
#Man was detained for 5 days when he beat his wife in front of the child#, pay attention to the content of the police report, on the night of the incident, Wang Moufei had a dispute with Wang Moufei because of family trivia, and Wang Mou's excessive words and deeds led to a conflict between the two sides

author:Hill now

# Man was detained for 5 days when he beat his wife in front of the child#, pay attention to the content of the police report, on the night of the incident, Wang Moufei had a dispute with Wang Moufei because of family trivialities, Wang Mou's excessive words and deeds led to the escalation of conflict between the two sides, and then Wang Moufei beat Wang Mou, causing Wang Mou's local soft tissue damage. Moreover, during the police investigation, both sides realized their mistakes, understood each other, and synthesized the faults of both parties and the circumstances of the case, Wang Moufei was administratively detained for 5 days, and Wang Mou was criticized and educated by the police.

Judging from the content information of the above-mentioned circular, whether it is the man or the woman, in this domestic violence case that attracts attention, both parties have different degrees of fault, but relatively speaking, Wang Moufei, as a husband, after the escalation of the conflict between the two parties, carried out a series of beatings on his wife Wang in front of the children, and caused the consequences of the other party's injury. Moreover, after this scene was published on the Internet, it aroused great concern in public opinion.

Obviously, combined with the content of the police briefing and the online video, the subjective fault of the husband Wang Moufei is greater than the subjective fault of the wife Wang Moufei, and the nature of the behavior is also more bad, but Wang Mou, as a wife, also has a certain fault for the trigger and evolution of the incident, otherwise Wang Mou would not have been found by the police to have the fact that there were excessive words and deeds that led to the escalation of the conflict between the two sides, nor would he have been criticized and educated by the police.

In other words, from the perspective of ordinary people, if any family conflict evolves into a violent conflict, it is often not caused by one party, and many such violent conflicts are indispensable to the fault of the other party. What others see may be only the tip of the iceberg, and the rest of the hidden facts or other facts that have not been published are only known to the parties themselves.

Of course, even if Wang Mou in the incident really has excessive words and deeds, resulting in the escalation of conflict between the two sides, Wang Moufei should not carry out such a violent beating behavior on the pillow person who has been in love with each other, let alone make such a move in front of the child, leaving physical and mental pain to the beaten Wang Mou, not to mention, it will cause an indelible psychological shadow to the child's psychology, which should never be done.

However, since the parties themselves have chosen to understand each other, as a melon-eating masses, we do not have to pay too much attention to the future trend of the case, and the parties themselves make their own choices in the future.

#Man was detained for 5 days when he beat his wife in front of the child#, pay attention to the content of the police report, on the night of the incident, Wang Moufei had a dispute with Wang Moufei because of family trivia, and Wang Mou's excessive words and deeds led to a conflict between the two sides