
I have a high school girl who is beautiful, but she is in her thirties and not yet married. Once she asked me out to dinner, I went. What happened afterwards surprised me a little. My name is Li Lei,

author:The savings card is going home

I have a high school girl who is beautiful, but she is in her thirties and not yet married. Once she asked me out to dinner, I went. What happened afterwards surprised me a little.

My name is Li Lei, 30 years old, a programmer in a technology company, with a monthly salary of 35,000. I have my own house and car and my life is wealthy. I was married once, but because I was too busy at work and didn't have time to care about my wife, my wife cheated on other men and ran away.

After this incident, I feel that it is not only for work, but sometimes for life. So I changed companies and the workload was significantly reduced. Although my salary has dropped to 20,000 yuan a month, it is enough for me to live. And I also have a lot of private time.

I have a high school girl named Rebecca and she looks beautiful. She was a girl in our class at the time, but for some reason she never got married. Someone said she once had a crush on a man. Later, when the man got married, Rebecca's heart died, so she decided not to marry for the rest of her life. But these are rumors. I don't know if they're true or not.

My relationship with Rebecca is not great, but it's ok. It is often possible to chat online and talk about topics that are not salty or salty. I just got off work today. Yan He called and said she would invite me to dinner. I agree to remember how to invite me to dinner. She said you'd meet me, so I didn't ask any more questions and just walked away.

Rebecca didn't invite guests at the restaurant outside, but asked me to go to her house. Rebecca is a financial company with a monthly salary of several thousand yuan, but her father is a coal mine owner and is very rich. Rebecca doesn't live with her parents, so she bought a house outside with a fairly fancy fit.

Rebecca was busy in the kitchen while the other girl sat on the couch watching TV. Rebecca said it was her best friend, Jane, who had just returned from overseas. Let's talk first, and she'll be ready to eat soon.

I'm introverted and not good at words, so sitting next to Jane, she's a bit reserved. Jane has a cheerful personality and generously chats with me about topics that interest me, which makes me like Jane very much.

Rebecca made four dishes and a bowl of soup and looked good. The three of us also drank a bottle of red wine, and the atmosphere was still warm. Although I was a little confused, Rebecca asked me what I meant. But in front of Jane, I didn't ask much. After dinner, the two ladies cleaned up the table, and then Rebecca pulled out the birthday cake. Rebecca smiled and said, Today is Jane's birthday, I think the two of them are too deserted, so call you over.

I suddenly realized that this was the truth. I put the candle on the cake and lit it with a lighter. Rebecca went to turn off all the lights in the house, and the house suddenly darkened. The three of us gathered around the cake, swaying in the candlelight. All three of us were smiling and singing happy birthday songs together. Finally, Jane made a wish, blew out the candles, and the house suddenly darkened.

Suddenly someone took my hand and shoved a ball of paper into my hand. As strange as I was, I quietly slipped the paper ball into my pants pocket.

Rebecca asked me to take Jane home. As a man, of course I have an unshirkable responsibility. Jane is not far from home, only 20 minutes by car. Jane said thank you for attending her birthday and I said I was honored. Jane asked me if I had a girlfriend. I said no, but she said Rebecca. Pretty good. With her for so many years, you can try to get involved with her. I had to smile and say yes.

When I got home, I took out the paper ball in my pocket and wrote: Li Lei, will you marry me? I'll wait for your news before 12 o'clock tonight, otherwise, I'll pretend nothing happened. It was already half past eleven. I sat on the couch and meditated for a long time. At about 12 o'clock, I took out my mobile phone and sent a message to Ho Rebecca: I would like to marry you!

But it wasn't until 12 o'clock that Rebecca didn't hear back again, and I was a little nervous. The next Saturday, I was too sleepy. When I heard someone knocking on the door, I walked slowly and opened the door. I found Rebecca standing outside the door with a strange expression on her face. I started asking. What are you doing here so early? Rebecca didn't say a word, pushed me away, and went straight into the room.

I closed the door, followed her, and sat down on the couch with her. I looked at her, she looked at me, and no one spoke. After a long time, Rebecca said, why did you marry me? Didn't you propose to me? Now it's your turn to ask. Women are strange animals. But it can also be used as a reserve. I thought about it and looked closely at Rebecca because I thought we were a good fit. While we won't have great love, it will be strong if we're together.

After all, we know. You know it's good for you. Wang Yan nodded, bit his lip, and said, "Okay, we'll get the permit on Monday." I smiled and agreed.

Rebecca and I had a wedding and Jane came. She smiled and wished us good luck, and then secretly said to me when Rebecca wasn't paying attention, I've stuffed the paper balls into you. I was shocked.

It turns out that Jane and Rebecca are good girlfriends. When Jane learned that Rebecca had a crush on me all along and that I was leaving, she thought of such a proposition. Jane is a cheerful character, and it's normal to do this kind of thing. But that's okay. The important thing is that I was happy after my marriage to Rebecca and didn't tell her about the paper ball. Let it be a sweet secret! Are you right? #情感 #

@small z. Ah Zhen is a good girlfriend. She knows Rebecca has always had you in her heart. She's sorry you're married, but you're divorced now. Ah Zhen felt that this was an opportunity to hint at you during the dark period of her birthday. She's a matchmaker for both of you. Ah Zhen is a good friend who can make a lot of friends. I hope you will be happier and happier in the future.

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