
Cecilia Cheung's lower abdomen is bulging again, who will be the biological father this time?

author:The sky is full of small stars

After Cecilia Cheung announced that she had three children, the entertainment industry took a stir.

However, shortly after the news of the explosion came out, someone filmed a video of Cecilia Cheung's lower abdomen bulging again.

I doubt she will have a fourth child.

Cecilia Cheung's lower abdomen is bulging again, who will be the biological father this time?

Some even eat watermelon, wondering who the child's biological father is.

Some netizens also understand:

Cecilia Cheung has such good genes. Not having more kids is a waste.

In addition, Cecilia Cheung is really good at raising children.

Look at her fairy son:

The eldest son, Lucas, has top grades, jumping two levels in junior high school at the age of 11, and is a proper academic bully;

The second son, Quintus, is well-behaved and sensible, 4 years old knows astronomy and geography, and 9 years old has all English barrier-free communication.

This child is so excellent, she is naturally inseparable from the willingness of CICC to cultivate.

Not only sending children to a 76W aristocratic school.

In addition, in terms of parenting, we attach great importance to scientific family education methods:

For example:

Cecilia Cheung allows children to try and make mistakes within a safe range and gives them some room to learn and explore.

At the age of 1, Lucas can use the sensitive period of the child to train the child to eat, climb, go to the toilet and sleep independently.

There are many similar situations

It is also according to the scientific education method that we can cultivate a child with strong learning ability, autonomy and independence!

In fact, not only Cecilia Cheung, but also many celebrities attach great importance to family education.

Like Li Xiang, when Wang Shiling was very young, she specifically sought the opinions of education experts and child psychology experts and learned to discipline children with the method of "family education".

Easily stimulate the child's internal motivation and cultivate Wang Shiling is not only smart, sensible and considerate, but also confident, generous and versatile.

In "Where Daddy Is Going", Wang Shiling talks to her grandfather

This polite and sincere attitude has left a deep impression on countless netizens

Cecilia Cheung's lower abdomen is bulging again, who will be the biological father this time?

Like Yi Nengjing, he never interferes with the growth rules of children and respects children's nature. Only in this way can he cultivate Harry, who has excellent grades and a talent for design. At the age of 18 he was admitted to an internationally renowned school.

Cecilia Cheung's lower abdomen is bulging again, who will be the biological father this time?

In fact, there are no bad children, only parents who will not educate their children.

Family education is very important!

However, too many parents don't realize this, either complain about their children, or care too much about their children. Over time, children have become increasingly difficult to manage under some inappropriate educational methods:

In adolescence, they talk back, lie, fall in love early, and eat junk food.

And you can't scold, when you are just ready to preach, he starts to cry, the child's psychological endurance is poor;

Take, for example, psychological stress deficits.

Think of a piece of news about a 17-year-old boy in Shanghai who jumped off a bridge and committed suicide.

He told his mother that he had been severely reprimanded and jumped off the bridge in anger, simply because he had clashed with his classmates.

The whole process took less than 5 seconds, and when 120 arrived, the child lost vital signs.

Later, many people lamented that the child's psychological quality was too poor.

But is this really bad?

Have you ever thought that a child's psychological deterioration is actually caused by their parents.

Have you ever thought that after being criticized by his teacher, this 17-year-old boy was already very uncomfortable and guilty. His parents were supposed to comfort him and guide him properly, but they just scolded him. If it were you, wouldn't you really despair?

What overwhelms children is that the wrong parents' approach to education makes things worse.

I have to admit that this is the current situation of Chinese parents.

Lack of understanding of communication, respect, encouragement and guidance.

Parents' approach to education has a big impact on their children!

There are no "failed" children, only "failed" parents.

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