
Zhu Xia: Adhere to the "epidemic line post" to build a "red fortress"

author:Shangluo News Network

Shangluo News Network News: In the middle of winter, the epidemic suddenly broke out in the ancient city of Xi'an. The epidemic is the order, and prevention and control is the responsibility. Zhu Xia, full-time deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Propaganda Department of the Shangluo Municipal Party Committee and a fourth-level researcher, actively responded to the call of the organization and rushed to the frontline of the fight against the epidemic, serving as the first secretary of the temporary party branch for epidemic prevention and control in the Quanxing Yuyuan Community of Chenyuan Community in Shangzhou District, and went all out to fight against the pneumonia epidemic of the new coronavirus infection.

Zhu Xia: Adhere to the "epidemic line post" to build a "red fortress"

I am a party member, and the frontline needs me

On December 30, 2021, in accordance with the epidemic prevention work arrangements of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the majority of party members were required to sink the grass-roots communities in Shangzhou to help prevent and control the epidemic. "I am a member of the Communist Party, and the frontline needs me" Zhu Xia took the initiative to ask for help, and went to the front line of the community anti-epidemic to serve as the first secretary of the Quanxing Yuyuan Community in ChenYuan Community and the secretary of the provisional party branch for epidemic prevention and control.

On the day the document was issued, Zhu Xia immediately rushed to work, just arrived at the Quanxing Yuyuan Community, she found that the hardware conditions of the duty point in the community were somewhat "simple", there was no hot water, no heating facilities, no tent, and the duty point basically only had a desk, a register and a pen.

The entrance to the Quanxing Yuyuan Community is close to the north of the high-rise building, cold and damp, and the duty personnel are shivering with cold. Zhu Xia contacted many parties at the first time, and under her active struggle, the duty station had two tents, masks, heating equipment, sprayers, 84 disinfectants, emergency boxes and other anti-epidemic materials.

Scientific prevention and control, coordinate resources

As the secretary of the provisional party branch of quanxing royal garden for epidemic prevention and control, Zhu Xia constantly deliberates and thinks about every detail in her duty work. How can all resources be fully utilized and scientifically coordinated? The rigorous style and efficient execution experienced in the work allowed Zhu Xia to rationally coordinate resources and quickly adapt to the prevention and control work of the community.

Zhu Xia first led party members to carry out a "knocking operation", and carried out a thorough registration and carpet inspection of 231 people from 76 households and 231 people in the community, and strived to make the situation clear and the figures accurate. Communicate with home isolation personnel in a timely manner through telephone, WeChat and other forms, provide timely answers to local epidemic prevention policies for staff outside the home, and advocate non-essential non-mobility. For special groups such as the elderly who have difficulties, volunteers are promptly organized to send vegetables and other daily necessities to ensure the normal life and operation of the masses.

In order to strengthen internal control, Zhu Xia organized the employees of the property company to completely eliminate the community environment every day, leaving no dead ends. She also issued an initiative to the owners of the community to encourage party members to assemble with the temporary party branch and form a party member volunteer service team, a propaganda team, and a commando team to help the people in need. Under her inspiration, many old party members and young workers in the community have volunteered to join the epidemic prevention and control team, taking the initiative to take on the work of taking turns on duty in the community, entering and leaving registration, scanning codes to measure temperature, and maintaining order.

Zhu Xia: Adhere to the "epidemic line post" to build a "red fortress"

Be a good "five members" selfless dedication

During this period, Zhu Xia was busy every day, and she and her colleagues tirelessly explained the policy to the community masses and reminded them to take various protective measures. Zhu Xia led by example, acting as a "propagandist", "inspector", "waiter", "guide" and "gatekeeper" in the Quanxing Yuyuan community, and interpreting the responsibility of party members and cadres in the battle against the epidemic with practical actions. It is precisely with the persistence and patience of Zhu Xia and her colleagues that the order of the community has been effectively stabilized and the happiness and tranquility of the people in the community have been ensured.

Zhu Xia's love and dedication to the masses are seen in the eyes and remembered in the heart. The crowd spontaneously handed the steaming tea to the epidemic prevention and control staff, and lent the ambiguous hand treasure at home to the duty staff for warmth. More community people sent a message in the WeChat group: "Now in the critical stage of epidemic prevention and control, if necessary, after I lift the isolation, I apply to do volunteer service in our community to overcome the difficulties with everyone." ”

The epidemic prevention and control work has been recognized by the masses, and Comrade Zhu Xia is deeply encouraged. In times of tribulation, extraordinary spirits are created; in times of crisis, spiritual strength is highlighted. "I will continue to give play to the fighting fortress and vanguard exemplary role of party organizations and party members, contribute to winning the battle against the epidemic, and let the party flag fly high on the front line of the epidemic." When it comes to the future, Zhu Xia's eyes are firm and her words are plain.

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