
177) Did Zhuge Liang not recognize the administrative divisions established by Cao Cao? This is an enduring view of Xiangyang scholars, from Ding Baozhai and Pan Zhengxian to the round maiko on the Internet

author:Rush to the sea without stopping

Ploughing Micro Headlines(177)

Did Zhuge Liang not recognize the administrative divisions established by Cao Cao?

This is an enduring view of Xiangyang scholars, from Ding Baozhai and Pan Zhengxian to the round maiko on the Internet, who often throw out this view to defend the "Xiangyang Theory". Two days ago, the new netizens of Hui Guang Day posted again:

"There was no Yiyang County during the Three Kingdoms period, and the Yiyang County established by Cao Pi was abolished itself, and the Xiangyang County established by Cao Cao had nothing to do with Nanyang County, Longzhong, and this was all from the standpoint of Cao's Wei state, and if it looked at the problem from the standpoint of Zhuge Liang and the Shu state, these problems would not exist, who would recognize the enemy's territorial division?"

Zhuge Liang's conjecture that he did not recognize the administrative divisions established by Cao Cao is not corroborated by any record in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I don't know what basis these scholars and netizens think Zhuge Liang did not recognize the Xiangyang County, Yiyang County, and Nanxiang County established by Cao Cao? As far as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms itself is concerned, this situation does not exist at all. First of all, Zhuge Liang said at the beginning of the "Table of Renunciation" that "today's next three points" is to recognize Cao Wei and Eastern Wu as the three major forces alongside Shu Han, and in the twenty-sixth year of Jian'an, Zhuge Liang advised Liu Bei to take the throne: "Now Cao Clan usurped Han, the world has no master, the great king Liu Clan Miao, Shao Shi rose, and now it is the throne, it is his appropriateness." Since at that time there was already "no lord in the world", even Liu Bei had already taken the throne, and recognized the existence of Cao Wei and Eastern Wu, who were "divided into three parts of the world", could Zhuge Liang still stubbornly guard the administrative divisions of the Eastern Han Dynasty? What is the military-political significance of this? Moreover, when Cao Cao set up Xiangyang County in the thirteenth year of Jian'an (208), there was no concept of "Cao Wei", at that time it was still the domain of Han Tianzi, the edict of Xiangyang County was still the edict of Han Tianzi, and Cao Cao was only a planner and executor. In addition, the "Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms And Guan Yu Biography" says: "The first lord received the counties of Jiangnan, but he was enshrined as the Yuanxun, and Yu was the general of Xiangyang Taishou and Langkou, stationed in Jiangbei." "(Mi) Fang is the Taishou of Nan commandery and works with Guan Yu." In addition, in the twentieth year of the Eastern Han Dynasty (215), Cao Cao analyzed Hanzhong County and placed Shangyong County, and in the autumn and July of the same year, "divided Anyang and Xicheng in Hanzhong into Xicheng County, and placed Taishou." The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms and the Biography of Liu Feng records that "Shangyong Taishou Shen raised the crowd and sent his wife and clan to Chengdu. The first lord jia Yan zheng northern general, led by Yong Taishou and Yuanxiang Hou Rugu, with Tan Diyi as the general of Jianxin and the general of Xicheng, and Qian Song as the general of the deputy army. The "Xiangyang Taishou", "Nanjun Taishou", "Shangyong Taishou", and "Xicheng General" appointed by Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang here are not the administrative divisions established by Cao Cao. Is this an administrative division that does not recognize Cao Wei?

In addition, many Shu Han officials were from Xiangyang, Yiyang, and Nanxiang counties, and they used these administrative divisions established by Cao Wei in their daily lives, for example, the "Biography of Zhuge Liang" has records of "Yiyang Fan Jiandai Yan" and "Sometimes Yiyang Fu Wei". It was even more common for Shu Han officials to use these newly established counties of Cao Cao as their place of origin. For example: Pang Tong Zi Shi Yuan, Xiangyang Ren Ye also. Ma Liang character Ji Chang, Xiangyang Yicheng people also. Wei Yan is a long man, and the Yiyang people are also. Yang Yizi Wei Gong, Xiangyang People also. Xiang Langzi Juda, Xiangyang Yicheng people also. Liaohua character Yuanjian, real name Chun, Xiangyang people, and so on. These records show that the use of the counties of Xiangyang and Yiyang established during Cao Cao's Jian'an years as their place of origin was already a norm among Shu And Han officials, otherwise the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms would not have recorded so.

If the "Xiangyang Theory" insisted that Zhuge Liang would not recognize the administrative divisions of Xiangyang County, Yiyang County, Nanxiang County, and Shangyong County established by Cao Wei, then please bring up the evidence recorded in the history books, and the red mouth and white teeth of making up nonsense are useless.

177) Did Zhuge Liang not recognize the administrative divisions established by Cao Cao? This is an enduring view of Xiangyang scholars, from Ding Baozhai and Pan Zhengxian to the round maiko on the Internet