishes in the canteen, not to save expenses, but out of inner perseverance. This detail allows us to see the purity and simplicity of his life.

His act of bringing a few steamed buns for breakfast the next day shows his simple life style to the fullest. This kind of pure-hearted and desireless attitude to life is like a clear stream in today's materialistic society.

Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece

When it comes to love life, Wei Dongyi is still alone. His casual image, like a torn sleeve underwear photographed in the cafeteria, makes many people look forward to a caring woman entering his world and giving him care and attention.

But fate is often hard to find. Emotionally, Wei Dongyi fell into a deep entanglement. He felt as if he was a lone wanderer in the dark, unworthy of that warm and beautiful love.

Even though his cousin comforted and encouraged him, he was still like a child trapped in a labyrinth, unable to find an exit, and could only bear this inner torment silently alone.

Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece

Do you remember the photo that went viral on the Internet? In the photo, Wei Dongyi sits in front of a beautiful and moving girl. For a while, the tide of public opinion surged, and many netizens ridiculed her, calling the girl his "girlfriend".

But Wei Dongyi just smiled indifferently at this, he knew that emotional matters were not as simple as others saw. In his opinion, the present life is full and satisfying.

He is not the "single dog" who wanders alone in the emotional world, and he will not look for a relationship to fill the emptiness because of the gossip of others.

Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece
Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece

But don't think that Wei Dongyi is a wooden person who doesn't understand the world. During the period when my cousin came to Beijing with her children, Wei Dongyi sent a large meat bun from the Peking University canteen early in the morning, a full eight, and the aroma of the bun seemed to be wafting from the text.

This seemingly simple act is full of strong family affection and warmth. Many netizens sighed that Wei Dongyi is not ignorant of human affairs, and he knows how to care for his relatives in his own way.

On the issue of children's education, Wei Dongyi has unique views. Some people once speculated that the reason why Wei Dongyi was introverted and didn't know how to integrate into life was probably because his family education was too strict.

Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece
Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece

Since he was a child, he was forced to study by his parents and lost the happiness of his childhood. But my cousin's remarks in the comment area broke this misunderstanding.

Wei Dongyi not only does not help check the children's homework, but also reminds the cousin not to arrange too many classes for the children, so that they can enjoy the play time to the fullest.

Perhaps it is precisely because of his childhood experience that he knows the importance of happiness for children's growth. Wei Dongyi, a genius who swims in the world of mathematics, may have a richer and deeper inner world than we imagined.

Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece
Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece
Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece

He turned a deaf ear to all kinds of rumors and discussions from the outside world, as if he lived in a quiet corner that belonged only to him. His happiness is perhaps best known only to him.

In the eyes of many people, Wei Dongyi's life may not be perfect, and even distressing. But how could they really understand that behind this seemingly imperfection, what is hidden is Wei Dongyi's incomparably firm heart.

In this noisy and impetuous world, Wei Dongyi is like a maverick walker, firmly walking on his own path and not being disturbed by the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece
Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece

His presence makes us reflect: what is true success? Is it success and glory, or do you stick to your inner pursuit and live a life that you think is meaningful?

Perhaps, we should all draw strength from Wei Dongyi, that is, to maintain our attachment to the things we love, and not to be swayed by worldly eyes and standards.

Who said Wei Shen is not human? The cousin revealed Wei Dongyi's private life and gave 8 big meat buns to his niece

"The world laughs at me for being crazy, and I laugh at others for not being able to see through it." Wei Dongyi may be such a wise man who seems to be detached from the world, but in fact has a full heart.

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