
What is it like to give up the city life and run to the countryside to become a farmer?

author:Zi Ni

In the busy urban life, we have to wake up every day to the urging of the alarm clock, and drag the unawakened body to squeeze into the crowded subway, numbly brush the mobile phone, hurriedly punch in before going to work, and then leave work with a tired body. We work hard in the workplace interpersonal relationships, learn to fake smiles, learn to fit in, only in the middle of the night after work or occasional leisure time, can we leave a little spare time for ourselves, the adults who are wrapped up in heavy pressures, simply need to be cured, we need to stop busy steps, to feel the spring wind, summer rain, autumn frost and winter snow, to find the true beauty of life in ordinary days.

What is it like to give up the city life and run to the countryside to become a farmer?

Leave the city and go wild

The Japanese movie "Mr. Tom in the Mountains" is for you who need to be "healed", this film is unfolded with a cat named Sam, with mountains, fields, villages and other elements, creating a "landscape pastoral" like retreat life for us, the film is still played by the Japanese "healing department" actress Satomi Kobayashi, if the roles played by Satomi Kobayashi are connected, it can basically be summarized as "Urban Women's Independent Life Guide", different from the urban entrepreneurial women in "Seagull Canteen", "Bread and Soup and Cats" In "Mr. Tom in the Mountains", Satomi Kobayashi has shifted all the focus of her life to the countryside, and the flower played by Satomi Kobayashi, in addition to completing the work in the city, is working with friends such as Ah Shi, however, this seemingly simple and simple life has been disrupted by the arrival of rat infestation.

What is it like to give up the city life and run to the countryside to become a farmer?

Toshimi Kobayashi

With the help of their neighbors, a rat catcher appears in their lives, Tom, and Mr. Tom, as a witness to the life of the mountains, accompanies Hua and Ah Shi to live an idyllic life.

What is it like to give up the city life and run to the countryside to become a farmer?

The yard farms flowers and a time

What is it like to give up the city life and run to the countryside to become a farmer?

Mousetrap officer – Tom

What is it like to give up the city life and run to the countryside to become a farmer?

Enjoy a delicious meal with the neighbor couple

This film does not have a ups and downs of the plot, the whole film is in a calm rhythm, slowly staged in our hearts to live, it seems to say nothing, and as if to say something, many lines in the film, are worth our careful experience:

1. "After this life, we feel that the land is really great, and when the seeds are sown, new life will be born, and we who live there will be surrounded by the reinforced concrete of the metropolis all day long, and we who live there naturally think that we will live there until the end of life." ”

2, "I originally thought that if I didn't do hard and troublesome things, I would be in a good mood, to be honest, this probably made me more miserable, and living itself is a fun and hard thing." ”

3, "Nothing can go smoothly at once, there will be a lot of failures in farming, not everything can go smoothly, but it's also fun isn't it?!" If you only focus on what is in front of you, but you can't see anything, if you look at the long term, sometimes you can see what is in front of you, and you can be in a daze. ”

4, "Man, even if the academic performance is not good, it does not matter, it does not matter if you lose your job early, but for what you want to do, you must do the end, if you give up halfway, will not you feel bored?!" ”

5, "Optimistic people see the doughnut itself, and pessimistic people see the hole in the donut." ”

6) "With freedom, with books, with flowers, with the moon, will anyone be happy because of these beings?" ”