
Wild fishing for big fish in summer, 4 commonly used and efficient fishing methods, learn one and you can connect the rod

author:I love fishing every day

The second half of summer is not the peak season for fishing, with high temperatures and poor fish conditions and a very large number of trash fish. You must be more flexible in your thinking, such as not going out fishing if it doesn't rain, and it's best to choose a cool location, such as shady, living water and other terrain. The fishing method should also be flexible, and the fishing method must be able to prevent wind and water, and be able to prevent trash fish from making hooks. There are generally several commonly used fishing methods, and the use rate in summer is relatively high.

Wild fishing for big fish in summer, 4 commonly used and efficient fishing methods, learn one and you can connect the rod

1. Running lead, double lead

Running lead and double lead are often used in summer, and these two fishing methods have three main characteristics. The first is to lie on the bottom of the lead sinker, which can prevent the wind and live water from drifting. The second is blunt fishing, which can be completely done without passing the drift of the miscellaneous fish, so that the trash fish do not show the hook, and the fishing will be much easier. The third is that when the same float is used, the fishing rig is heavier, and it is easier to cast the rod with a long rod, and the casting rod can also be as accurate as possible when fishing against the wind. Running lead fishing is live lead, we must pay attention to the lead sinker must go big enough, because the sensitivity has nothing to do with live lead, and the rod should pay attention to the angle, otherwise the bottom drop line will not be realized. Double lead should pay attention to the size of the lead sinker to ensure that it can prevent water from going and filter the eating mouth of trash fish.

Wild fishing for big fish in summer, 4 commonly used and efficient fishing methods, learn one and you can connect the rod

2. Bead fishing

Bead fishing is a more distinctive fishing method, the biggest feature is not in the fishing group, in fact, bead fishing can be matched with almost all fishing methods, the feature is in the use of bait. Brightly colored floating beads are used, which fundamentally prevents trash fish from making hooks. Another feature of bead fishing is that it is not easy to hang on the bottom, because the floating beads can pull the hook away from the bottom. Whether it is a river with live water or a place with many obstacles, the effect is very good. However, because the floating beads are used, the beads will pull up the strand, so whether it is with a hand rod, string hook, explosive hook, spring bait, or flip fishing, the number of beads should not be large, otherwise it is easy to entangle between the strands. Hand rod fishing rigs are generally single hooks, and other fishing methods are mostly double hooks.

Wild fishing for big fish in summer, 4 commonly used and efficient fishing methods, learn one and you can connect the rod

3. Dip rice fishing

Dipping rice fishing is mainly used for crucian carp and carp fishing, but it is mostly used for crucian carp fishing. Although crucian carp in summer is not so easy to catch, after all, crucian carp is widely distributed and has a large number, and it is still the main target fish for many anglers, and there are not many big fish, and it is difficult to catch. Summer crucian carp fishing usually requires choosing a cool, deep-water area, preferably with obstacles. Generally, it is fishing for the shady side of the reeds, or for the crevices of lotus leaves, as well as in the shade of trees and under bridges. If the area is too shallow, the water temperature will be too high. There are two main ways to play dipping rice fishing, using three shakes or maltose, it is more recommended to use maltose, the taste is more pure, although the bait is not as good as shaking three times in the water, but the effect is better.

Wild fishing for big fish in summer, 4 commonly used and efficient fishing methods, learn one and you can connect the rod

Fourth, the rock pole is slippery

Rock rod drifting can actually be regarded as a lazy fishing method, and the biggest feature is that you don't need to bring too much equipment, which is also very suitable for hot summer. If you bring a bunch of large bags and small bags, you will be exhausted and out of breath before you reach the water's edge. Rock rod slipping is more versatile, because it can be used as a hand rod or as a throwing rod, it can be near or far, and it can be used to fish floats or bottoms. You can hang live bait to fish for warped mouths, you can hang corn to fish for grass carp, and there are more target fish for you. If you want to be lighter, Lua is a good choice. The combination of the drifting fishing rig is relatively simple, and there are three key accessories. One is to block the space beans that move down the float seat to prevent the long-range throw from hitting the float on the plumb sinker and strand. The second is to block the stall beans of the floating seat. The third is the cotton knot that blocks the beans, this is because the cotton knot cannot block the float seat, but it can block the beans, so that the float can only slide between the space beans and the cotton knot, and adjust the water depth of fishing through the cotton knot.

Wild fishing for big fish in summer, 4 commonly used and efficient fishing methods, learn one and you can connect the rod

Use cotton knots instead of using space beans, this is because cotton knots do not affect the outgoing and take-up threads, which space beans are incomparable to. Please pay attention to the collection and like, update on time every day, thank you fishing friends!