
Jiao Yuejin, secretary of Xiaojiao: Jiao Yulu's only child in politics has no official frame and inherits the spirit of his father

author:Autumn Moon Fun Facts

Everyone must have a certain understanding of Jiao Yulu's deeds, but we know very little about Jiao Yuejin, the only son who embarked on the political road.

Jiao Yuejin was born in December 1958, a year that coincided with the policy, so his father Jiao Yulu gave him such a name with a distinct color of the times. Jiao Yuejin was the only one of Jiao Yulu's children to follow the path of his father.

On May 14, 1964, this day, Jiao Yuejin, who was only 5 years old, will never forget. Because on this day, his father Jiao Yulu was killed by liver cancer and left him forever.

After Jiao Yulu's death, a wave of enthusiasm for learning Jiao Yulu was set off across the country.

Jiao Yuejin, secretary of Xiaojiao: Jiao Yulu's only child in politics has no official frame and inherits the spirit of his father

Who is Jiao Yulu? Why did his death cause such a big social repercussion? How does he treat his family? What kind of influence did he bring to his son Jiao Yuejin? How did he set an example for his son Jiao Yuejin? Let's take a look at it today.


Jiao Yulu participated in the revolution in his early years, and in December 1962, due to the influence of organizational transfers, he was sent to Lankao County as the secretary of the county party committee. During his tenure, he led the local people to carry out a series of work such as reform and water management. During his work, Jiao Yulu always rushed to the front and led by example. He ate, lived, and worked with ordinary people.

Jiao Yulu not only treats his work strictly, but also has no ambiguity in his treatment of his children's education. Whenever he had time, he taught his children to love labor and to live a hard and simple life. In the hearts of the children, the most clearly remembered sentence is that the father said, "Never be special!" ”

Although Jiao Yulu was the secretary of the county party committee, he left almost no legacy. His salary is not low, but he often helps the East Family, supplements the West Family, helps the neighbors, never willing to spend for himself, does not leave much money for the family, and does not bring the children abundant material conditions.

Jiao Yulu was very strict about the education of his children, and he formulated many family trainings for the children. The family discipline that once made children aggrieved and dissatisfied has become a life belief that they have always adhered to when they grow up, and they have always remembered what their father said and put it into action.

Jiao Yuejin, secretary of Xiaojiao: Jiao Yulu's only child in politics has no official frame and inherits the spirit of his father


Although Jiao Yuejin was still young when his father died, his mother continued his father's educational style.

"You have to learn from your father, you have to really do things for the people, you have to integrate into the masses." Jiao Yuejin often heard his mother praise his father's work spirit, so from an early age he took his father as an example for him to learn from, "My father's spirit is both spiritual wealth and motivation to spur me on, and I will never shame his old man's face."

Since childhood, Jiao Yuejin has followed his father's example. When he grew up, he became a leader, and he still followed his father's example in doing things, and the local people praised him. Jiao Yuejin's mother often told her son: "Work hard, when the work is done well, everyone will praise you and say that you are worthy of Jiao Yulu's son; if you do not do a good job, everyone will talk about you everywhere!" You must not only do your job well, but also strive to surpass your father! ”

Jiao Yuejin recalled his father like this, "When I was a child, I didn't have a deep impression of my father. Dad traveled a lot, and he went for several days. So my dad and I rarely see each other, and he dedicates his life to the country. Most of the impressions that my father gave me were indirect, and through my mother's narration, through the memories of my father's former colleagues, through visiting the memorial hall, and through the memories of farmers, I sketched the image of my father in my heart..."

Jiao Yuejin has had an aura on his body since he was a child, with the aura of Jiao Yulu's son's identity, so he must maintain this aura at every moment. If he made a mistake, others would come to talk about Jiao Yulu's son, and he would humiliate his father.

When the reporter asked whether he would be promoted in the future, he smiled and said: "Whether he can be promoted or not is not his own decision, I am only responsible for doing my work well, I believe the above will be able to see." ”

Jiao Yuejin, secretary of Xiaojiao: Jiao Yulu's only child in politics has no official frame and inherits the spirit of his father


When he grew up, no matter what profession Jiao Yuejin engaged in, he always remembered his father's teachings and the spiritual wealth left by his father. He used the ordinary process of being pragmatic for the people, a down-to-earth officer, serving an official, and benefiting one party, interpreting the enduring charm of Jiao Yulu's spirit.

In 1999, Jiao Yuejin voluntarily gave up the superior living conditions in the city and chose to come to the backward Qixian County as a county magistrate. Soon after he arrived in office, Qixian suffered a snow disaster that had not been encountered for many years. Stepping on the snow and withstanding the cold wind, he appeared in the affected areas to personally soothe the affected people and bring them warmth. In the short time after taking office, Jiao Yuejin traveled to the townships and villages in the county and helped the masses solve many problems.

After Jiao Yuejin entered Qixian County, Qixian became the famous "garlic capital". In order to sell garlic in the county, Jiao Yuejin personally went to Beijing to set up the exhibition, and also became a "salesman" to introduce the garlic in Qixian County. This move caused a sensation, and the agricultural and sideline products of Qixian County became a sought-after commodity for Beijing citizens at that time.

Everyone affectionately called him "Secretary Xiao jiao", and felt that he could see the shadow of his father, Secretary Lao Jiao. Jiao Yuejin said: "My father is a kind of spiritual wealth for me, but at the same time it is also a kind of pressure. I will definitely take the precious spiritual wealth left by my father as the criterion for my own officialdom and life in the world, and lead everyone to prosper together and live a happy and happy life together. ”


In 1976, Jiao Yuejin went to the countryside to Lankao as a production captain. There, he heard many stories of his father's previous presence in this land, which touched his heart deeply. He was determined to learn his father's spirit in practice. Like his father, he went door-to-door to comfort the widows and the elderly, hoping to lead the people here to achieve the goal of getting rid of poverty and getting rich. In this land where all the efforts of the Father and Son of the Jiao family were poured, Jiao Yulu and Jiao Yuejin left an excellent reputation here. Many ordinary people still vividly remember the two of them, in different eras, but together they did things that benefited the people...

Jiao Yuejin, secretary of Xiaojiao: Jiao Yulu's only child in politics has no official frame and inherits the spirit of his father

During Jiao Yuejin's tenure as the county magistrate of Qixian County, when sorting out the archives, he accidentally found a surprise, which was a summary material written by his father when he participated in the land reform in Qixian County, and he did not expect to be well protected. Jiao Yuejin looked at these yellowed materials, his heart was very excited, he felt that he was closer to his father, these summary materials are the precious inheritance left to him by his father, and they are also the precious property left to Qixian County! I will definitely keep it well, manage QiXian well, and lead Qixian to achieve the goal of poverty alleviation and prosperity together!

Jiao Yulu and Jiao Yuejin are a father and son, the father is responsible for planting paulownia and fighting against the wind and sand; the son is responsible for selling garlic and participating in the competition in the market. The father strives to solve the problem of food and clothing for the people; the son runs around to solve the problem of common prosperity. Although the father and son lived in different times and the surrounding environment was different, they were both excellent party members and good servants of the people.

After understanding the story of this father and son, we can strongly feel that the spirit of father and son is the same for the sake of the people and the love of the people. We can also draw such a truth: no matter what era you are in, what kind of environment you are around, as long as you are a real party member, then this spirit of single-mindedness for the people will never change, and this "Jiao Yulu spirit" will never change, passed down from generation to generation.

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