
The Lingel County Federation of Literary and Art Circles held a music recitation activity with the theme of "The Hearts of the Children of Northern Xinjiang to the Party and the Sympathy of the Party".

author:and Lin Rong Media

On June 28, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Lingel County Federation of Literary and Art Circles, together with the County Recitation Artists Association and the County Musicians Association, held a recitation music activity with the theme of "The Hearts of the Children of Northern Xinjiang to the Party and the Sympathy of the Party" in the County New Era Civilization Practice Center, expressing the most affectionate blessings to the party and the motherland in the form of literary and artistic performances.

The Lingel County Federation of Literary and Art Circles held a music recitation activity with the theme of "The Hearts of the Children of Northern Xinjiang to the Party and the Sympathy of the Party".

At the event site, the literary and artistic workers used sonorous and powerful voices to praise the sons and daughters of Northern Xinjiang for uniting as one, and always "feeling the party's kindness, listening to the party, and following the party"; With a cheerful and beautiful melody, the people are singing that under the leadership of the party, the people will live a happy and beautiful new life. The soundtrack recitation of "Always Follow the Party", "Shaba Youth", "Young China Says", "Serving the People", the girls' chorus "It's a Mother is a Daughter", the electric blowpipe solo "My Motherland and Me", the tambourine performance "Our Song" and other programs - brilliantly presented, won the applause of the audience.

The Lingel County Federation of Literary and Art Circles held a music recitation activity with the theme of "The Hearts of the Children of Northern Xinjiang to the Party and the Sympathy of the Party".

In the next step, the County Federation of Literary and Art Circles will actively guide and encourage literary and artistic workers to continue to innovate in cultural and artistic creation, so that literature and art will become an important carrier to serve the public and inherit the red gene, and guide the party members and the masses to "feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, and follow the party", so that the red spirit will shine with new brilliance in the new era.

The Lingel County Federation of Literary and Art Circles held a music recitation activity with the theme of "The Hearts of the Children of Northern Xinjiang to the Party and the Sympathy of the Party".

(Contributed by the Lingle County Federation of Literary and Art Circles)

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